

Heavenly Realm, 9th heaven

In the throne room of the Imperial palace of the Oreus family. A good looking middle aged man wearing a golden crown with three gems embedded and red robes finely embroidered with a golden Chinese dragon; a symbol of power, strength, and good luck for those who are worthy of it is seated on a shiny golden throne with a frown on his face.

Beneath the throne in front, laid a long red carpet that makes it's way to the huge entrance of the room. Guards stood perfectly straight in the left and the right of the carpet. They were perfectly lined up. They all wore majestic golden armor, adorned with a red cape that flowed like a waterfall all the way to the jade like floor.

Important Gods and officials of the empire were gathered in front of the throne and were all standing in an orderly manner. It seems, they were reporting to him and discussing important matters relating to the recent problem plaguing the empire.

"Your majesty! Liam, a 4th step Empyrean God and the general of the 7th legion is found dead in the periphery of the empire" a messenger hurriedly said

Recently, there has been a string of killings happening in the empire. The victims were all powerful individuals that holds an important post. At first, it was only abduction of geniuses and beautiful women, those victims were never seen or heard of again.

They launched a series of investigation to get to the bottom of it, but it was unsuccessful. The action didn't bear fruit at all. Now, it seems these two cases have something to do with each other. Those culprits were getting bolder and bolder.

"Another one... damn it. We must find the ones responsible your majesty and send them to the underworld! They must be punished and tortured for millenium." Coldly commented by the God in charge of the underworld who was a pale skinned man, wearing an all black robe with a scythe on his back.

"Ha!! That's to simple! Sending them to the void realm where they are deprived of all of their senses is a better punishment! One year here is one thousand years there! We can seal them in that place for one thousand years. Hehe let's see if that won't break their mind" a God replied.

Someone in the group agreed and furiously added: "Yes! And after that, we'll kill and destroy their soul, so that they can never enter the reincarnation cycle ever again." At this point, more and more joined, they all suggested on how to punish the culprits, each crueler than the last as if not wanting to lose to the others.

BANG!!! "SILENCE!" A powerful sound and voice reverberated in the room. The Emperor slammed his fist on the armchair of the golden throne ... there were cracks on the arm rest as a result. Followed by a loud furious shout, imbued with Qi of a 9th step True God, It silenced them up.

The emperor was at his limits, this happenings have been occurring for months now, and there is still no progress. If he can, he will investigate this personally, but alas, as the emperor of heaven, he has more numerous important responsibilities and obligations.

He then said furiously with a faint trace of ridiculing and commanding tone: "You all are all talk! I'm surprised that you lots managed to reach godhood with that bearing. All brawn but no brain. Your words are useless and meaningless without capturing them. Find them first Or all of that talk will be useless!!! I want action and results now!"....

A long silence ensued. His subjects were

sweating and had pale faces. That powerful energy blast that slammed into them gave them a fright, as a result they were unable to speak.

Suddenly, the long silence was broken by a sound of hurried footsteps. All of them inside the room simultaneously looked from where that noise is coming from.

*tip tap tip tap*

The sound was coming from the Giant like closed door in front of the throne room and it was getting louder and louder by the seconds.

*TIP TAP TIP TAP*... The sound stopped

*BAAAANG!* The giant fortress like door then slammed open with a shout accompanying it. " HAO! WHERE IS MY SON ENEL!!!" an angry and loud, but sweet sounding voice of a female resounded through the room.

In the entrance, a gorgeous woman stood. The woman had a lustrous black hair, milk-like skin, and peerless eyes that seemingly contain the heaven's essence. Not even the anger etched on her face can destroy her beauty. She wore a red dress that was embroidered with a phoenix soaring through the sky. A symbol of high virtue and grace. The dress showed her curves and valleys that heaved up and down.

Her eyes that has a trace of anger and frustration, stared directly at the person on the throne...

English is my second language so bear with me.

Kezefcreators' thoughts