
More Mistakes!!!

Chapter Five:More Mistakes!!!

Sophy covered her mouth with her two hands still staring at Harry.

What on earth had she done? Was she out of her senses? Yes she must be out of her senses. It hurt her really much not because she had kissed her teacher but because she had actually kissed a vampire. A non human. A monster. She hated herself.

What will Precious and Cleo think of her, that she was nothing but a slut. It would have made sense if it was a movie but it wasn't. What was she even thinking of in the first place, he had warned her. Why then did she still stay in his bedroom? Her eyeballs was swollen red. Then she couldn't help it she busted out crying.

Sophy ran out of the room and rushed down the stairs she fell down on the stairs while rushing and even though she had heard her own bone cracking she didn't mind the pain. Harry ran after her and held her hand but Sophy was struggling with him.

He didn't get the reason why Sophy was so angry about it. She acted like she was totally cool with it. He didn't understand why she was crying.

'Sophia,am sorry about what happened. I didn't mean it. Am really sorry.' he apologized sincerely but Sophy wouldn't listen she was still struggling with him and when she finally freed herself,she limped to the dining took her phone and left. she leaned on the gate weeping but when she remembered that the store had a cctv she wiped her tears.

' I shouldn't cry into the house like this.' she thought sniffing ' everyone will be so worried about me and they will ask me a lot of questions.' she wiped her tears and smiled then she went home. She didn't even greet anyone she just went upstairs to her room.

Sophy looked the door from inside, switched off the lights and only left one spot light at the far end of the room where she had a book shelf. She crawled to the bathroom door and squatted there resting her back on the door. She continued with her cry session. She cried silently a lot because she had hurt herself.

What will she do with herself now? She had even betrayed her own trust. Her ankle was hurting but she didn't even care about that. She kept thinking about the incident and anytime she remembers she would burst into another cry session. Her phone rang but she refused to pick it. After she was fed up of the noise it was making she took it and placed it in her ear without even checking who called.

Sophy didn't say a word in case it was her mom or her dad. If they hear her voice then they would know that she had been crying and they would rush home immediately after worrying about her. She sniffed a little and then sighed.

' Sophia it's me. Harry. I know you want to end the call but before you do so. I just wanted you to know that am really sorry and Sophia you are an adult. You should behave like one. Why would you cry just because of a kiss and it wasn't your fault after all. So I don't want to feel bad about it. Okay. We are adults and adults don't cry over a kiss,right Sophia?'

Sophy didn't say a word instead she only sniffed.

' Harry, you are crazy.' she said and broke into another crying session.

Harry hitted his head hard with his hand. Yes he agreed that he was crazy but he was going crazier. First it was Audery then Precious and now Sophia.

'Why do these young adults behave like toddlers?' he thought.

'Fine Sophia you can say that again but I am really sorry.'

'Sorry?' Sophy asked angrily.'like being sorry will bring back the fact that I kissed a monster. That's the painful thing Harry. I am so bad.I am really ashamed of my self right now. How could I have kissed a monster like you. I hate you Harry. I hate you.' she screamed.

It was painful but Harry tried to be calm.' Sophy I am not a monster. ' he had called her name rightly this time. Sophia wouldn't call him a monster.

Even when she found out she didn't get annoyed and didn't hate and didn't call him a monster. ' Sophia am really sorry. What should I do again. Am seriously sorry about what happened.'

' Oh no Harry! Don't be sorry at all. You acting sorry will only make things worse. Sorry won't change the fact that I kissed a monster will it? The truth is that I am really mad at myself. I feel like dying. How could you monster even try to kiss me. You are true monster Harry. A monster. That's what you are.'

' OK Sophia there's a limit to every ones calmness. I am not a monster. '

'Stop denying it. What other name will be given to a vampire if not a monster. I curse the day I met you Harry. I curse the day you ever called my name. And the time that you kissed me. You a son of a batch. You fucking monster!' she shouted.

'Fine Sophia. That's enough. You can do whatever you like to yourself. I won't stop you. But please just don't try something foolish. Think about your family.'

'Get the fuck out you garbage. To hell with you monster.' then she dropped the phone she didn't want to care if he was still on the line. She dragged her body to the bathroom and with her clothes on she turned on the shower.

It poured on her soft body and when it touched her lips she wiped it away. After some minutes, she removed her clothes and dropped it into the laundry basket. Then she took a good shower and dressed up putting on a sweater. She jumped in bed and wrapped herself up in the duvet like she was a cold baby.

