
Chapter 167: Battle of Gods (5/6)

Enychta's arms, or rather, mouths, spread open in a roar as it grew in size, about twice the size it would normaly be.

"I'm going to eat every single fiber of your fucking soul!" HIs chest's mouth stretched forward as the rotting teeth of his body shot forward as projectiles, the electric and water form of both Gods were hit by the rotting teeth, which wouldn't be normally possible if it wasn't for the fact that it didn't do any physical damage, but rather, mental damage due to Enychta's [Eldritch] Divinity. "Die! DIe! Die!" Cackling in a mad laughter, His mouth started to spill a black liquidas more and more voices joined in the mad laughter.

"Fuck-" Poseidon cursed as he saw Enychta's body stretch like rubber, expanding in the darkness of this dimension- "The fuck?" HIs eyes widened when Enychta's chest oepend and spread, revealing the flesh and internal organs a normal human would have- But they were wrong, they were rotting, they had teeth, and eyes, and mouths, and tendrils of muscle leaving out of their insides- Black blood pouring out of his insides, Enychta's whole body melted into a large black blob of liquid and darkness, screaming as it grew a large mouth and only one, large purple eye. "Doom." It whispered as Enychta's [Chaos] Divinity was in action, changing his body to accomodate his mental state now.

The black blob began to shift, thousands upon thousands of tendrils of black and darkness shot from all directions as Zeus raised his electric hands and clapped them, creating a dome of energy around himself, Poseidon did the same, but neither did work, because on the end of each tendrils, there was a whispering, talking, or laughing mouth, ful of sharp white and yellow teeth and a large black tongue. Each time the tendril would hit their barriers, a chunk of it would be gone, because Enychta was eating their Divine Energy.

Poseidon only raised his hand, here there weren't many things he could do0 His divinities needed some things, the maximum he could do was create a ot of water an duse it to attack and defend himself, there were no clouds here that he could call a storm, there was no ground that he could cause an earthquake on, there was only his Divine Water, water created by his divinity of the [Sea]. His form grew in size as he added more and more water to himself, using his rage as a fuel to create an ocean on this darkness of this endless dark dimension. Zeus was also doing his best to shoot several lightning bolts.

Each lightning bolt was devoured by the large mouth of the one-eyed black spherical creature, that cackled in delight every time Zeus shot a lightning bolt towards it- Even if he tried to aim at another part of the creatures' body, it would always nd up on his mouth, he would grow in size as he consumed their divine energy. Poseidon noticed it, noticed that the water hewas creating to make a giant ocean in this place was being consumed by the dark entity before them, he could only helplessly watch as the black tendrils with mouths sucked the water he was creating.

He tried to control the water inside it, but as IT consumed the water, the water simply turned into pure divine energy as he consumed everything.

And he grew, and grew, and grew in size.

As more, more, more tendrils of darkness spread around them.

They were making him stronger by simply attacking him, it took Poseidon a while to notice, but Zeus kept attacking it, he kept attacking the monster as Poseidon watched helplessly, his body being consumed and he couldn't do anything about.

He died.

Zeus was shocked to see his brother, the person who fought alongside him against Kronos to free Olympus, the person he rescued from Kronos' stomach, the person he considered his brother- Even though they did not get along very well, he was his brother. He watched him die in front of him, without being able to do anything about it.

He stopped in despair as he looked up at the large one-eyed black sphere, thousands of tendrils with mouths, screaming, crying, laughing, calling hi name, Poseidon's name, Ares' name, everyone's name.

He couldn't move when he realized it... They were dead because of the Son fo Night, the son of Nyx.

-Scene Cut-

[You recevied the {Lightning} Divinity]

[{Lightning] Divinity stored on Divine Core]

[You received the {Sea} Divinity]

[{Sea} Divinity stored on Divine Core]

Enychta gargled as he swallowed the crackling lightning corpse of the King God of Olympus, his head hurts due to his sin- [Sin of Gluttony] made his body adapt to the amount of hunger he had at the moment, eating the Divine Enrgy from those two gods was the best thing that happened to him.



[You are now a {Primordial} God.]

He became a Primordial God, this changed a lot fo things- Now he could change time on the Outer Spcae, where the Eldritch Outer gods lived, giving himself more time to become at least an Elder god or even a Conceptual god- that way, he may be able to save this reality, this universe from the tendrils of Azathoth the Blind anf Stupid God.

"I should check on them..." Enychta hummed as his body turned back to his humanoid form, he threw up a little bit of seawater in disgust. "tastes like seaman." He hummed as a door appeared before him, leaving his {Box}. He stretched his muscles as he looked upon the scene of his beloveds... "The fuck?" He whispered when he saw the following scene: A large tree branch entering Hermes' ass and leaving through his mouth, and Hera's corpse spraying blood of thousands of different colors.

-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

I hate that i can't sleep at night due to my fucking insomnia.

i need hate in my lungs...

Spite keeps me alive.