
Clarifications about Universal Travel

Outer Gods are out of the Universes, they can't get in the Universes- They are outside of the Multiverses.

Outer Space is outside every Universe from a Multivverse, OUtside of the Omniverse (A collection of infinite Multiverses) is onthe Space Between Worlds.

A level about Outer Space, where you aren't in any of the multiverses, but just floating around on the outside. Cxaxukluth is believed to be on the Space Between Worlds, and to summon him back, they got Tsathoggua to break the seal where Yeb and Nug were, so they could fuse and create the perfect host for Cxaxukluth, and also a beacon that they could call him into, and so Cxaxukluth could completely destroy the barrier of this Universe, letting Azathoth in.

Now, the In-Between Gods are Divine Beings that live in the Space Between Worlds, the famous ROBs from Reincarnation Novels, since they can freely live there- Some die, for some reason unknown- but they can freely go from world to world, or they can simply call mortals souls from the Circle of Reincarnation, where souls go to to be get their memories removed from theirs souls so they can be reincarnated without their memories.

Just to make this clear, the Space Between Worlds is capable of killing Gods easily- But Multiverse Travel is easy for some Gods, like Llucifer, they can travel trhough their own Omniverse freely!

Any doubts?