
Soul Deleter

Ayanokouji_kun · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Chapter 0 : Awakening ( Prologue )

35% of humankind are born with special ability, and they're called " Gifter".

July 5, 2005, the day of the Awakening of all "gifters", gifters all over the world began on rampaging, and that's because of the disaster of "Ability Overflow", the abilities of all gifters all over the world started overflowing or Out of control.

After the army of soldiers put down almost all of them, lives were sacrificed, the soil of the countries was divided, some sinked in the bottom of the ocean, and some of them were floating in the sky, when the gifter who made the soil float got put into rest, the falling soil cause a slight tsunami.

2015,January 5, the humankind finally rebuild their own fortress back, and the normal people and gifters were separated because of the harassment, hatred and fear of another one of that disaster, My mother was also a gifter and got caught up in that disaster, Up until now, I completely hidden that I have special ability or in short I live like a normal person who's originally a gifter, until an organization called "Gift Catcher org." this organization was suggested by the government to capture and restrain " wild gifters". " Wild Gifter", they are the ones that kill civilians or commit evil deed and make citizens suffer in any means possible, and it's obvious, its because of madness, hatred towards civilians, if your wondering why they hate civilians, it's because of the mistreatment of the civilians, because civilians pictures gifters as no emotion murderers, for me gifters also have emotions because they are humans after all.

I got spotted by the organization and got force to join because of my ability, I thought I was going to be restrained but it appears that this organization's employees are gifters, but it only makes sense that gifters are capturing gifters, because if they are only human it would be too hard.