
Son of Ponni

Ponniyin Selvan, a captivating Tamil language historical fiction novel by Indian author Kalki Krishnamurthy, is also known as the “Son of Ponni”. The title “Ponniyin Selvan” translates to “Beloved of the Cauvery”. The protagonist, Prince Arulmozhivarman, earned this endearing name because he once fell into the Cauvery River (also called Ponni Nadhi) and was seemingly “saved” by the river goddess. Thus, he became Ponniyin Selvan, symbolizing his connection to the mighty river. This epic tale, spanning over 2,210 pages, weaves together historical intrigue, romance, espionage, and power struggles within the 10th-century Chola empire. It remains one of the greatest novels in Tamil literature, captivating readers across generations. If you’re curious to explore this rich narrative, I recommend diving into its chapters and embarking on a journey through time and adventure! Note: Want to supercharge the story? Toss a 'power stone' my way! It's the only legal way to throw rocks at authors.

DaoistS4Hzse · Fantasía
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89 Chs

Chapter 25 - Inside the Castle

The ring with the palm leaf seal had tremendous magical powers, like a magic ring in a fairytale. In the morning milk and curd sellers, flower basket sellers, vegetable sellers, fruit sellers, and other traders, accountants, officials, etc., were trying to enter the fort in large numbers. The guards of the fortress were showing their authority in opening the gate and letting them in one by one. But it was too late for our young knight to show him the ring with the palm insignia, and the guards opened one of the gates of the fortress with great respect; Vandhiyathevan also entered the fort.

Aha! I don't know when he stepped into the Thanjaipuri fortress! How many important events have followed since then! Wasn't that an important event in the history of the Chola empire? Vandhiyathevan was in awe for a while after entering the fort. Kanchi was the capital of the old Pallava Empire. The palaces, pavilions, and other buildings were old and dilapidated and mushroomed. They are beautifully carved buildings. But many areas were in ruins and ruins. Only a few mansions rebuilt after the arrival of Athitha Karikalar were like flowers growing in different places on a fallen tree, exaggerating the ruined look of the city.

The appearance of this Tanjore was the opposite. All are new mansions; New halls. In the midst of the white limestone palaces, a few buildings of baked bricks in red clay shone as if studded with gems between diamonds and pearls. The trees that grew here and there in the palace gardens were rich and fat, feeding on the nourishment of the red earth. The dense leaves of Punnai, Coconut, Ashoka, Arasu, Aal, Jackfruit, Neem and other trees were pleasant to the eye and enlivened with many shades of emerald green. It was a newly built city by Maya, the magician with miraculous powers. A new enthusiasm arose as we entered this new city; His heart was filled with joy; The reason is full of unknown pride.

Vandhiyathevan, who had observed the security of the fort and the compulsions of entering the fort, had thought that it would be deserted with not many people inside. On the contrary, the streets were crowded with 'JJ'. Horses and horsedrawn chariots roared along with the earth shaking. The bells of elephants were heard from all sides, walking slowly and majestically like black hills swaying! The shouts of the sellers of flowers, vegetables, fruits, milk and curd were deafening. The occasional sound of the alakshi bells heralded the time was accompanied by the beating of drums, and the melodious songs of the women mingled with the melody of musical instruments. It was all a festive affair.

Isn't this a city? Such is the capital of an empire that is expanding day by day! Vandhiyathevan did not want to show that he was completely new to such a city. If someone asked for directions, they would look up and down and say, "Are you new to this town?" They even think that the person who asks for directions to the palace is a Pattikatti who has come from outside. Therefore, he must find the emperor's palace without asking anyone for directions; It won't be impossible...

Whichever way you looked, Makara torans and flags appeared on the palatial palaces. They fought with a gusting west wind and fluttered and flew away, rattling and fluttering. Tiger flags and palm flags were predominant. Lowering all the other flags, a huge tiger flag flew majestically over the clouds. Vallavaraiyan guessed that it must be the palace where the emperor was staying.

The first thing to do was to meet the emperor and hand over the letter. It should also be said that Athitha Karikalar asked him to give it orally in person. We cannot see the emperor without the younger Pazhuvertaraiyar's permission. How can I get his permission? The gods helped him to enter the fort. But can it be that the whole thing is divine? We must invent our own strategy to see the emperor! What a trick! O brain inherited from the Varnar tribe! Work a little, we'll see! Tap into your imagination a little! It is not only those who write poetry and poetry that need imagination. Diplomats like you also need imagination; Where, show me your handiwork, let's see...

Vandhiyathevan made sure that the elder Pazhuvertaraiyar had not yet reached the fort.

When he came in after crossing the fort gate, he said to a guard standing inside, "Why, father! Has Pazhuvertaraiyar returned?"

"Who are you asking, brother! The little one is in the palace."

"Don't I know that? I'm asking about the old man who went to the middle country."

"Oh! Had the old man gone to Nadunadu? I don't know. Ilayarani's palanquin returned yesterday evening. The Great King had not yet come; News has come that he may return tonight!" said the guard.

This is good news. Before the elder Pazhuvertaraiyar returns, he will have to see the emperor anyway and give the letter, what is the way to do that?... An idea had sprung into Vandhiyathevan's mind. At that moment the worry mark disappeared from his face; There were mischievous smiles and merry smiles.

He did not have to wander much to approach the emperor's palace. He went on looking at the big tiger flag. Soon he reached the front of the palace. Aha! What a palace this is! Isn't it like Devendra's palace in the celestial world and Vikramaditya's palace in Ujjain? What a marvel of the sculptural work done on the pillars of that porch! The horse carved on each pillar looks like it is galloping with its front legs.

Many paths came from all directions to reach the palace. At the end of each path stood two hussars and some foot soldiers. Many of the people who had walked the streets without coming near them turned back. A few people came up to them and stopped to look at the façade of the palace and looked up at the tiger flag. If the crowd seemed to be gathering for too long, the guards would signal with their hands to let them go. The crowd did not speak loudly, but whispered from ear to ear.

Vandhiyathevan did not hesitate like the others. He walked quickly and smartly to the guards of the palace passage. Instantly the two horses stood face to face, blocking the way. The spears of those on horseback and those on and below closed the way.

Vandhiyathevan held out his magic ring. That's it; At the sight of it, the heroes' arrogance and pride subsided. One by one, three men stared at the ring.

"Okay; Make way!" said one. Two spears immediately gave way; Vandhiyathevan walked smartly. Yet, what? How many more guards are there? Where is the younger Pazhuvertaraiyar? How to inquire? Whom to ask? The emperor cannot be seen without the younger Pazhuvertaraiyar's permission; Where is the sick emperor in this vast palace? How is that to be known?...

Knowing that a group of people were coming behind him, Vandhiyathevan turned around. Well yes; A crowd of ten or fifteen men came and stood beside the guards. They wore high silk robes. They wore pearl garlands, makara kandis and earrings. Some had sacred water on their foreheads, others had sandal paste, kumkum and casuarina pottu. Aa! They look like poets, don't they.. Yes, it was a gathering of poets, I knew the next moment.

One of the guards—to be their leader, said, "The poets have come! Make way!" and turning to a soldier, he said, "The younger Pazhuvertaraiyar is in the court hall, take him to him!"

"Poets! If you get a gift, go back this way! If you don't get the prize, go the other way!" Vandhiyathevan, who had been listening to this conversation for a while, thought, "The fruit slipped and fell into the milk!" If we go with these poets, we can reach the younger Pazhuvertaraiyar. You don't have to ask anyone for directions. Then, there's our ingenuity; There's luck too! Thinking thus, the poets went with the crowd.