
Chapter 155: Box

Enychta Astérie only felt his body's presence closer to him, and yet, he could not break from his black cage of nightmares and pain, his mind shouted, trying to break through the cage that locked him against his will- It hurt, he could feel his body's pain even though he wasn't inside his body. His ribs cracked, his arms twisted, his legs were torn inside out, and yet, he kept fighting against his opponent. He could see it Enis' body changing into a monstrosity that couldn't be described in words known to humans- The only word that could be used to describe it would be gruesome, and you could possibly describe it's body parts or the feelings and emotions you would get whenever near or simply looking at this creature (It would be simply fear, disgust, and an enormous amount of physical and mental pain), but even so you could not even describe it completely. ONly a portion of it, because it wouldn't be describing the sheer presence of evil before him.

After all, the child between a Primordial God of Darkness and the Daughter of Nyarlathotep, the God of Many Faces is bound to have a very evil aura, it's whole existence was bound to darkness and evil!

His body was fighting and he could see it, he could see how his body moved and shifted through ever form he knew and could change into, his arms and legs becoming weapons that he used- Even going into his large demonic form, his four arms striking the gigantic beast as his father dealt with Nug and his mother was dealing with Yeb, somehow Tsathoggua managed to break the seal under their imprisonment- Oh, he was afraid he would be sealed away as well, wasn't he? Tsathoggua is one of the most coward Great Old Ones, Juk-Shabb tried to stop but was unable to stop Tsathoggua and he successfully was able to ffree Nug and Yeb from their prison- And now, the two Great Old Ones were fighting against the Primordial goddess of the Night- Nyx, and the King of Hell, Bringer of the Armaggedon, First Vice, Lucifer Morningstar.

Nug was a male Great Old One, offspring of Shub-Niggurath the Black Goat of the Woods, who was the one with green skin and a large blue eye in the format of a giant telescope, with another giant blue eye on the bottom of his body that floated above the surface of the red planet of Mars. It's upper body had a gargantuan jaw that opened to devour the giant dark blot of energy that emanated from the hands of Lucifer, but it seemed to be a bad idea because seconds later his body started to turn to ash before it reconstructed himself in an atomic level- From his very atom!

Yeb was the female counterpart of Nug, also one of the children of Shub-Niggurath, but she was uglier than her brother. Yellow spheres on her brother that looked like ulcers pooped on her skin, releasing this strange yellow gas around her that moved it was alive afterr Nyx, who only moved her hand as the darkness of the cosmus moved forth and wrapped aroung Yeb before destroying her body- Just for her to reconstruct her body from the atom up once again like her brother.

If they wanted to kill those two, they would need much more- They would need to utterly destroy the very concept of their existence. It took Nyx and Chaos to seal them on the night, but now they even had another problem- Tsathoggua, sseeing that he now had temporary allies, decided to attack the only two seemingly weaker targets- Pruno and Luke, who were fighting him with all that they had, because albeit he is a coward, he is not weak.

He is Cthulu's cousin, so of course he had a lot power, capable of competing with the famous Great Old One- Eny felt great anger when he saw that they were in danger, his soul shivered as he slammed his fists against the darkness of his prison, making it crack with each punch- His fists hurting in his illusion, he knew that he was breaking the concentration that Enis needed to keep him on that prison, the more he broke the prison, the more his body was able to hit Enis' body. That was until he felt the great taste of the dark blood from them- The Blood of the Dark Destruction, Enis' eldritch Title.

He felt the taste of the blood and needed more, because he could feel himself slipping back into his body, so he slammed his fists repetidly in the darkness, his body moved forward and continued to eat them, eat the Dark Destruction. Piece after piece, after piece and piece, his teeth sank deeply into their flesh as they tried to retaliate, but his own body moved and shfited his bones and muiscle, transforming into a large monstrosity comparable to an Great Old One, his thousands of mouths taking bits and pieces from the doomed Dark Destruction, sucking away their blood, cracking their bones, eating their flesh, ravaging on their muscles and soul, eating their very existence.

[Congratulations, you received the {Eldritch} Divinity]

[{Eldritch} DIvinity is compatible.]

[intregating Divnity...]

[You received the skill {Absolute Psionics}]

[Azathoth, the Blind Fool God detected your existence...]

[He is trying to absorb you into his Pantheon.]

[He is unable to absorb you into his Pantheon due to {Devour} that broke your connection]

[You are now the leader of your own Pantheon.]

[You are now a Royal Ranking God]

[You received the flaw {Inhuman Mind}]

[{Inhuman Mind} is suppressed by [Love] Divinity]

[You received an Eldritch Name: Ýnech-Venith Xroth (Absolute Hunger and Madness)]

Enychta Astérie, Beelzebub, Ýnech-Venith Xroth, three names for one God- Poened his eyes, and stared at Tsathoggua and growled as the cat-like entity tried to attack his two mates, his mind moved forward at his will and simply grabbed the fat cat, ripping it to shreds, bringing each piece to each of his mouths as he devoured it. He decided to share this energy with his beloveds, and just like him, they went from [Minor Giods] to [Royal Gods] due to the energy that he shared through his kill of Enis and now Tsathoggua.

He could be emotional with them- and by emotional he means fucking them till they pass out, and then cuddle with them for hours- but before he could step forward, he heard it- Voices on his head, screaming, making him flinch in pain, but not only they were screaming, every single soul he ate in Tartarus were screaming inside him, their voices making him feel an unimaginable amount of pain-

Oh, did i mention that the Chaos Box also broke free and is now before him? Oh, what's that? It has entered his body?

OH no.

[You received the Divinity of {Chaos}]

[You received the Skill {Box}]
