

Bernard_Obama · Fantasía
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4 Chs


Lucifer left the heavens full of bitterness that the heavens had failed to acknowledge him as a ruler and instead they had decided to fight for his father demugre. He swore that he'd go and he'd come back stronger than ever ready to face any challenge be it either his brother Michael the perfect strategist or sariel or even the bringer of good news as the heavens called him arch angel Gabriel.

Dumugre himself tired of his santient spiritual beings the angels who he had created from his own imaginations variables upon variables he decided to create being from his own likeness beings containing strands of spirit just like him a spirit from the pure mind or true God as we call it. He first decided to make a home for this beings so upon the waters he roamed around he created them all animals and plants alike night and day he created all the celestial bodies like the sun,moon and stars to be guiding lights during the day and also during the darkest of nights to guide his creation he made them then upon the face of all that he made them and trapped them inside their mortal shells as humans the name he decided to give them .Lilith and Adam were born son and daughter of the most high both of them being so alike and yet different at the same time. Born for each other to be parners be each others helper in the land which he had given them and it was like that for a very long time until Lucifer came to know about them .

Lucifer was fascinated with this two beings that his father had created he had made them from the earth,hence Lucifer one day decided to pay them a visit in the garden in which they lived . Lucifer being who he was did not shy from talking about freedom and all that he was about to both Lilith and Adam in which Lilith became fascinated by the stories of Lucifer and she began seing him as a beacon of light of freedom.When Adam tried to talk her out of it she told him how she was not his subordinate and that they were each others helper and that he should let her be for she was not his servent.
In the grand tapestry of creation, where divine narratives intertwine with the threads of mortal destinies, the saga of Lucifer, once the bearer of light, unfolds. Cast down from the celestial heights, his fall from grace was cushioned not by the dark void of the cosmos, but by the verdant cradle of Earth—a sanctuary amidst creation's bounty, a testament to the Creator's enduring love for his wayward son.

This act of mercy, however, bore the bitter fruit of unintended consequences. For in placing Lucifer upon the same soil as his nascent, innocent creations—Lilith and Adam—the Father of All set the stage for a cosmic drama that would echo through the ages. The serpent's silver tongue, dripping with the honeyed venom of free will and liberty, found a willing ear in Lilith. Her heart, unbound by the chains of subservience, yearned for the horizons that Lucifer's words painted.

Swept up in the allure of the underworld's enigmatic prince, Lilith chose to forsake the garden's idyllic confines for the shadowed halls of her new mentor's domain. There, amidst the whispers of ancient knowledge and the echoes of eternity, her affection for the fallen angel blossomed into a love as profound as it was forbidden.

The heavens, once serene, now thundered with the Creator's wrath. Legions of angels, resplendent in their righteous fury, descended upon the Earth with dire warnings for the defiant daughter of divinity. Yet, the seeds of rebellion, once sown, could not be easily uprooted. Lilith, intoxicated by the potent brew of autonomy and Lucifer's beguiling tales, stood firm against the celestial emissaries.

And so, the narrative weaves on, a complex web of divine will, angelic machinations, and human choice. The chronicle of Lilith and Lucifer, entwined with that of Adam and the hosts of heaven, continues to unfurl, a story without end, a legend for the ages.