
Son Of The Grand Duke

When Alaric first awoke after a long slumber, longer than he could remember, he was no longer in his own body but in the body of a fifteen-year-old. What was worse was that he couldn't remember anything about his old life, but the mysteries didn't end there. What he could remember was a book he once read, his name, Alaric, and that he shared it with the body he had awoken in. How did he know that? Well... it belonged to a character in that book of course, Alaric Astraeus son of Duke Astraeus. *New cover Page* Updates will be any time between [1800]hrs to [2100]hrs (UTC).

Croppedtrolley · Fantasía
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49 Chs


As Alaric concluded the earnest conversation with his father, he gracefully rose from the dining table, acknowledging the nods of servants. His personal maid, Elara, approached with a respectful curtsy before leading him out. In the corridor, the soft echo of their footsteps resonated, and Alaric took a moment to scrutinize Elara's appearance. She possessed an air of refined elegance with chestnut-coloured hair neatly coiled in a bun, her attire a seamless blend of practicality and grace. Her eyes, a shade of hazel, held a reserved warmth, and Alaric noted the subtle confidence in her demeanour as they traversed the mansion's hallways.

Confusion clouded Alaric's expression as he asked about their destination. The time for the awakening ceremony hadn't arrived yet, so curiosity prompted him to question Elara's decision. With a gentle smile, she revealed they were headed to his personal study—a place of knowledge and solitude he often frequented. As they journeyed through the grand mansion's intricate passages, Alaric couldn't help but admire the subtle beauty of the Astreaus home. Its quiet elegance and centuries of history woven into the walls created an atmosphere that whispered tales of days gone by. Instinctively he realized his previous life was nowhere near as luxurious as it appeared

Stepping into his personal study, enveloped by the scent of aged parchment and the quiet murmurs of old tomes, Alaric engaged in a silent dialogue with himself. A troubling realization dawned on him, leading to introspection about his abilities. The Alaric from the novel, whose life he now inhabited, was skilled in wielding bladed weapons—a proficiency he could almost feel ingrained in his muscle memory. However, the narrative never explored the complexities of elemental affinities. An unsettling feeling washed over him as he contemplated this missing piece. What struck him even more was the absence of a Principality Origin for the Alaric within the story. In a world where these origins signified ultimate power, a disturbing question emerged: How could he face the forthcoming challenges without the trump cards granted by a Principality Origin? The weight of this realization hung over him like a dark shadow in the quiet sanctuary of his study.

These mystical manifestations of one's will and soul essence granted extraordinary powers, akin to domains in certain mystical tales. However, unlike separate dimensional spaces, Principality Origins were an intimate part of an individual's being, a reflection of their innermost essence. The universe recognized ten distinct elements, each imbued with unique characteristics and potential. Fire, water, earth, air, lightning, ice, nature, light, dark, and aether – these elements formed the basis of most abilities outside of those given by Principality Origins. Alaric marvelled at the vast spectrum of possibilities that lay within these elements, each capable of shaping the course of battles and defining the strengths of an awakened individual. However, an uncommon truth lingered – not everyone possessed a Principality Origin. While rare, it was known that some individuals navigated the cosmos without this profound connection, relying solely on their innate talents and acquired skills. 

Elara's entrance interrupted his contemplation. "My lord, the time for the awakening ceremony is approaching. We should make our way to the designated location."

Resigned to the impending ritual, Alaric followed Elara through the regal corridors. The Astreaus estate buzzed with activity as distinguished guests arrived for the momentous event. Members of the magic association and nobility mingled, their conversations hushed with anticipation.

The venue for the ceremony emanated an otherworldly atmosphere. Alaric was guided to a central platform, encircled by members of the Awakened Association ready to facilitate the cosmic connection. Various devices, reminiscent of those in a science fiction film, were arranged dramatically, prompting a chuckle from Alaric. He couldn't help but feel disappointed if the awakening mirrored anything from the novel As the ceremony unfolded, cosmic energy enveloped him, creating a luminous spectacle that captivated the onlookers.

Amidst the radiance, Alaric felt a profound connection with the universe. Visions and sensations flooded his consciousness—a montage of forgotten memories, distant faces, and the echo of life intricately woven with cosmic threads.

In the ethereal glow, Alaric became acutely aware of the cosmic energy intertwining with his being. The air hummed with unseen forces, and the universe itself seemed to whisper secrets only he could comprehend. A surge of energy surged through him, awakening latent potentials and unlocking the mysteries of his soul.

As the ceremony reached its crescendo, Alaric's perception expanded beyond the confines of the physical. He glimpsed the tapestry of fate, woven with threads of light and shadow. The universe's consciousness revealed itself in glimpses—a cosmic entity shaping destinies and orchestrating the grand dance of existence.

When the luminous display subsided, Alaric stood on the precipice of newfound awareness. The awakening ceremony had not only marked his initiation into the realm of cosmic manipulation but had also unveiled layers of his own existence that lay dormant in the recesses of memory.

As the ceremony concluded, Alaric stepped out of the hall, the resonance of cosmic energy still lingering in the air. Elara, his personal maid, guided him through the ornate corridors of the estate. The weight of the awakening ceremony's significance pressed upon him, and Alaric couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and uncertainty.

"Where are we heading now?" Alaric inquired, his gaze shifting between the grand portraits that adorned the walls. Elara, with a soft smile, mentioned that they were heading to his personal study for the time being. However, this respite was short-lived as Elara conveyed that they would need to return to the ceremony hall shortly.

"Return to the ceremony hall?" Alaric questioned, the puzzlement evident in his eyes. Elara nodded, explaining that the other nobles who had attended his awakening ceremony would be briefed on the results and Alaric's newfound status.

As they retraced their steps back to the ceremony hall, Alaric's mind buzzed with speculation.

Upon reentering the ceremony hall, Alaric noted the presence of various nobles engaged in hushed conversations. The atmosphere was charged with a mix of curiosity and expectation. Alaric took his place, his eyes scanning the room, recognizing faces that held varying degrees of interest in his awakening.

He couldn't escape the feeling that his every move, every reaction, was being scrutinized. The anticipation in the hall reached its peak as a representative from the Awakened association stepped forward, ready to disclose the results of Alaric's awakening.

The room fell into a momentary hush as the announcement commenced, unveiling Alaric's Soul Core Rank, Elemental Affinities, and other crucial details. Alaric, now subject to the judgment and curiosity of those present, braced himself for the reactions that would follow.


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