She thought about Harry. She knew she had hurt him. She shouldn't have said such words to him. He sounded really hurt over the phone but what could she do she was really mad at that moment. She remembered the bad words she had said to him. How she called him a monster and how she cursed at him. Oh she hated herself even more. What was wrong with her? She dug her face into the pillow and Harrys image flashed to her mind. His innocent looking face. Those cute eyeballs and those sexy lips. She should be happy he had kissed her. But here she was.

She had caught a cold already, had sprained her ankle and had hurt an innocent face. She felt bad about what she had done to Harry and she wanted to apologize. But sleep was knocking already. So she just succumbed to sleep. Harry had said he was going to make a mistake by kissing her and now Sophy had made a greater mistake by assaulting him over the phone.

By the time she woke up it was already morning. She managed to take a bath and wore something simple. She was putting on a yellow dress it was really long and covered her ankles. She wore them so her parents wouldn't suspect a thing about her sprained ankle.

The yellow dress was Flawless. It was satin material. The sleeves were long and made of net material with beautiful embroidery flowers on it and the neck was a round neck. The back was V-shaped and really low. It was low to the waist and the revealing part was covered with the same net material used for the sleeves. It was really beautiful and Sophys skinny body looked great in it. She loved the dress. She limped out of the Fashion room and sat in front of her mirror. She packed her hair up in a pony tail. And designed it with a beautiful fashion clip. The clip was holding her hair in place. The clip was on the right side of her hair. It was made with the name Sophy on it.

Sophy eyed it through the mirror and smiled. It was lovely. Her mom had a great sense of fashion and Sophy took after her mom. She limped back to the Fashion room, the pain had increased from last night. She took out a silver sandal and slipped it unto her legs. She finally got a view of the sprained ankle and it was swollen already.

"I won't do something good with this left leg." she thought.

She was imagining what her mom would say if she knew she had sprained her ankle since last night and she didn't bother to tell it to any one when her stomach grumbled.

She didn't eat since lunch yesterday. She slipped the other silver sandal on her right leg and stood straight. Sophy practiced how she would walk straight to the dining and she got it, though she will have to endure a lot of pain, but she could do it she didn't want her family to be worried about her. Later in the day she would go see the doctor. She managed to get out of the room and now the stairs was another problem.

This was the time she wished home was like school. Where there's the elevator. She saw her mom preparing to take the stairs while talking to one of the maids. She wore a fake smile as soon as her mother looked in her direction.

' I was just coming to see you.' mom said in an excited tone.

' Morning mom.'

'Oh sophy!' her mom gasped at her dress. She smiled staring at her daughter, she had known Sophy to be so beautiful when she was little but now beautiful was an understatement. Sophy was gorgeous. 'You look stunning. Come down here princess.'

Faking a smile she gently walked down the stairs and her mom frowned seeing that her lovely daughter wasn't walking well. She hugged her mom tight to avoid further suspicion.

'Sophy,are you okay?'

'Am perfect mom. Just hungry. Didn't eat supper last night. That's just it.' she managed to walk normally to the dining. She was glad her mom didn't say anything.

'Please pass me food now. My intestines are grumbling.'she lamented rubbing her tommy. Her dad was prepared to go to work already judging by the way he firmly held his briefcase. Sophy smiled at him and her dad gave her a tight hug.

'Morning princess. Sorry but dad has to leave now, ok?' he asked looking at her dress. 'does Sophy have a date?'

'Of course not.'

'You looking sweet princess.' her dad complimented.

'Thanks dad.' minutes after her dad left. Sophy was left with her mom at the dining. After breakfast she just sat at the dining which was unusual of her. Then her mom began to suspect something was wrong. They argued for sometime before Sophy finally fessed up.

' You did what?'

'Sorry mom but I didn't want to worry you.' she said giving her mom the best puppy face. But that puppy face couldn't clear a thing. Her mom had begin to panic, what if something bad happens to her daughter.

Immediately she called the driver and the maids helped Sophy get in the car. When they got to the hospital her mom made it sound like an emergency so the nurses all rushed out.

Sophy eyed them frowning. They didn't rush out because she was hurt. They rushed out because it was part of the William family. One of the best family ever and the richest family too. They were being over nice because they knew Sophys mom would give them a tip before leaving. It was what Sophy expected.

In the modern society they always treated the rich better than the poor, the children of the downtrodden had no place in the society and it really hurt Sophy. She had wondered if God just wanted to be harsh towards them or if they had offended God in their former lives. When she grows up, she will be sure to help the poor kids. She could picture herself getting award for the best young woman of the year. She was going to be just like her mother.

