
Soul Karmas (BL)

After Snow died, he was a rare soul karma that has been able to reach the requirement of balancing both of his Good and Bad Karma in his repeated reincarnations and has been granted a privelages to become a Granter, where he can travel different worlds fulfilling the departed souls wishes and regrets in their moment of deaths, along with his System Flake, the special soul that was born and exist for him. System Flake (Worried) : "What should we do Snow?" Host Snow (Confident): "Don't worry Flake, I got it all planned!" Clever calm blue eyes gaze on someone, "Look Flake, that person will be our cheat to make our mission easier, a gold thigh!" Mysterious person with a deep and profound gaze, stare at the person who suddenly appeared before him: "Oh? Come, come, I will take care of you." Later on... System Flake (Excited): "Snow, Flake found another gold thigh for you!" Host Snow: "..." What to do? His adorable Flake seemed to think that he could not complete his mission without a gold thigh? Urgent online! QQ Mysterious Person smile evilly: "Found you, you cant escape, I'll take care of you for eternity." Warning: Bl, boy love, don't read if you don't like it, thank you. Warning: Mature Contents later on~ LONG ARCS! Buy me Coffee? Appreciate it ^^ https://ko-fi.com/loveablechubby BTW! There Will Be Writing Mistakes, Spelling that will be accidentally Miss, and Grammars - Just want to let you know before you start reading it. IF You Don't Like it and Can't continue reading it because of the writing problems, Please Just Try To Be Respectful and Quietly Leave. Thank You. I, as the author knows the problem, but I want to continue writing, so thank you. More Writing Mistakes in the first chapters since it's my first time writing a story, so please be understanding. Rewriting/Editing Chapters Edit Chapters: 1-5 Proof/Editor: ShuanYe Chapter Updates: 1 Chapter minimum every day. If Not, then I am just too busy from work. To My Lovely Readers: Thank you very much for your supports! For taking the time to leave Likes, Reviews, and Comments! I really appreciate it! Its really very helpful and meant very much to me as it gives me great motivation and reminds me that I have readers that appreciate my novel, really Thank You! I wouldn't have done it without you guys with me! Recommending Soul Karmas is very much APPRECIATED! :D Discord: LoveableChubby#1263 https://discord.gg/2XXK28V Book Cover Commission Thanks to Lufi_ays If interested Check it out here: https://twitter.com/lufi_ays https://sketchmob.com/user-profile/Lufi_ays/ https://www.instagram.com/lufi_ays/

LoveableChubby · LGBT+
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420 Chs

Chapter 52 - Eh? What Did You Just Say?


Suddenly a loud blood curling scream of pain echoed out loudly as soon as Rong Nie manage to arrive at the entrance of the Moon Palace causing his young face to turn pale from fright because that has been the sound of his Imperial Uncle Xen screaming so loudly that it even reach at the gate of the Moon Palace.

Although Rong Nie has already prepared people when this day arrive to handle the birthing process of his Imperial Uncle Xen, he still felt extreme fear and nervous if something bad were to happen.

And even though his Imperial Uncle Chen can also help his Imperial Uncle Xen with giving birth their child, but Rong Nie still felt better if there are also another group of people helping in their side.

He know really well how high their guard up was to the other people beside the three of them.

So with a very scared and pale expression on his young face, Rong Nie finally manage to move again as soon as he heard of another bloody scream of pain of his usually strong and powerful Imperial Uncle Xen, causing him to dash madly to where the birthing process is currently happening.

"Please be safe Imperial Uncle Xen! Don't leave me all alone please..."

With a prayer, the young emperor desperately rash toward the direction of where the screaming has been coming from. 

"Love! It hurts!"

"Ah... Baby... Hang in there! Take a Deep breath! In and Out! In and Out!"

"Fuck that in and out! It remind me of the time when you have been coming in and out inside me nonstop! Ah!!!!"

Snow that has been experiencing the wonder of birthing was unable to stop himself from shouting vulgar words, whatever pain resistance that he has train himself with in the past life, this was something new that he hasn't experience since it has been impossible to begin with because Snow didn't have that ability in his past life.

As for the people within hearing area, everyone couldn't help but show a flush expression on their faces at the words that has been coming out in their honored and revered Regent King at the moment.

