

"Graffius, my son. Can you hear my voice?" Anteris murmured, as he leaned over the son he had seen for the first time in years, mere hours ago. Graffius' features mirrored Anteris' own, with a heavy brow that shadowed his green eyes, and the strong jaw that he shared with the royals of Ursten.

"Grand Admiral, he's unconscious, I gave him a sleeping tincture, he won't be awake for a at the very least a few hours. His body needs to rest, the wound he sustained was serious. A hair's breadth more and there would be no saving him, but from what I hear Boson turned his axe aside at the last moment, that may have been what saved him." Quercus said softly as he walked over to Anteris, laying a comforting hand on his shoulder.