Her mom always receives the award. It's her thing. She was brought back by the smell of antiseptics combined with antibiotics and the little noise.

'Please help my daughter. She has fractured her ankle.'

' No doc. I didn't fracture my ankle. I sprained my ankle.' she corrected.

Hell! Sophy was glad she was not in the medical line. There was no way she would stand the smell of the hospital. She stared at the nurses and doctors passing by. Lab coats looks good on the young doctors. She stared at the doctor attending to her.

He was young and handsome. Probably in his early twenties. He reeked of drug. But Sophy was sure he was used to the smell already. Just the smell of the hospital made her sick to her stomach. He was busy examining her leg and Sophy was examining the hospital.

'We are both docs I guess. At least we are both examining something.' she thought then she chuckled.

Her mom stared at her worried.' Does it hurt a lot princess?'

'No mom, it doesn't.' she lied again. Ever since she met Harry she felt like everything she was doing was made of lies. She couldn't even differentiate between her own truth and her lies.

The doctor sat upright.'Lay down please.'

And Sophy did as she was told. She laid flat on the hospital bed and looked up at the ceiling. That was when she took a good view of where she was. There was a blue curtain on both sides. She heard voices of other patients from both left and right. But she couldn't hear the voices of children.

'Ouuuuch....' she groaned. She had just realized that the doctor was gently pressing her right ankle.

Oh gosh she was thinking about Harry. How nice it would be to lay in his arms right in his soft bed. How good would he be in bed. How sweet would he be. And how patient will he be with her. Sophy smiled and was brought back by the rough but soft voice of the doctor.

' Does it hurt, miss?'

She smiled.'Yes a little bit.' she could see the worried look in her mothers eyes. She smiled again. And back to her thought while the doctor talked to a nurse. She replayed the doctors question again. Then she imagined it to be Harrys voice. She had an idea about how he would ask. In that lovely charming and sexy voice.

He would ask 'Does it hurt sophia?' and she would reply slowly.


She smiled widely staring at the view of busy doctors, nurses and patients. She didn't realize her mom was watching her.

'What's wrong Sophy? You are looking really happy after spraining your ankle. Should we throw a party?' her mom asked obviously annoyed.

' It's nothing like that mom. I just thought of something.' she replied biting her lower lip and smiling widely.

Her mom eyed her, asking to confess why she was really happy but Sophy just smiled broadly like she had no problems at all.

'Tell me sophy, how did this happen?'

The smiled gradually evaded Sophys face as she stared at her hands toying with her fingers like she was a baby.

' I sliped while I wanted to get into the jacuzzi last night. Sorry mom, I promise to be careful next time.' she said holding her ears. Her mom gently took her hands off her ears and smoothed her hair.

' It's okay sweety. Now tell me, what were you smiling about the other time?'

'Oh no!!! Not again.' she exclaimed.

'I was just smiling thinking about how cute you looked while you were worried. Now I understand why dad is still head over heals for you.'

Mom blushed and looked away. Now Sophy had become a professional liar all thanks to Harry. The doctor came back and asked to follow him. She did and they got a room where she did some tests. They had to wait for more than 30 minutes before the results were finally out.

A pretty looking young nurse brought the results. The handsome doctor stared at it for a while then he signaled at her to follow him. After an hour at the hospital. Her ankle was first pricked to let the pulse out.It was a disgusting sight so she looked away. It was later stretched.

The doc had asked some of the nurses to hold her thinking she won't hold still just like most other patients but she did. Then he heavily bandaged it. And gave her crutches to use.

'It's just a Sprain!' she mentally screamed.

Sophy glared at the doctor and then at the crutch,she threw them on the floor and looked away angrily.

'I don't need this. I can walk on my own.'

The doctor smiled and checked the files he was holding.

'Do I look like am smiling right now?'

'I know what you must be feeling like Miss Sophia. But it's best if you make use of the crutches.'

' Mom just tell him already. I said I won't use those things. Do they look like they match with my fashion?'she asked.

Mom couldn't talk. She just stared at the doctor with her left hand on her forehead. She guessed her mom got an headache already.

'Miss Sophia, I understand what you are feeling but if you don't use the crutches, then I am afraid you will have to put on that bandage for more than a week or worst still you might stay here in the hospital.' he picked the crutches and stretched them to her. She hesitated at first but later took them.

'Don't even try to think your baby threats worked on me. I can't just move around with this disturbing bandage.'

'Of course Miss sophia.' he added smiling. Minutes later Sophy was in the car. Mom dropped at her shop. Her mom had a very big shop or maybe company. Her mom and her husband had not only a company but more than two companies. It's a whole empire of business.

