
Chapter 60: Underworld

It took some time, but they arrived at the entrance of the Underworld unharmed. The place was amazing, there were several souls all around, waiting for their time to enter the Underworld, some were aimlessly walking all around the place, their light blue spectral bodies phasing through objects while others would simply stay in the same place with their eyes closed as if they were sleeping. It was kinds of interesting seeing the dead for the first time, Enychta knew the sensation of being a soul, he has been a soul before after all...

He shivers at the thought of dying and leaving both boys behind...

Talking about them, they were just beside him, looking at the spirits, or should I say ghosts? Do souls have preferred pronouns? A random thought that Enychta just had which was something he decided to find out later. While Luke and Pruno were tightly holding his hand, not because of fear but because they didn't want to get lost, it was absurd the number of souls that were aimlessly walking around this place... You get easily lost on this place honestly. "Excuse me, Charon?" Looking at the man wearing a black tuxedo with a light green tie around his neck, he had a big hat that hid most of his facial features as well because it cast a shadow down on his face, making so that no one could see his face and just his glowing purple eyes. Charon quickly snapped his eyes towards Luke, who had just him seconds ago, making Luke shutter at the sudden cold feeling he felt.

"You are not meant to be here... You did not die yet." The glowing purple orbs below the shadow began to shine menacingly, making Luke nervous for a second before Enychta said: "Is that so? Brother." And as soon as he said that, Charon snapped his head towards Enychta so fast that everyone could hear the cracking sound of his bones moving, he locked eyes with Enychta and they stared at each other for a long time... Until Charon said: "What do you want... Brother..." The way he said the word "brother" made both Luke, Pruno, and every single soul that heard him shiver uncomfortably like a sudden drop in the temperature just happened.

"It's not what I want, but what mother wants. Let us enter the Underworld, and we will pay you 10 Golden Drachmas. I bet the Lord of the Underworld doesn't pay you very well, does he? So here, take this." Enychta slapped the table in front of him, placing exactly 10 big golden coins, 10 Golden Drachmas. Charon hummed like a zombie from those cliche series and even movies with zombies, a dying groan slash moan that sounded like he was dying. "I accept it..." Charon said and pointed at the elevator door to the right side of where they were, the door instantly opened, and Charon slowly walked out of his place towards the elevator. Suddenly, all the souls around started to moan and scream as they ran towards the elevator in desperation, as if trying to get inside it, only to stop when Charon looked at them with his glowing purple eyes.

"Enter..." His voice was barely a whisper, but it carried a powerful tone of voice that showed that they shouldn't mess with him, Enychta simply was unaffected by this. Maybe it is because he is Nyx's son, but he doesn't feel threatened by Charon at all, nor does he think about Hypnos or Thanatos hurting him, call that an instinct but he thinks the children of Nyx don't attack each other because their mother told them not to several millennia ago. As soon as they stepped inside the elevator, the doors closed and it began descending, Pruno had a sudden urge to vomit out of nowhere, like he was in a boat and the sea and there was a huge storm.

He was hugged by Enychta, who held him close to his chest and looked at Charon with accusing eyes, his meaning obvious: It aaa Charon who was doing that, the elevator was his boat and he was purposely doing this to Pruno to make him sick. Charon smirked, how they know he smirked? Well, a purple smile appeared on the shadow where his face would have been, the smile was much like that cat from Alice in Wonderland... Enychta can't remember his name. A few minutes later, with Pruno thankfully not vomiting, they got out of the elevator into the Underworld, and they must say, this place looks sick.

Not cool sick, but disease sick.

The air had this faint green mist around... There was also a long line with several souls walking in one direction only, Enychta searched around for the big three-headed dog named Cerberus or Spot, and quickly found him standing in front of the gates that lead to Asphodel and the Camps of Elysium, there was even a gate that leads to Tartarus too! It was just one huge black hole with no end in sight, Cerberus stood in front of the hole protectively too. For a moment Enychta and Cerberus locked eyes and there was a sudden recognition from the dog as if he knew Enychta. not because of his appearance, but because of his blood.

He was a Legacy of Echidna, Cerberus's mother, and thereby Enychta was technically connected to Cerberus by blood.

The three heads looked straight at him before the tail started to wag happily as if he was greeting Enychta... Eny just smiled and nodded to the big doggo before turning back to see Luke helping Pruno as he was having a cause problem. "Oh dear, is he pregnant?" A chuckling voice asked and suddenly a woman appeared beside Pruno and Luke, beside her was another man that gave Enychta a very dangerous feeling, his first instinct was to attack, but he was soon against it when he saw him so close to Pruno and Luke, so he had to tackle this problem with another solution... He moved closer to them and quickly hugged Luke protectively and did the same to Pruno, who was beside him.

Enychta had a bad feeling about the woman who was going to touch Pruno, so he didn't let her touch him at all, and that seemed to surprise her as she looked at Enychta with raised eyebrows. Eny was going to ask about her when suddenly he felt dread, the man beside her had an angry expression as he looked towards Enychta, he was going to say something when another female voice said from behind Enychta: "Hades, It is good to see you." A woman with purple hair wearing a long, black dress slowly walked ouI of shadows from behind Enychta, her flowy hair had small white dots that sparkled whenever she moved, Enychta knew instantly who she was... She was Nyx, his mother.

"Nyx..." Hades, the black-haired man wearing all black, said in a neutral tone before looking at Eny again with anger in his eyes. "So this is your son... How dare he deny my wife contact with her son!? I demand an apology from this mortal." Enychta just shook his head and firmly said: "I will never apologize for protecting those I love." It was cringy? Maybe, but it was also very sweet because Persephone squealed loudly.

Pruno and Like could not see anything as Enychta held their heads towards his chest and used his arms protectively to hold them close in case something happens.

Tension began to grow between Hades and Enychta, but that tension was quickly cut open by another male voice, saying: "Well... This is awkward." Standing to the side was a man wearing a pair of shoes with wings, holding some bags in his hand... Enychta instantly knew that was Hermes...

So in only one minute, Enychta met Nyx, Hades, Persephone, and now Hermes...

How awkward indeed.