
son of the mountain you stole my heart

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT AHEAD. "Now that I have tasted the serenity of laying my head on your masculine chest, no one can shove me away from you my king. we're entrapped to each other my King ... come with me tonight...let me feed you the honey from my mother land...let me reveal to you the fertile untilled land which no man has ever set their feet upon.. for it has been hiden from them for many a days...it is only for you till your highness..." Sheshije, a young maiden from the ukadama kingdom is forced by her greedy for power farther to mary Kodawa, the crown prince. Who is considered arrogant and evil by nearly every person in the kingdom... While being the damsel in distress she meets her knight in shining armor. Seghete who introduced himself to her as a hunter... due to reasons best known to fate.. the two end up falling in love at the very first day they met. Sheshije's father and the crown prince try their best to stop the mighty bond that was drastically sprouting between the two... Shock grips them all after finding out that Seghete is actually not a hunter but the only son of the great Tubheta emperor! SON OF THE MOUNTAIN YOU STOLE MY HEART. Is a novel beautifully painted with romance and a little potions of the taveta culture. One finds it hard to put it down once they start reading.. it has a fair portion of explicit mature content which may not be good for younger readers.. or anyone who feels uncomfortable with the content..

Joy_Rayasi · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
17 Chs

chapter 4: Introducing you to someone.

ever since the encounter with the strange man who defended Sheshije at the stream. kodawa felt so humiliated. he barely went out of the palace. Being an egocentric person he was he promised himself not let go of the matter. Even though his father the king had handled the matter, kodawa wasn't satisfied. He wanted to personally capture and tie both sheshije and his ' knight in shining armor' so that he could slowly break their bones bit by bit. Thinking of all this he smiled devishly his eyes glittering with steams of vengeance.

Sheshije's rejection only made him want to persue her more, he refused to back off despite all the humiliation he and his guards have faced at her hands. "I Prince Kodawa, The one and Only Ukadaman heir I have never been looked down upon by anyone in this land, not even my father, how can a mere pathetic woman dare to despise me so passionately? who the hell does she think she is? I swear by the name of my deceased mother that she will soon regret disrespecting me, His future king and husband to be . Yes!


"Your heart is yearning for something dear child," his mother spoke as she gracefully approached him.

Seghete had been sitting on the papyrus made chair for quite a long time, staring at the horizon while his thoughts drifted somewhere else.

"You know me way much deeper than myself mother. " He spoke. in a daze.

" Have you forgotten that every tissue in you and even the blood running in your veins were once part of me? " She walked away grinning.

Seghete stood up feeling a series of numbness spreading in all the parts of his body.

walking to the stables, he went to his horse. It stood mightier than the all the horses present at that moment, as white as fairy hair.

" Nariawan, long time no see darling... prepare your hooves baby... we're setting off at dawn, need to introduce you to someone special. "

Just as he had planned on the previous day, at the crack of dawn. Even before the birds in the vast Lutasio forest start to sing with their melodious voices to usher in a new day, Seghete set off to Ukadama kingdom.

He would have teleported himself there but he had missed hanging out with his horse for sometime.

The sun was already high when he reached Ukadama kingdom. Seghete took in a deep breath, remembering how he first met Cheshije. Her image had been permanently patched on his mind since then.. Despite the royal duties was supposed to be carrying out, he couldn't resist the urge to visit her kingdom again just to catch a glimpse of her once again if Izubha, the God of the land of Tubheta would grant his wish.

Recalling how the girl fiercely retorted to the king's son on that particular day, he couldn't control the smile that broke through his lips. 'A strong character for a queen just the way I like it. but I will have to keep a low profile because she seems not to be fond of royalties, based on how she handled the brainless son of the king of this kingdom. ' He was having an internal monologue when all of a sudden his surroundings turned gloomy the uncomfortable gruntings from his Nariawan only confirmed that something was a miss... out of reflex he hugged his horse and teleported somewhere else just within.

His curiosity nature took dominance, he wanted to witness what danger was coming his way. Just in that second a dozen of arrows flew to land in the spot where he had earlier stood. He

narrowed his eyes at the unexpected attack. He smirked evils as realization dawned on him. He knew the lad would somehow try to get back at him at some point.

Turning to Nariawan he gingerly caressed his mane "Buddy its seems like you won't meet her today but some other time... worry not I'll make sure to bring her home she'll be riding you tirelessly... it's time for you to go back home see you when I bring your queen home.." He pointed his finger to the horse and just like that he vanished into thin air.

Taking in a deep breath he spoke to himself eyes blazing with determination, "This is for you beautiful, this is for you oo future empress." He boldly stepped out in to the open.