
son of the demon king

Reinhart born as the son of the Demon King realizes how people label others just as it happened to his father, since he had the status and named Demon King, they sent someone who called himself a hero to assassinate him. So at the young age of fifteen he was orphaned, so he vows to take revenge on all the people who did him wrong. "As you thought that my father was the villain just because he had the title of Demon King, now I will take revenge on you just because you have the title of humanity".

Alfred_0624 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
6 Chs

chapter 3

"Well now that we are registered in the guild, let's look for an inn." After saying this Reinhart set off in search of an inn. After almost half an hour Reinhart was finally able to find a cheap inn.

When he entered the inn he saw that the second floor was set up as a small restaurant, the other tables and chairs were a bit rough. When he saw all this he made his way to the front desk where a young elf was standing. "What can I do for you?" The young elf asked.

"This... I would like to stay here please." Reinhart replied to which the young elf gave him the key to the room, furthermore, he told him that the rent payment was at the end of each month and that it was 10 copper coins.

With this covered he went to the room for today because tomorrow he will start completing quests and training to get stronger.

The next morning Reinhart wakes up first thing. He goes down to the second floor and orders some food, when he finishes he goes to the guild to get a mission. The missions in the guild are divided into several ranks depending on the level of difficulty, for example, the rank F missions are the ones that beginners do, then follow the rank E, D, C, B, A, S, SS and SSS missions. In these same ranks are divided the ranks of adventurers.

Reinhart looked at the quest board to see if he could find a good one, but what he found were miscellaneous quests.

"What the heck are these quests, 'I need test subjects with high pain ability' rewards 2 silver coins. 'Help find my lost cat' rewards 8 copper coins. These missions are so stupid." When Reinhart saw all this he found himself disappointed with the missions they gave.

After a while he found a somewhat acceptable mission which was to collect medicinal herbs in the forest. He tore off the paper and went immediately to the reception so he could do it, he accepted it because he could also train with some beasts.

Before leaving the receptionist gave him a book with information on some medicinal plants in case he didn't recognize some of them. When she received all this she left to a forest located to the south called the forest of no return because if you go too deep you can never find the exit, the only exception were the elves.

When Reinhart arrived he set out to find the herbs, the first one he found behind a tree native to the elven realm known to be conscientious and give materials for taking care of it. Thus they spent two hours searching for the herbs.

After finishing the mission he went a little deeper into the forest in search of infernal beasts, the good thing was that they did not take long to appear. In front of Reinhart appeared a humanoid hellbeast resembling a reptile. It was a little bigger than Reinhart, had scales all over its body, teeth protruding from its mouth, and two horns on its head in the shape of blades.

The infernal beast looked at Reinhart as if it was looking at a piece of walking meat ready to eat at any moment.

The beast was the first to pounce on Reinhart. A step away from arriving it launched a direct blow to the face, Reinhart seeing this was surprised by how fast it moved and did not give him time to dodge it so he received the blow full in the face.

The blow sent him flying a few meters before crashing into some trees. Reinhart immediately got up to keep an eye on the beast's movements. Reinhart strengthened his body a little more to better resist the blows and increase his speed and strength.

Reinhart accelerated forward raising a cloud of dust, when he reached behind the beast he lashed out with a blow to the back causing it to bend backwards at about forty-five degrees lifting it into the air. Before he fell Reinhart gave him another blow repeating the same about five times harder after which he kicked him in the side.

But unlike the other times, this one didn't hurt him, "but what the hell is this creature." Reinhart said, the beast in the air regained its stance by instinct and when it touched the ground it accelerated at a terrifying speed and Reinhart before he realized it had a wound on his shoulder. What surprised him was not his wound but the speed demonstrated by the beast.

Reinhart, seeing this, had to decide to flee in order to survive. He picked up a stone and threw it at the beast to distract it, which he took advantage of to escape.

After a while running and making sure that the beast was not chasing him, he calmed down. He reached a tree and lay down to rest. The wound he had on his shoulder was healing, which shows the level of recovery that demons have.

"Somebody help us please aaaaah!". A cry for help was heard a little further on. Reinhart hearing this went to see what was going on.

When he arrived he saw that a group of humans were capturing some elves, and according to Reinhart's speculation the humans were dealing with slaves.

Reinhart walked out in front of the group of humans with an emotionless bloodthirsty smile. The group of humans saw someone unfamiliar and became alert.

"Who are you?" Shouted one of the men who appeared to be the leader. Reinhart did not respond, instead he kept moving forward. The group of humans upon seeing this began to tremble slightly as they sensed the murderous intent.

"Don't come any closer if you do you will die child." Shouted another bald man a little further behind the one who looked like the leader. Even with this threats Reinhart continued to move forward.

And before the group of humans asked to react, five of them were already dead with their hearts out of their bodies. The remaining four turned pale in the face with fear, it was as if death itself was in front of them.

Reinhart approached grabbed the bald man who threatened him by the head increasing his strength little by little until the head explodes in a heap of brains and blood everywhere. Reinhart was unfazed by this, instead he found it amusing to kill these human scum in front of him.

Then he followed up with another one who had a big beard, grabbed him by the arms and pulled them bit by bit until they were ripped off. A cry of suffering echoed throughout the forest. Then he raised his arm and pierced the chest, pulling out the heart and throwing it to the companion of the one he had just killed.

The two that were left he gouged out the eyes gouged out the ears and smashed their skulls and in the face of all this he continued his maniacal laughter. "This felt good, thank goodness I'll be doing this more often in the future. Wait humans why the day of your end is very near." The elf girls watching all this were filled with fear for the stranger because they didn't know what he was going to do to her.

Reinhart looked back and looked at them, approached and released them and asked them to lead him to the city.


In a higher realm a woman was watching Reinhart with a smile on her face as if she found it all very amusing.

"Her son is someone very interesting perhaps I should visit him and help him in his cause." She said with the same smile