
Sorcerer in The Multiverse

A foreign soul attempts to reincarnate as Yuta Okkutsu. but merges with him instead in the Jujutsu Universe... As Jujutsu High's Prodigy and Last Hope, Yuta will single handedly vanquish all the enemies, because in this story, he's the MC! But after a crazy turn of events, Yuta somehow ends up with the ability to traverse the Multiverse at the end, indicating his new journey as a Sorcerer... How will Yuta come on top in the Jujutsu Verse!? Toon in and find out! _______________________________________ First World: Jujutsu Kaisen I'm only posting this for fun so don't expect much consistency. And beware JJK manga spoilers! So if you haven't read the manga, read at your own discretion.

SIeepyDreamerr · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
2 Chs

Yuta Okkutsu

It was nighttime, and down on the Pacific Ocean, a freight ship could be seen carrying dozens of cargo containers under the glistening moon.

And on one certain blue container, a young black haired man wearing a white jacket with black pants could be seen sitting down on the ledge relaxing.

[Insert Image]

There was a thin blue bag laying down next to him, seemingly a katana box.

Exhaling a cool breath, his usual dead eyes traced over the moonlit ocean, 'This still feels surreal...'

The young man thought back on the past few hours, at how he was suddenly reincarnated in the Jujutsu verse as Yuta Okkutsu and merged with his supposed soul.

It was a weird feeling, he was Yuta, yet he was also not Yuta.

Nevertheless, he quickly accepted reality as he was in a world where beings could level a city with ease, or kill the entire human population on a whim.

But his eyes held bitterness as he glanced down at his ring-less hand, thinking on the recent event that just happened.

Unfortunately he had to eliminate Rika as she accused him of not being her Yuta, causing them to fight in a very close battle, until ultimately he came to be the victor.

On the positive side, he retained his copying capabilities, and his cursed energy increased to even greater heights, as he presumed she was somehow absorbed by him.

Once merging, his body forcefully changed it's physiology, as he retained the same stature, but his muscles were denser, which he surmised was that he became a hybrid of sorts, something akin to Itadori.

He clenched the slim katana box beside him, 'I need to hurry and get there before it's too late...'

While the new him seemed much more apathetic and different from the previous Yuta, he still cared about his own life, and knew that if he let Sukuna or Kenjaku run amok, things would be problematic for the world.

So as soon as he accepted himself as Yuta, there was no hesitation as he rushed to the next boat, in an attempt to get to Shibuya on time, and his goal was to stop Gojo from getting imprisoned, which was why currently he was on the freight ship.

'If Gojo doesn't get prisoned, then those damn curses don't stand a chance, especially when we add me and the other Special Grades to the mix.' He thought inwardly with cold eyes, and even if Gojo was already imprisoned, he was confident he could at least defeat Kenjaku by himself, or with the help of others.

Yuta even attempted to call anyone there, but unfortunately no one answered, as he believed a barrier was already set to block out all communications.

He slowly closed his eyes and inwardly imagined a non-existent system as a way to organize his abilities in his head.


|List of Copied Skills|

- Copied Skill 1: [Cursed Speech]

- Copied Skill 2: [Empty Slot]

- Copied Skill 3: [Empty Slot]


He could copy only 3 skills at a time under certain conditions which needed to be met.

And once he copy's an ability he can't simply discard it, rather he'll be stuck with it for life unless something changes, so he'd have to be careful on what he decides to copy.

Yuta's usual dead eyes narrowed as he took sight of the dark landscape in the distance with dim lights on the shores.

'I'm here, time to get started...'

Grabbing his boxed katana, he then hopped off the ledge of the container without hesitation, directly toward the vast water below.

He felt the wind rush against his face as he fell casually, and just as he was inches away from water, he instantly enveloped his feet in cursed energy.


Rather then submerging into the water, his figure easily landed on the calm waters with a slight splash.

Yuta then calmly hunched over in a running posture as he pressed his feet against the water, before focusing an immense burst of cursed energy into them.

His figure shot forward at inhumane speeds as his feet became a blur while running so fast.


A powerful sonic boom abruptly went off behind him as the water exploded, indicating he was going beyond the speed of sound.

His small figure could be seen zooming across the water under the shining moon as he raced to Shibuya.


