
soul land . with immortal system

Leon died in earth and somehow arrived in soul land and awakened a power full martial soul immortal body and system with this two goldfinger he will conquer the mainland

Tahir_Ali_4041 · Derivados de juegos
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2 Chs


Chapter two ; gift pack

after he take out soul crystal and said " placed your hand on it

after hearing this i put my hand on it and crystal chrak and shatered

soul master and onlookers were very shoked watching this

soul master look at me and said " do you want to join soul hall

i though for moment and said " yes i want

after hearing this soul master was happy after some talk with village head he bring me to soul city

after arriving at soul city he bring me to popo palace reaching thier he bow to door and saod

" i want audiance with her majasty

and gate of pope hall open we entered and soul master master bow to the throne and said

" your majesty this child has very unique martial soul and innate soul power please chack it"

pope look at me and said" child you main your martial soul

i look at her pondering this woman is very beatifull and powerfull and have bery crual fate.

after not getting my answer she seems displeased and raised her voice: child i said your your

martial soul

[ gain 1000 e.v point ]

after hearing system notifaction i was secratly happy and started bibi dong seem un happly

i quikly raised my hand shouted " martial soul possession"

after shouting my body got glowed in gold colour and dragon like scale apear with

dragon roar and oppresive aura on presenting soul masters

after seeing this they were shoked and fearful because thier martial soul were kind

of shivering bibi dong also feel same as them

she look at me and said" will you become my disicple"

i look at her suprised i did not expect this i hurriedly noded" disicple accept

hearing this she seems to be happy and said " what is your name

Lean" my name is Leon teacher'

bibi dong " every go to your work now and leon come with mw

after hearing her order every one return to thier work

and me and bibi dong was going to backward of pope palace and

after walking for while we arrived at house she look at me and said

" little le you will live here with me and your senior sister okey find your room and rest

tommarow we will go to star dou forest and hunt your first soul rind

hearing this i noded and said" teacher when elder was awakening my martial soul

and after chacking my soul powe that crystal shattered why is like this tacher"

listening me she was shoked and bring another crystal and said " put your hand on it

after puttiing my hand on it to show 20 light dots

bibi dong " innate 20 soul power this is like xier'e

she look at me and smile patted my head and said" dont worry your innate soul power is level 20

you can gain 2 soul rings okey now sleep well we will go tommarow for your soul ring

after she left i found my room and lying on bad i said open my gift pack

[ gift pack from goddess has been open

host has gain hundredfold fold talent ]

hundredfold talent what is it system

[ host this is unique type of talant from goddess with this talent you can get hundredfold of everything ]

"shit if i open it earlier i can get hundredfold in e.v point what a waste

i open my status panal and got to system store and look at it

thier were lots of thing skills items any many others things like bloodine like martial soul and many things that are not

from this world but thier prise was also very expensive i look at for whil after noticing a search bar i type a eye skills

and there were thousands of eye skill i look at very familier which is sharigan

[ sharigen from naruto verse

e.v ponts { 100000 } ]

wow i want that very badly

after searching for a while i close system store and sleep on bed