

Rivers flow with laughter and mountains hum ancient spells But a shadow falls...., Magic sputters, the sky cracks, and chaos reigns, "AVI MARLIN" clings to the faded memory of his parents, rumored to be powerful magic-wielders who vanished during past war. Now, with the world teetering on the edge of oblivion, a flicker of HOPE ignites within him. Maybe, just maybe, finding his parents is the key ..., in the courage to face his fears, the power of friendship, the unwavering belief that even the weakest magic can spark a revolution..... Future is unware, awake the "SON OF SAMSARA"!

I_who_know_All · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Aura of Avi:the beginning

The town of Zoris was calm as always. Some people were busy with their work, while others chatted and laughed together. Even the birds seemed happy, chirping merrily in their own world. Meanwhile, at Zoris Elementary School, a class was in session.

"Children, the natural energy of the world is called AURA. Humans who can use Aura are commonly called AURIONS. Every human has talents, and those with suitable or high-level talent can control Aura and become Aurions. Aurions are generally selected by the Awakening ceremony," explained Teacher Seldor.

Suddenly, a child with red hair stood up and asked, "Sir, what happens if one has talent but can't sense Aura? Is there any method to cure it?"

"Good question, Fehry," Teacher Seldor replied. "One can't become an Aurion without sensing Aura, and at the current time, we don't have any method to cure it."

Upon hearing this, Avi felt a pang of sadness. Teacher Seldor continued, "Aurions are ranked according to their levels." "There are 10 levels and, accordingly, 10 ranks…"

After class, Avi stepped out of the school and ran to his house. He was now 11 years old but couldn't sense Aura. As everyone knows, the first Awakening ceremony is conducted when children are 10 years old. If you can't sense Aura at that time, you can't become an Aurion, and the second Awakening ceremony is to select their Great Profession which conducted at 15 years old. Avi hadn't sensed any Aura at his first Awakening ceremony. He had a high-level talent, but…

Avi reached home, a small wooden house at the forest's edge. "Grandpa, I'm home," he called out.

"Ah, Avi, how was today's class?" Grandpa asked.

"Good, but…" Avi trailed off.

"Why is there sadness on your face?" Grandpa inquired.

"That's… that's… why can't I sense Aura, Grandpa? Why?" Tears began to well up in Avi's eyes.

"Ah, Avi, Aura is not everything. What's important is your will. Understand? Now, wipe your tears and eat this delicious cake," Grandpa said reassuringly.

Grandpa Vivian was a cook renowned for his delicious cakes, pastries, cookies, and more. Avi ate the cake and went to sleep. In his dream, he saw two people, but their faces were blurred. They walked away from him. His biggest dream was to find his parents.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Also i will update soon , don't worry.

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