
Soul Land 2: Body Sect

A soul was brought to the Douluo Continent by the planet's consciousness to free itself from Tang San. Du Qianjue: "You, Tang San, want to make the Douluo Continent your backyard? Dream on!" If you want to read the chapters in advance and support me, here is my Patreon. patreon.com/cortez10

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116 Chs

Chapter 101: Du Busi: ?

Chapter 101: Du Busi: ?

"This life force..."

Wang Xian'er was greatly astonished. Her Healing Angel spirit, cultivated in a unique way compared to other spirit masters, didn't just accumulate spirit power but transformed vast amounts of life force to elevate her spirit power. This was why she, a healing spirit master, could break through to become a Super Douluo—a feat most healers barely dream of reaching Titled Douluo status like the elder from Shrek's Sea God Pavilion.

Was it lack of talent or resources from Shrek? Neither. The hurdle for healing spirit masters to become Super Douluos was simply too high. Thanks to her ability to convert life force into spirit power, Wang Xian'er could easily upgrade her spirit power levels by absorbing massive amounts of life force. However, after reaching Super Douluo, finding sufficiently pure life force that could help her advance became impossible.

And now, Du Qianjue's Life Gold appeared.

As is well-known, Life Gold is a solid form of the most purified essence of life force. What could be more perfect for Wang Xian'er than Life Gold? Nothing!

If Du Qianjue's piece of Life Gold were given to Wang Xian'er, she could easily reach the peak of Super Douluo without any bottleneck!

However, Du Qianjue obviously wouldn't be so generous. Just giving her one ten-thousandth, considering their old acquaintance through Du Busi, was already quite generous. But even this tiny fraction allowed Wang Xian'er to advance a whole level!

After her life aura settled, Wang Xian'er's spirit power reached level 96. Feeling the surge of life force within, she couldn't help but smile wryly, "I thought I'd owe you a favor, but instead, I now owe your great-grandson a favor."

"His help was immense..."

Du Busi was taken aback, not quite grasping the situation. Thinking carefully, he soon realized. Knowing Wang Xian'er's spirit's nature to convert life force to spirit power, and connecting it to Du Qianjue's Life Gold in his brow, Du Busi easily guessed that Du Qianjue had transferred some of Life Gold's power to Wang Xian'er to help her advance.

"This kid..." Du Busi chuckled, thinking Du Qianjue was just trying to curry favor with Wang Xian'er—who wouldn't want to have a healer on their side?

So, he wasn't really upset about the gift. And considering the amount was not that large, Du Busi was even less concerned.

"Please thank him for me, I won't stay any longer. I need to absorb this life force quickly. It not only instantly elevated me to level 96, but there's still a massive amount of life force left to absorb," Wang Xian'er looked at Du Qianjue much more warmly and intimately. "This power should allow me to break through to level 97 and even help me overcome the level 98 bottleneck, possibly allowing me to see the path to the limits."

"This favor, I will remember!" Wang Xian'er's expression was serious as she looked at Du Busi.

"It's no bother; that gold was Du Qianjue's to use as he wished. You don't need to thank me," Du Busi waved his hand dismissively.

Wang Xian'er smiled faintly, not saying much more, and disappeared from the spot. She needed to retreat quickly to integrate the life force. As for thanking him, there would be plenty of time in the future. As a healing-type Titled Douluo with tremendous life force, even at only level 95, her lifespan could match that of an Extreme Douluo. If she could break through to level 98 or even reach the limits, she might become one of the longest-lived human spirit masters on Douluo Continent.

There was always time to repay this favor.

What Du Qianjue didn't know was Wang Xian'er's thoughts. If he did, he'd probably suggest, "Why bother returning the favor? Just marry Du Busi..."

If Wang Xian'er really married Du Busi, Du Qianjue would immediately offer one-tenth of his Life Gold as a dowry to help her break through to her limits...

With such a large portion of Life Gold, he wouldn't even mind; if he ran out, he could always get more from the Star Dou Forest.

That Golden Tortoise wasn't a bad fit for his second spirit ring either, despite being only two hundred thousand years old. It was a symbol of fortune and also contained a sizable amount of Life Gold.

Securing this Life Gold was definitely on Du Qianjue's agenda. Gifting a fraction of his Life Gold to Wang Xian'er didn't bother him; instead, it might secure a super healer, almost as good as Bichi, and find a companion for the solitary Du Busi.

It was a win-win!

Du Qianjue was already considering how to "sell" Du Busi to Wang Xian'er.

Meanwhile, Du Busi, acting as Du Qianjue's protector, suddenly felt an itch in his nose, as if he was about to sneeze.

"That's odd, why would I feel like sneezing? I'm already at the limits of a Douluo, shouldn't be happening..." Du Busi muttered, rubbing his nose. "Could it be that little trash Xuan Zi, cursing me after I chopped off his hand? Must be it. Wait till I visit Shrek Academy next time, he's in for a treat..."

A big misunderstanding thus landed squarely on Xuan Zi's shoulders.

The next day, Du Qianjue opened his eyes, exhaling deeply. Normally, his injuries would have taken a couple of days to heal with the Life Gold alone, but with Wang Xian'er's help, the intensified life force had him fully healed overnight.

That's the benefit of possessing Life Gold—not only does it significantly extend life, but it also accelerates healing to an astonishing degree.

After recovering, Du Qianjue enjoyed a thorough bath and a hearty meal at the hotel's restaurant, fully revitalized for the upcoming match at the Dio Academy's conference room.

For others, the previous night was just an extravagant auction witnessing a dragon pill worth 1.8 billion gold soul coins. But for Du Qianjue, it was his first real battle. Compared to that, today's competition seemed almost trivial.