But mom had a very big shop where she sells the designs from her dads company. Her mother most times help with the design and other work in the other companies.

'Take care of yourself darling.' her mom said patting her head.

' Mom wait.' Sophy said desperately like she had a confession to make.

' What's wrong sweety. Does your leg hurt. Should we go back to the hospital.'

'No mom. I just wanted to ask you if I could go to the neighbors. I mean my teachers.'she said straightforwardly. Sophy could be shy sometimes but once she badly needed to do something she was always straightforward.

'But why? Do you two have a thing going on?' her mom asked obviously trying to tease her.

' Please mom.' but her mom didn't say a word.' Mom if you don't reply me we will wait here for a long time and in the end your car will be towed.'

Her mom shook her head. Sophy could be impossible most times.' Sophy darling, have I ever stopped you from visiting a friend.' Sophy shook her head no.' You are an adult darling. You should start deciding for yourself. You don't need my permission to go. Just go there but make sure to not stress yourself. Your leg is hurt remember.' Sophy smiled at her mom. She was really happy.

Though she was still going to think of how to let Harry forgive her. She had said way too much last night. Her mom moved closer trying to whisper something into her ears. Sophy leaned closer to the door so she could hear her mom clearly.'And remember Sophy. You can't have sex in that condition.' then her mom left.

'What the Fuck mom!' she cursed. The driver moved on and until the car pulled in front of Harrys house, Sophy didn't have the perfect plan to make Harry forgive her. She was too busy looking at the sights of people as they rushed across the streets. The smell of fresh air brushed her nose as she alighted from the car. She signaled to the chauffeur to leave. She had taken her pills with her. The pain killers the doc asked her to take which she was obviously wasn't going to take.

'Drugs taste bitter.' she thought with a frown.

Sophy stood in front of the gate. The crutches supporting her sides. She was prepared for this. She knew it might take a long time before Harry opened the door, but she knew she deserved it. She pressed the bell. And she could hear his voice from the security system outside the gate. She waved her hand smiling because she knew he could see her.

' Hi.' she said into the camera.' Its me sophia.' she couldn't believe it. She just called herself Sophia. Guess she renamed herself after all. She pressed the bell again and before she could even hear the usual ding sound. The smaller gate opened. She made a phew sigh and made way for the main door.

She hadn't even pressed the bell when the door opened. This was going to be much easier than she had thought. She stepped in and she could see Harry standing on the threshold. He gasped when he saw her with crutches and the bandaged legs.

Immediately he helped her to the dining and sat her down on one of the chairs. She was now sitting facing the kitchen. He rested on the table staring at her and all she could do was stare at the dining table it was black and looked sort of marble to her. If it were cloth she would have the idea about which brand or designer it was but dining tables and furniture weren't her case.

Silence lingered in the room and Sophy began blabbing about how she ended up with the crutch, the bandage and the pills. She explained every thing in detail but left out the part where she was thinking about him and when her mom told her not to have sex with her bandaged legs.

She heard a deep sigh and Sophy thought that he must be really mad at her.

'Let me make you a cup of mint tea.' he said and laid the crutches down against the wall. He fumbled with some stuffs in the kitchen and Sophy could smell mint few feets away. She inhaled the refreshing aroma and let it feel her intestines for that moment. It was truly refreshing.

'Here you go madam.' Harry said politely.

' Thanks' Sophy looked up at his eyeballs and those big black green edged eyeballs left her imagining how she would have looked like if she had a black or green eyeball or the combination of both just like him.

She didn't like her pale blue eyeball because it always looked cold to her. She could see the sadness in his eyes even though he tried to smile it away. Sophy wasn't going to fall for that. She sat upright and tapped the seat beside her asking him to sit beside her. Harry did. He carried his cup of mint tea and sat beside her. Sophy took a bit of the hot tea and it burned her throat again but she was used to it now and she also loved the feeling whenever it burned her throat.

' Sophia, I am so..'

Sophy stopped him placing her index on his lips. It was soft and Sophy couldn't imagine how they would taste like again.

'Don't say it please.' she pleaded and retracted her finger.' You see Harry, I made a big mistake yesterday. I shouldn't have insulted you like that. Am not good with saying sorry but I know you deserve to hear it.' she swallowed hard and Harry stared at her in amusement. ' I am really sorry.'

' It's okay sophia.' he said softly.

'Are you sure?' she asked placing her left hand in his right palm on the table while the other held her cup of tea.

'Yes I am.' he managed to say.

