

In a world where elves and monsters exist humans are not at the top of the food chain. The strong oppress the weak. Magic is common and violence is rampant. She is Speranza a normal girl of the three realms having a stronger magical bloodline, as well as, her looks being divine, her magical power being stronger than most sorcerers. Enough to label her a genius. Fire red hair just like her temper, untamable, free-spirited and headstrong with a naive touch. A unique outlook of helping the weak people even if it's a one-way feeling He his the underworld general. A dark elf from the abyss. Gone on a mission on the surface to mark and explore key locations. He is ruthless, heartless and has no pity for the weak and would let them die without batting an eyelash. But his blood-red eyes only have her inside them. For her, whether it's angels, demons or dragons he will slaughter who or whatever crosses his path. A certain annoyed girl. "You why are you not doing anything?" A certain blackhearted general. "Because they are worthless." A certain annoyed girl. "Fine, I don't need your help anyway." A certain displeased general grits his teeth and follows the certain annoying girl...

Foxythefox · Fantasía
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95 Chs

Take it as a betrothal gift.

He did not interrupt the girl as she then said where everything needed to be placed.

She asked. "Make two closet in the master room one slightly bigger with weapon racks and armour stands." She had a small permanent smile on her lips telling how she felt happy and carefree.

While one was not much bigger it clearly was being designed for a warrior.

She then added.

"It also would need to have two chests for miscellaneous items those chest need to be inborn to the haul of the ship so they will not fall or slide. The racks as well need to be solidly pinned into the haul of the ship, after all, we don't want to see weapons flying…"

Soon he, however, moved close enough to look at the plans at that time Speranza saw him by the corner of her eye and friendly smiled to him.

"Dravick any suggestion for a man like my husband wardrobe organization also its settlement?"

She asked him with amiability in her expression as if she was addressing to a family member.

Dravick smiled after all he was convinced that this girl asked advice and did not want to try and make life tricky for him or his newly sworn brother.

She even appeared to have accepted her lot, while he was a little resentful not possessing her for his own he likewise felt it was good if it was that permanent bachelor.

Being the bloody lunatic that he was a top also being a warmonger if she could settle him a bit, it might make him a little more manageable for him and his imperial brother...

Reflecting a bit he said.

"How about a place to put his liquors? Or the nightly playthings he might wish to use?" The last he had spoken only to make her blush and also mess with her a little.

Her face turned scarlet her brain could not process the thought nightly toys? What was that?

She might not know what they looked like but could well guess the uses of such things.

Seeing her priceless naive look being so flustered and shy he burst into a roaring laugh.

This girl he found her too amusing, as well as, adorable.

He pats her head lightly his eyes overflowing with merriment, smirking like he had made a good prank and would wait for the good show.

"You should ask him to show you what they are if you are curious I'm sure he would be delighted."

He added oil to the blaze her shade got even deeper as even her ears turned bright as well.

"Timara, I hope you're serving your new mistress well." He said before he took his leave, He had perceived on how the girl kept staring at the sister-in-law that Arkalat chose.

After all, even if he was not the one closer to him. As a now vowed brother to him, he still had to look out for his chosen partner.

Especially since he did mind to do so quite liking the girl himself.

Timara could not get the reasoning behind the question and continued to fantasize.

She was looking at the wide area as she followed behind she spoke to Speranza.

"Mistress may I humbly suggest joining both the Nursery with the toy room making it bigger."

Her thought was don't waste space for my storage that I will need later. As if I will let you bore a child for the general you meek woman. I will make sure he abandon both you and that child! Everything you possess I will take… her eyes transpired her wickedness.

Speranza considered for a moment then said.

"But would it not then be very serious if the games and toys started to fly around during a storm at sea? While if they are in a separate chamber there is limited to no danger of being bumped or slammed by them."

As much as she would fancy a spacious room the security of the child might depend on this choice alone.

She did not take the safety of her unborn child lightly.

Cursing her inside Timara thought she needs to first get rid of the child. It would likely abruptly create a small exploitable rift between the two if she had a miscarriage.


Arkalat silently made his way behind his cute little bride, his inaudible approach had frightened both Timara and Speranza.

The other servant had little to no reactions only standing as long as she was not summoned upon she remained like a statue making her not much more than a living decoration that followed Speranza around.

Seeing his cute wife never tasked her servant with anything he was under the impression she was dissatisfied with them.

"My love you should let the servants handle a bit of the matter, especially those that do not require your explicit attention."

He said tenderly leaning to kiss her forehead he believed by asking this she would voice whatever was amiss.

"I forget." She said quietly. "I just prefer to do my own things."

With doting in his voice he touched her chin lifting it up carefully so their gaze would meet.

"You should use them after all if they are of no value they don't require to be here."

He glanced at Timara as his face shifted austerely.

;) third of the day ;) one more? (acts brazenly like a naughty little tease)

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