[Kenjaku POV]

Down at the Shibuya Station filled with panicked civilians, a certain man could be seen.

This was Kenjaku in his usual shrine outfit sitting down with crossed legs as he gazed at the small box in front of him.

[Insert Image]

They had just imprisoned Satoru Gojo in the Prison Realm, but the small box wouldn't move until it took some time for it to fully process him, so currently he had to stay back and protect it until further notice.

'My plans are slowly blooming into place, all that's left is the Culling Games, and to get Sukuna's fingers...' He inwardly thought with a creepy smile.

Until abruptly...


Suddenly the roof caved in with a loud booming noise as debris and smoke spread everywhere.

Kenjaku's eyes widen in surprise as he swiftly stood up and raised his hand to cover his face from the shockwave, "Tch! What the hell?!"

A cloud of smoke shrouded the previous position of the box as Kenjaku warily backed up, a serious look on his face for the first time.

"You... Yuta Okkutsu?" He questioned darkly as Yuta's standing figure emerged from on top of the crumbled stone debris as he held his Cursed Katana in his hand.

Yuta smirked, "I would say it's nice meeting you again, but your not Suguru Geto, are you?" He nonchalantly twirled his sword as he looked down at Kenjaku with his cold black eyes.

Kenjaku's eyes narrowed once observing Yuta's figure, 'He shouldn't be here this early, this only means he was somehow warned beforehand... But how? Not to mention he seemed to instantly recognize I wasn't Suguru Geto, how is that possible?' His brain came up with dozens of answers, but none seemed conclusive, before he finally decided to ask a question.

"Yuta Okkutsu, might I ask how you appeared earlier then intended?"

Yuta's smirk didn't leave his lips as he answered, "Well it seems I was magically enlightened by God himself."

Kenjaku smiled amusedly, "Is that so? I never thought you were one to joke in these type of situations... It seems you changed a lot."

Yuta chuckled, "I'm also far stronger compared to before." His eyes then turned cold.

"Wait a minute-"

Kenjaku's tried to speak, but his eyes widened once again as Yuta's figure suddenly vanishes and instantly reappears in front of him with his blade in a horizontal slashing motion.

He quickly bent backwards in a 90 degrees angle as he watched Yuta's sword which seemed to be enveloped in curse energy slowly zoom past over his face, inches away from cutting his nose.

A wave of blue cursed energy exploded out from the edge of the blade as it crashed against the wall behind Kenjaku.


Shibuya station shuddered dangerously under the torrent of cursed energy as Yuta watched Kenjaku calmly dash back.

Kenjaku himself had an unconcerned smile, but consequently blood would drip from the top of his forehead.

'I barely dodged it, not to mention the immense power behind his cursed energy is dangerous. I underestimated his power, but it's still not out of calculations, regardless, whether I can defeat him or not remains to be seen...' The top of his head continued to leak blood as he pondered on his situation.

"We can't talk it out?" He asked nonchalantly.

Yuta lightly laughed but it was rather devoid of emotion, "You think you can desecrate my Sensei's Best friend's body, and get away with it? Good luck with that."

Kenjaku didn't seem surprised at his reactions, and not even a few seconds later, a few figures rushed down into the train station from the stairs behind him.

A certain patch-faced cursed spirit, another one with a volcano head, and a black haired one.

"We heard a commotion-" Mahito abruptly stopped talking as he stared dumbfounded toward Yuta's figure.

Jogo who was beside Mahito had a frown etched on his face as he commented, "Who the hell is this guy?"

Choso who was subsequently behind the two, looked at Rimuru with furrowed brows, "And where the hell is all his cursed energy coming from?"

Kenjaku shook his head, "You guys should already know of Special Grade Sorcerer, Yuta Okkutsu. He is toted as having the most cursed energy in Jujutsu Society, and is a pupil to Satoru Gojo himself. Adding to the fact that he was able to injure me, should already demonstrate how powerful he is. I'm warning you three to not underestimate him."

The three were surprised as they finally got a look on his bloodied face, before nodding seriously as they looked forward.

Yuta had a relaxed expression as he recognized some of them from his memories, 'If I'm right, they should be Mahito, Jogo, Choso, and the most dangerous one is...' His gaze ended on Kenjaku's still figure, noticing his power.


What are yall thoughts! 
