
The Grove at Night pt.1

*+*+* Mild To Moderate Adult Content Warning*+*+*

If you aren't allowed to read such content or just don't want to, any important information will come up again later though in a somewhat different presentation.

You have been warned!





Angle didn't have much trouble leaving town in Alex's body. All the guards assumed Alex was out on Zeus's business and didn't want to hamper him.

She quickly made her way around the outer wall and once she got close to the compost processing area where all the waste is washed down to from the town, she turned and headed across the fields to Demeter's ambrosia grove. The trees were actually much larger than they looked to Alex from the middle of town. It was just their proportions that made them look smaller from further away with their thick trunks and long twisting branches.

As she reached the edge of the grove, she looked back and to her horror noticed a figure silhouetted by the light from the town following after her. She quickly hid behind the thick trunk of the nearest tree and peered around it to get a better look at her stalker.

["It's Zeus again!? This guy..."]

That was close. If Angel wasn't in dark clothing that blended in with the wet surroundings, she was certain Zeus would have already seen her. As it was, he must have followed her to the grove after his stop in the market. Angel decided to head further into the grove before she turned around to see if he was still pursuing her. To her surprise, she saw him also hiding behind a tree as a patrol passed by.

After the patrol was far enough away, Zeus darted from his hiding spot and passed close by the tree Angel was hiding behind. She let out a breath of relief as his figure moved further and further away. She decided to follow him from a distance as he headed deeper between the trees. When she was satisfied that Zeus wasn't actually after her, she split off in her own direction. If he was heading toward the center of the grove, she would want to stick closer to the edge.

She didn't get very much further before she heard a pair of voices that were only slightly muffled by the rain. She quickly pressed herself to the cool wet bark of the nearest tree trunk once again. Angel could hear them talking by the side of a nearby tree. As she peered around her current cover, she could see them from the side, framed between the trees. Their low voices were bouncing off the tree trunks just right for her to hear everything and she could see them fairly well because they weren't hiding in the shadows. The light from town wasn't very strong but to eyes adjusted to the gloom, it provided enough light to see even this far into the trees.

One was a male fawn with curly black hair on his head and down his shaggy goat legs. The other was a golden-skinned woman with beautiful platinum blond hair. The woman was loosening the strings of her soggy fabrics until she was half undressed while she watched her lover working to remove his own clothes.

"See I told you nobody would be around to bother us on a night like this." The male fawn said with triumphant glee. It was worth bribing his friends to overlook their romantic outing.

"Mmm, yeah and I love doing it outside in the rain. It feels so free and wild~" The golden skinned beauty spoke to her man in an airy voice as she slid the fabric down from her shoulders and revealed the perky tips of her glistening golden breasts.

"Let's make a little godling together darling." The fawn said as he put his arm around her waist and pulled her close so that bare skin softly slid against bare skin.

He leaned in and kissed her as she put her arms around his neck.

"Mmm~ I've always wanted a little lamb." The woman said passionately as she turned to lean forward against the tree. The glittering curve from the small of her back past her waist to beyond her golden hips was enough to tempt any mere mortal to their doom.

With a wicked smile, the male fawn swept her water soaked skirt completely out of the way to reveal the woman's glorious golden skin elegantly shimmering along her inner curves in the dim light from town.

"Oh~ you're my golden girl!" The fawn said and leaned forward before they began their wild lovers dance against the tree.

"Mhm~ and you're my black sheep~" She moaned pressing back against him.

""You make me feel so Ba~a~a~a~a~ad"" They both said together before their dialogue broke down into grunts, gasps, and moans.

Angel was transfixed with a lopsided grin and a furrowed brow on Alex's face as she stared at the two lovers. She was no stranger to making love but it had been many years since she'd last tasted that fruit for herself. Even though the dialogue between the two was so corny, she couldn't help but get caught up in watching their passionate movements and recall some of her favorite moments from the past with longing.

She finally realized what she was doing and shook her head in an attempt to clear it. The lovers were really going at it, making no attempt at keeping their voices down in the gloom of the grove.

["Woah, the rain really isn't dousing their heat at all is it?"] Angel commented in her head as she watched the two doing their best.


Not very far away in the grove, Zeus was irritably staring at some low hanging ambrosia. He could hear the lovers going at it which just peeved him. He felt it had been a little too long sing he last enjoyed himself in that way. Now he was having to be extra careful with an annoying house guest. Someday soon, he'd have to take the boy with him back to that one pleasure planet. If he could corrupt the boy, no, rather, if he could make the boy into his accomplice things would get much better for them both.

He had no idea that Angel was currently controlling Alex's body and that she was there in the grove at that time. Zeus had snuck out of town while avoiding all the guards and any other eyes that could tip Demeter off later so that he could grab some extra ambrosia. Ambrosia was one of his favorite snacks but its uses were many. It was especially powerful in godly medicine which was currently at a premium due to all the fighting. As such it was strictly rationed.

Normally there would be patrols of gardeners and tenders at all times but on a dark and rainy night, nearly all of them were at home. The few still on duty were focussing their patrols on the areas further away from town to ward against outsiders sneaking into the grove. During martial law, foreigners weren't allowed to travel beyond the port and trade cities but it wasn't unheard of for smugglers to ignore the travel restriction and make their way this far inland. One of their targets was the ambrosia grove and the local militia was always kept on guard to protect it.

Zeus was looking for a good sized fruit positioned just right. Before long, he found one with just enough stem showing. He looked around to make sure he was out of sight from outside the grove before he used a brief shot of lightning to knock the fruit down.

"I better be quick in case somebody saw that."


The two lovers going at it paused for a moment and Angel heard the man ask, "Did you hear a nearby lightning strike?"

"Mmm, yeah it sounded like it might have hit close to a tree."

"I'd better go check if there's a fire." The man said as he straightened up getting ready to leave.

"No, don't go. I'm sure the rain will be enough for any little fire among the weeds. I need you to deal with the fire burning in me~" She said as she dragged her man back down and locked her legs around his shaggy lower half.

"But-" He began, just as she promptly put her glittering finger against his lips and looked deeply into his eyes before kissing him, entangling her tongue around his.

She then pulled back, opened her sultry eyes and bit her luscious lip before speaking.

"Do me deeper~" She ordered with a breathy moan.

She got no further arguments as even the rain surrounding them turned steamy.

Angel realized that time was not on her side if someone else was going to investigate, so she quickly snuck away from the pair to find some low hanging fruit of her own.