

Minato was having a hard time as he looked at Samuru's nine tomoe Sharingan. He couldn't even begin to understand how something like this was even possible. He had never seen of even heard of such a Sharingan.

Minato tried to do research and see if he could find the origin of the nine tomoe Sharingan but he was hit by a very serious problem, whenever he looked away from the image of Samuru's Sharingan he would forget that Samuru had a Sharingan, but whenever he looked at the image again, he would remember. (A/N: like the Silence in Doctor Who series 6)

Samuru's Sharingan like most powerful Sharingan users had a unique ability, for example Obito's and Shin's Sharingan granted them the ability to move through space-time. Samuru unique ability was manipulation of anything that met his gaze. Be it man, beast, plant even jutsu, as long as he looked at it, he could control it. Its and OP ability that brings him close to being a god but it has one major drawback, using this ability is a massive drain on his charka.

Whenever Samuru actives his Sharingan, he use his manipulation ability to make sure anyone that see his Sharingan forgets after it has been deactivated and will remember whenever they saw his Sharingan again for example Hinata and Akari have seen his Sharingan hundreds of times, but they will never remember unless he shows it to them. It has helped him keep his secret.

So when Minato caught a video of Samuru's activate Sharingan, he fell into this loop for even if it's just an image, the power of the Sharingan still works.

Every method he tried to remember without looking at Samuru's Sharingan didn't work in fact, if it wasn't for his prototype video seal that he was developing of the Chūnin exams, capturing Samuru during one of his practice sessions by chance, he wouldn't be able to remember ever seeing Samuru's Sharingan.

Minato sighed, "Such powerful eyes. Konoha is lucky Akari picked him up in that forest, I fear to imagine what would have happened if one of our enemies found him"

Samuru had stealthily left the village and was now moving through the tree tops. He would have preferred to use insta-teleportation but he didn't have the spatial coordinates of the Hidden Rain Village, so he had to go the long way.

His plan was to enter the Hidden Rain Village through the Hidden Grass village because, the surveillance at the border between Konoha and the Hidden Rain village was tight and he didn't feel like stressing himself, so he took a longer but less stressful route.

After just half a day, Samuru had reached Tenchi Bridge and crossed over in to the Hidden Grass.

After travelling for a while and watching the sun set and the moon take up the night sky, Samuru reached a small town.

Samuru marked the spatial coordinates and was about to head back to Konoha and return in the morning, when he detected strong chakra emissions with a hint of blood and death.

"Looks like there is a battle going on…this is something I must check out"

Samuru jumped out of the trees and headed towards a burden a rocky area, the location of the battle.

When he arrived, he founded two parties at war with each other. One side were a group of ninja with the fore head protectors of the Hidden Cloud village and on the other side were ninja's of the Hidden Stone Village.

Each side had taken a lot casualties and they seem to be in a deadlock.

Samuru didn't care for any of this villages as they had caused grief to Konoha. The Hidden Stone Village had employed mercenaries to cause trouble in Konoha and as for the Hidden Cloud Village just a few years ago, they tried to kidnap Hinata. She still has nightmares of that night.

He was just going to watch as they killed themselves then he remembered Hinata face when she asked for his help to get stronger, she had the look of desperation with hints of fear, "You know what change of plans, I will just kill them all. It would mean less ninja to worry about"

Samuru slowly walked out of the shadows and walked towards the warring parties.

Samui was having a bad first assignment. The fourth Raikage had tasked her and her team to intercept Hidden Stone ninja that had discovered the Leaf fan and the Crimson Gourd. Their mission was to wipe out the Hidden Stone ninja and retrieve the legendary weapons but things didn't go according to plan.

The Hidden Stone ninja were a lot more prepared than she thought and her team took damage. However, also her and her team were able to cause enough damage to the Stone ninja resulting in a deadlock.

Samui looked at an injured Omoi and Karui. They had just graduated from the academy and this was their first B rank mission. The Hidden Cloud village didn't treat there genin with kid gloves but through them out in to the wild to learn the hard way. That is why there ninja were among the strongest.

"I shouldn't have brought you guys along. It was too soon" Samui said

"No captain, this is a great learn experiences…if we survive" said Karui

"I agree" replied Omoi as he coughed up blood.

Samui was proud of her team, but she didn't plan on dying here, "All we have to do is hold out a little longer, Darui should have received my S.O.S and should be on his way" she said to herself.

The Hidden Stone had also sent an S.O.S, the only question was whose back up would appear first, answer, neither.

Both parties noticed a figure dressed in all black slowly approach them.

When the all black figure reached a few meter from them, he stopped. Bathed in the moonlight, they were able to notice the all black figure was short and small in body frame, appearing to be no more than a child.

The Hidden Stone and Cloud ninja would have just laughed it off as a kid being in the wrong place, but they noticed that he had black faceless mask.

"Who are you?" asked Samui

Samuru ignored her and looked at the Hidden Stone ninja. All of a sudden a shuriken appeared in his hand and he thrown it to land in the ground right in front of the Stone ninja.

The leader of the Stone ninja laughed and said, "Kid you don't know how to throw a shuriken, so pathetic". His fellow Stone ninja, Omoi and Karui also laughed at Samuru's lack of throwing abilities.

Behind his mask, Samuru smiled as he raised his left hand, and with a snap of his fingers, the shuriken in the ground began to glow and then exploded.

Chunks of burnt flesh and blood began to pour down and land on the Hidden Cloud ninja.

A look of pure terror appeared on their blood covered faces as they turned away from the smoking crater that used to be Stone ninja and looked at the all black figure.

The all black figure slow waved at them and in a sweet innocent voice of a child said, "Hello, my name is Demon. It's a pleasure to meet you"

Change of chapter title...it seemed more fitting given what is going to happen in the following chapters.

ghosttowncreators' thoughts