
Soul's Vow

Monkybrain · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: A Glimpse into the Beyond

The sun peeked through Kaito's bedroom curtains, signaling the start of another day. The soft hum of the city outside provided a comforting backdrop as he groggily got out of bed, preparing for the day ahead.

After a quick shower and a simple breakfast, Kaito slung his backpack over his shoulder and headed to school. The morning air was crisp, and the bustling city seemed to come alive with the promise of a new day.

As Kaito strolled along the familiar path to school, he noticed a small bird perched on a nearby tree branch. Its feathers were vibrant, and it chirped happily, seemingly oblivious to the world around it. Suddenly, with a flutter of wings, the bird fell to the ground, lifeless.

Kaito froze, his eyes widening in surprise. He watched in shock as the bird's spirit, a delicate wisp of energy, ascended from its lifeless body. It was a sight that defied explanation, and Kaito couldn't shake the feeling that he was witnessing something beyond the realm of the ordinary.

Shaking off the strange encounter, Kaito continued on his way to school. The city's rhythm enveloped him, the chatter of pedestrians and the distant hum of traffic creating a backdrop to the events unfolding in his mind.

Upon reaching the school gates, Kaito spotted Hiroshi, his boisterous friend, waiting with a grin that seemed to stretch from ear to ear. "Kaito, my man! You won't believe the plans I have for summer vacation!" Hiroshi's enthusiasm was infectious, momentarily pushing aside the strange events of the morning.

Kaito chuckled, "Yeah, let's make it a summer to remember." As they walked into the school together, Hiroshi continued sharing his elaborate plans, the two friends immersed in the excitement.

Classes passed in a blur, with Kaito finding solace in the familiar routine of school life. He settled into the last bench, staring out of the window as the teacher droned on about algebra. Outside, the city sprawled before him, a canvas of skyscrapers and bustling streets.

Unbeknownst to Kaito, his tall stature and handsome features had caught the attention of some girls in the class. They whispered and giggled, stealing glances in his direction. Kaito, lost in thought, remained oblivious to the subtle admiration around him.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the lesson. Kaito gathered his belongings and joined the flow of students heading to the cafeteria. The aroma of cafeteria food filled the air as he made his way through the crowded hallways.

Spotting his female friend, Yuki, Kaito waved. Yuki, with her energetic personality, bounded over, throwing an arm around Kaito. "Hey, boyfriend!" she declared, much to the amusement of their classmates.Yuki, with her vibrant personality and infectious energy, was a burst of light in Kaito's life. Her eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint, reflecting a spirit that embraced every moment with enthusiasm. Her laughter, a melody that could lift anyone's spirits

Kaito chuckled, "You know we're just friends, right?" Yuki winked, "Sure, sure. Let's grab lunch together!" The trio found an empty table, and laughter filled the air as they shared stories and jokes, momentarily pushing aside the oddity of the morning.

The school day came to an end, and Kaito, Hiroshi, and Yuki exited the building together. The sun dipped lower in the sky, casting long shadows across the school courtyard.

As they walked home, Yuki teased Kaito about being a heartthrob. "I bet half the girls in school have a crush on you," she laughed. Kaito blushed, brushing off the attention. The trio's banter continued, the city's evening lights beginning to flicker to life.

Approaching a busy road crossing, Yuki playfully leaped ahead, swinging her arms to catch up. Suddenly, the world shifted in an instant. The screech of tires, the blare of a horn, and a sickening thud filled the air as a truck collided with Yuki.

Time seemed to freeze as Kaito and Hiroshi watched in horror. Yuki lay on the pavement, blood staining the asphalt. The world spun, and Kaito's mind struggled to process the unfolding tragedy.

"Hang on, Yuki!" Hiroshi shouted, rushing to her side. Panic set in as bystanders called for help, and the distant wail her pierced the air.Kaio in horror leap toward her.

Yuki loses blood and dies.