

Bernard_Obama · Fantasía
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4 Chs

The past

Bezebul's eyes dilated in anger as he watched his father walk casually towards his frozen body he knew that at this time he was at the mercy of Lucifer as he could do anything that he wanted to him.Lucifer stood in front of his own son and looked him straight to the eye as if daring him to come out of his time freeze. Though the devil was under stress he mantained a straight face but he could feel the pressure on his own spell as Bezebul unflurred his aura which came in waves of power pulsating as thought alive.Bezebul returned back the eye contact as if telling his own father that he was not afraid of death nor was he ever afraid of death though he could the effects of the spell start wearing on him. The move time freeze was feared because of its one effect as time froze around the victim in the brain of the victim things did not go as they seemed from the outside in the brain of Bezebul time was being manipulated backwards as he saw scenes of his past life and past self flash by in milliseconds.He saw scenes of himself fighting with the watchers ,the watchers are the nighty angels placed by God on earth to watch over the humans so that they do not fall under the influence of the demons so there was a constant ever unending war between the watchers of humanity led by archangel Sariel and the demons of hell led by the once son of the most high the once great morning star the most beloved son of light Lucifer who had decided to go against the Heavens when pride entered in his heart.Now he was the devil Lucifer the father of the seven great sins the father of lies the master of chaos and hell. Bezebul's vision continued going backwards he cought scenes of himself with his mother Lilith playing in the garden when he was a little boy until his thoughts stopped at the moment he was being conceived by his mom...

His body froze completely as his eyes turned red and he fell downwards towards the ground.

Now here is what made Lucifer's spell one of the most feared and formidable spells in the whole of the milky way is that when the spell reversed your mind you body would be stuck in that given time until you lived your life again till you got back to the point where lucifer had used the spell on you.One went back and watched themselves live their own life make mistakes which they could not repair make poor decisions in life and this made many people become insane as rhey watched themselves make big mistakes which needed just a little bit of logic to discern. Lucifer hoped that his son would watch his life see the mistakes he made along the way hence his boy would be back to being the son he once was...

Lucifer was thinking about how cunning he really was for seeing the potential of spell and stealing it from the heaven warehouse just before he was cast out of heaven by the mighty Archangel Michael.This spell had been stored in the depths of the forbidden moves section which had been made specially by God.

hey it's a by Bezebul heard a voice from above....

A long time ago when the universe was first born there existed a supreme transcended devine God the pure mind .He brimmed with devine escence.The whole universe was born as a series of devine emanations or aeons originating from the pure mind . This devine aeons acted as the intermediaries between the ultimate devine realm and the material realms.

Sophia an aeon of the pure mind the goddess of wisdom desired to get intimate with the Ultimate devine God(pure mind). As a result of this she fell and descended into the lower realms of existence which in doing so a part of her mind broke or decided to think for it self in simple terms the one piece of her though which broke became an independent imperfect devine being the demiurge.

Demiurge being an imperfect and ignorant deity who believed himself as the perfect ultimate God and often potrayed himself as a the Ultimate cosmic ruler decided to create his own material realms when he could rule as the sole ruler.