Rong Nie that has finally managed to arrived was just in time to hear his Imperial Uncle Xen embarrassing words causing him to stand frozen with a stupid expression on his young face just before the close door of where the Regent King has been giving birth to.

And somehow as he stand there completely paralyze, he was able to hear the miraculous sound of a bone breaking before the sound of a middle age woman has suddenly cry out in a shock loud voice.

"Ah! Your Highness Chen, your hand! Your Hand!"

The Young Emperor couldn't help but wince a bit, while behind him was the Veteran Royal Court Officials that was able to allowed inside to come close and enter the Moon Palace as they wait for the Regent King to finish giving birth.

And along with their Workaholic Emperor, everyone of them couldn't help but also wince when they also heard a bone breaking in their ears, although among them some couldn't help but nod their heads with a very understanding expression on their old face, specially when they heard the gentle coaxing voice of their Royal Highness Chen who ignored his currently broken hand from the raging Regent King that is experiencing the difficulty of giving birth into. 

"Shh... Its alright... Baby, come on. Here is another hand, come and break it if that will make you feel better."

"Ah... Love... your the best... I love you..."

With a somehow sobbing but affection voice of the Regent King, another loud crack soon echoed out after, followed by the other people inside the birthing room to cry in surprise. 

Despite the utter chaos, yes chaotic situation, Rong Nie Two Imperial Uncles somehow can still act intimately despite their current situation.

The Young Emperor and the Royal Court Officials showed an amazed look while they use their ears to know what is currently happening inside their birthing Regent King.

Unable to stand still any longer, the Young Emperor began to walk around with a nervous expression on his young face while the fear he felt has somehow lessen by the antics of his Two Imperial Uncles, although his red eyes widened with a bit of fear every single time that a loud shout of pain came out of his Imperial Uncle Xen mouth.

Minutes and Hours pass by, then the sound of a loud wail of a newborn child has suddenly echoed out loudly.

"Your Highness Congratulation! It is a healthy Baby boy!"

A middle age aunt has suddenly announce loudly with happiness and relief that her voice has been heard by the people that has been waiting outside the whole time.

"Baby! Good Job!"

Li Chen relief voice echoed out near the ear of the tired and panting Snow that has been laying down as he give birth, before warm large hand began to gently wipe the sweats on his forehead, beautiful face and slender neck.

"Imperial Uncles!"

Suddenly, a loud sound of a door opening echoed out causing the two of them to stare at the sudden appearance of the nervous and worried looking Young Emperor.

Although, he felt tired, Snow beckon with his small hand at the only relative that he cared about in this entire world to come closer while introducing their new member in the Rong Family.

"Here you go Little Nie.. A New Family Member... "


Rong Nie could only dumbly answer back while his red eyes seemed to water up a bit as he look at the newborn child with a funny looking appearance with his skin being dark red that has been offered for him to carry.

He is currently meeting a new member of their family, there was nothing that could describe the feeling that Rong Nie is currently experiencing at this moment.

"Hello We are y-..." 

However before Rong Nie could introduce himself to the newborn child that he has been holding on his hands, he couldn't help but turned his head around so swiftly to stare with wide eyes since he seemed to have heard something unbelievable words coming out from his Imperial Uncle Xen mouth.

"... Urg... Ah... Love... here come the another one..."

"Hahaha.." with a weak chuckle, even Snow couldn't help but give a teasing look at the expression of his Little Nephew.

"Baby! Here the medicine, come on and take it."

Li Chen has quickly gave a small ball of medicine to the tired and sweaty Snow with a concern and worried expression on his young handsome face before shooting the Young Emperor a look of 'get out'.

"Little Nie, take our son and go out so your Imperial Uncle Xen can give birth again."


Another Extra Chapter for reaching 400 Votes! My Day Off Today so I can write another one again! :D

Poor Snow... Poor Li Chen... Poor Little Nie...

Sigh... I really love writing about them... it made me even wonder why am I writing a system with world travelling when I can write a long one with this first Arc.


Anyway, Thank You My Loveable Readers for the Likes! Votes! Gifts and Comments!

Its December, a new month!

Peace Everyone V.

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