
Sophia Knight

Can her past withstand his present and future? Read about Sophia and Parker to find out.

Lola_Crowns · Ciudad
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19 Chs

chapter 9

"how about you become my P.A Miss Knight?" he said looking straight into my eyes.

Sophia's P.O.V

Did I hear that right? Did he just say I should become his P.A ? No...hahaha... I must have heard wrong... I guess have started having hearing problems.

"What did you say sir?" I asked him with a shaky voice not wanting to anger him and moreover I want to be sure if I heard right or it's just my mind playing games with me.

"I will not repeat my self Miss Knight, I'm sure you heard me clearly the first time" he said sounding unconcerned and folding his hands behind his head.

"I...i d..do...i re..." why the hell I'm I stuttering?.. It's just a simple question that requires a simple answer.

Well in my case, I don't see it as a simple question.. "You don't what Miss Knight? he asked removing his hands behind his head and folding them on his beautiful polished mahogany table.

"I really don't think I'm fit for the job sir" I replied lightly under my breath, not sure if he heard me but he seems he did.

"And why do you say that?" he asked still folding his hands. "I don't have any qualifications sir, because I never went to college" I blurted out quickly not wanting to stutter again.

"Hmmm...I see but never worry, that's not a problem.

All you need to do is arrange for my meetings, answer my emails and calls, get my lunch and lastly, you make my coffee" he replied not once breaking eye contact with  me.

"And any other thing that needs to be done, I'll put you through it, so you don't need to worry about anything Miss Knight" he added.

"Alright sir. When do I start? I asked not knowing what else to say to get me out of this situation.

"You'll start tomorrow but you'll have to move in with me today as I don't want any lateness or inefficiency that may harm my business and you'll also ride with me to work every morning" he replied.

I just stared at him with wide eyes and opened mouth not believing what I just heard "bu...yo...no" why I'm I stuttering again?

I guess I was too shocked that I couldn't even make a complete sentence.

"Miss Knight", he cut me off my stuttering "you're excused, you can leave early so that you'll have enough time to pack your things.

My driver will be at your apartment by 5pm to bring you over to my place.

That's all for now, you can leave" he said getting back to working on his computer.

"OK sir" I replied walking off. As soon as I turned the door nob, I heard his voice once again "Miss Knight, take care".

I quickly stepped outside the door because I don't think I can handle any more encounter with him again.

He makes me nervous a lot, how the hell I'm I supposed to work with him coupled with me being paranoid lately?

"What did you do that made him fire you? Oh... Yes... You're irresponsible" I heard Jersey asked and answered her own question herself with a malicious laugh bringing me out of my thought.

She just kept laughing like a mad woman "this woman is really deranged" I thought to myself.

"Actually Miss Jersey, she is now my P.A and you must give her the respect she deserves" I heard his dark rich voice behind my back startling me and making Jersey stop laughing abruptly.

I didn't even know when he came out of his office.

A smirk slowly made its way to my lips as I watched Jersey jaw dropped on the ground with her eyes almost popping out of their sockets.

She looked as if a bomb has been dropped on her. "Hmm... maybe being his P.A is not bad after all" I thought to myself putting my right index finger on my lips.

He walked to his private elevator with calmness. The elevator sound brought Jersey back to her senses.

"You" she pointed her perfectly manicured index finger at me, "you this piece of shit, how did you get my Parker to make you his P.A?.

Did you whore yourself to him? you're nothing but a slut who is always looking for rich men to sleep with" she said with deep hatred laced in her voice.

I noticed how she called Mr Parker my Parker "this girl must be insane" I said inwardly.

"Did you open your legs for him also?" I can't help but ask her, her face immediately became flushed.

"I guess you did and he abandoned you just like the rest of his one night stand" I answered and immediately walked away to the janitors closet before she jumps at me.

I don't want to create any scene that will make me lose my new position.

I made sure to lock the door behind me because I don't trust Jersey, she might come running after me and pulling my hair out of my scalp.

I changed into my clothes and hurried into the elevator as I am not ready to face a very angry Jersey.

I know I said mean words to her but I couldn't control my anger any longer when she called me a whore.

I got out of the elevator and left the building to get a taxi.

I can't walk home today because I don't have enough time left to pack my things since Mr Parker insisted on making me live with him.

The ride was less than fifteen minutes. I got out of the taxi and paid the driver.

I opened the door to my apartment and immediately went into my room to start packing. It's not like I have much to pack anyways.

"I'll spend less on food and apartment and be able to save more to go to college and I won't live alone either.

Maybe staying in a new house will decrease my nightmares"

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Ciao 😍😍😍😍