' Does that mean I am forgiven?'

'Yes. Since last night.'

Sophy stared at him. He had forgiven her since last night despite all those harsh words she said.' Seriously?'

' Yes seriously.'

'Oh Harry!' she blurted hugging him. 'How are you so sweet?'

Harry smiled broadly then Sophy gently released him from the tight hug and gave him a puppy face.

Silence took over the room now. Sophy thought it was getting hot in spite of the AC so she decided to say something even if it were gibberish.

'So...' she began roughly.' I noticed something Harry. ' she said placing the tea down on the saucer.

' What is it sophia?'

'The last time I came here I didn't notice much but I noticed that your house was dim lit. Now that am here again,I can see that it's dim lit. Even your room. What's wrong?'

Sophy stared at him as he scratched the back of his head gently and Sophy stared at his deep brown hair. One day she was going to have to those strands in her palm. She thought.

' Well Sophia.. the thing is, I don't like much of light.'Sophy frowned expecting a better explanation ' Sophia as a vampire I don't need much of light.'

Then Sophy clicked. That was true vampires don't love lights but Harry do walk in the sun.

' But you walk in the sun.'

' I get to work at dawn and return home when the sun isn't at its peak else I will get sunburn.'

Sophy nodded.'But don't you think you should try adapting to the lights sometimes. What if you go to visit a friend. You know not everyone is a vampire.'

' I can handle it Sophia. It's just that the darkness gives vampires a lot of energy. We love the darkness. The lights makes me weak.' he finished shyly and she patted his back lightly.

'It's okay. You must be frustrated at your life right now. I know what can turn you human.' Sophy said staring at his parted lips which later turned into a pout.

' What is it?' Harry asked excited and Sophy could see a little bit of his fangs.

She shifted backwards a little scared. ' I think I would love it if you retreat those.'

Harry frowned at her blue eyes they looked cold. He retracted his fangs and Sophy smiled.

' So the solution to your problem is garlic.' Sophy finished excitedly. She heard a loud hiss and it was from Harry. Sophy felt offended a little but Harry later apologized.

' Sorry Sophia. I was just irritated.'

' Irritated by my idea?'

' Yes. Why do you humans think vampires are allergic to garlic. Take me for example I am a garlic lover. I even eat it raw once in a while. It's useless.'

'Oops sorry about that. Thought it could help.'

'Thanks Sophia.'

'It's okay what are friends for after all.'

Harry stared at the young lass. Did he just hear friend. ' Friend?' he asked surprised.

'Yes friends. Outside school we are friends.' she said and finished the rest of her tea.

'May I say something Soph.'

' Soph!First it was Sophia and now Soph.'

' Sorry Sophia. Soph is the short name I gave to Sophia.'

Sophy shrugged at stared at the kitchen. The cabinets were good. So much arrangement for a bachelor.

' You are looking gorgeous,Sophia.'

Sophy blushed and hid her face in her two palms for a while before she managed to say' Thank you.' in her tiny voice. It was so tiny Harry wouldn't have heard if he wasn't listening well.

' You welcome.' he said smiling. Sophy had really changed a lot. She was all grown up now and was an adult already. He could really be happy for a wedding but he was sure Sophy wasn't ready for it and he wasn't going to force it on her since they didn't even have a thing going on.

'What was he thinking?'

Sophy stared at him for a long time without saying anything and Harry knew she wanted something.

' What do you want Sophia?'he asked calmly.

Sophy swallowed hard and he felt her tiny finger touch the tip of his lips.

' Sophia... ' he called unsure of her actions.

' Please.' she said staring into his eyes. He couldn't ignore her. He also wanted it but he didn't want her to get angry so he had just kept quiet.'Harry.' she called softly and it reminded Harry of the old Sophia.

If Sophia wanted it then he would give it but he prayed silently that she won't make a fuss after it. He helped her stand and placed her on his laps.

She was a little short compared to his hieight and he was still staring down at her when she pulled him closer so that there was barely a space between their faces. Harry could feel her soft breasts on his and he wondered if she even had a brassiere on.

Sophy slowly closed her eyes as she felt his lips on hers. She was comfortable in his laps and she wrapped his other idle hand around her waist while the other was supporting her chin. She moved closer and pressed his back to the chair stroking his hair with her left hand and at the same time undoing his shirt.

What on earth was she doing she didn't know. But she knew one thing for sure and it was that.

She liked it!!!

Hey guys, please vote. I will buy you burgers. Plus I need friends ASAP!!!

Love you..lots of XoXo

Loneliest_Empresscreators' thoughts