
Chapter 28 Teacher Medusa

I opened the door revealing my mother in full light. Her beautiful purple scales reflected the light of the room, mimicking a type of untouchable warmth.

"Oh it's you, come to bother me again have we?" Medusa said with her usual tone of voice but had a teasing smile on her face. She really only had a smile on when she was with Lucian. "But of course! What son wouldn't want to spend time with their beautiful mother?" Medusa scoffed. "Dont try to fool me boy, what has happened?" Mother was ever so perspective, she always has been.

Lucian was quiet far a moment but eventually opened his mouth, letting the sentence come out. "Thalias pine has been poisoned." The words felt like poison in his mouth, a burning sensation spreading throughout. Medusa was shocked, she didn't know what to say or what was going to happen now, but she did know that her son was hurting. "Are you ok?"

"He was there mom, right in front of me, and yet!" Lucian covered his face with his hands. Medusa slithered over by his side and wrapped an arm around his shoulder, in attempt of comforting her son who always puts too much weight on his soulders. "I could have stopped him mom, if I had gotten there sooner I could have stopped him from poisoning her!"

"Yes, but you didn't. You can not focus on the what if Lucian, it is a endless pit that will sink your entire being. Focus on the now, how will you help her?" Medusa asked. "I dont know, I dont know what to do mother." Lucians voice cracked because of the amount of stress the situation was giving him. "Of course you do, it just hasn't hit you yet. But it will, and when it does, it will be your chance to save Thalia along with the camp." Medusa said with a smile.

"The camp...mom, they fired Chiron. He said that they are appointing a new activities Director, and that it is up to them what your fate will be in this camp. You have to leave, it's not safe for you." Lucian looked up at his mother, but she shook her head. "I will not be leaving my son here as he is surrounded by danger. It's fine, if they were to try anything, then I'll just have to add a few more statues to my collection now wont I? With your permission of course." Lucian smiled and nodded. "It would be nice seeing some new faces at the garden." They both let out a small laugh.

"When are Percy and Annabeth coming back? It was nice having dinner with them the other time, it is a shame I wont be able to see Grover again." Lucian laughed. "You want me to cook again? Also, you'll be able to see Grover when he is back from his quest." Medusa gave a small smile and nodded.

"You should get to bed, you know I don't like you staying up late." I rolled my eyes, but it felt nice whenever mother was acting like a mom. Most of the time she comes off as distant and uncaring. Lucian stood up and stretched out. "Fine, I am a little tired after my training session."

Lucian bade goodnight to his mother and went back to the Aphrodite Cabin. He found most of his siblings asleep already, with only a few up. Lucian went directly to bed after washing up.


It's been a week since Thalia was poisoned, and was slowly starting to become worse. The leaves had turned yellow, and were starting to fall on the ground. Lucian still would go over and talk with Thalia, but he wouldn't get the same response anymore. Sometimes it was a weak shake, and that's if there was any response at all.

Most of the campers have made it back already, all except Percy and Annabeth. They still haven't made it to camp, and in all honesty, Lucian hoped they didn't. The camp has gotten really dangerous.

Lucian now spent most of his days training, as he needed something to release stress in trying to figure out a way to save Thalia.

Currently he was in the arena sparring with 5 fellow campers, and yet he still had the upper hand. He beat them and disarmed them one by one. Lucian would give advice to each of his campers every time they sparred. He would help correct them on their combat flaws, all in attempt of getting them ready in case of a sudden attack.

Also, since today was the first day back for all the campers, Mother Merusa is going to be introducing herself. Lucian ended his combat lessons and went toward the Arts and Crafts, which was your typical greek style building. In here one was able to get as creative as they want. They would draw, paint, sculpt, make ceramic pots, and even make their own lyres!

Mother Medusa was very refined in all of these, and she has even taught me most of these, including how to weave. She would say that a great warrior should at least be able to mend his own armor, but I think she was messing with me. Nonetheless it's one of my skillsets.

I walked Into the building and find a utopia any artist would dream of. Canvases, Marble, clay; the place was filled with any tool an artist would ever need. I noticed that upon entry there were some teenagers in here. I also noticed that they are from Athenas Cabin. It seems like not only the kids enjoy this place.

I found my mother standing tall in front of all the kids in here. She had her shades on, naturally. She was wearing a white silk greek style dress, and had a golden belt tightening around her waist, separating her upper body from her purple snake tail.

"Hello everyone, I am the new Arts and Crafts director. I will be in charge of all creative activities revolving the camp. Most of you may know me, but for those who dont let me shine some light for you. My name is Medusa." Mother Medusa spoke in her normally cold voice, as she looked around at the expressions of the kids. Most of them knew who she was so they were terrified.

They have all heard of the stories, so they know that this is the woman who was cursed and will turn you to stone once you look at her eyes. Lucian noticed their expressions and decided to help his mother out a bit. "Your doing great mother!" Lucian shouted out from the back, cutting through the silence. Everyone turned to face the source of the voice, and were shocked to see the camps prince. Medusa is the mother of the camps prince?!

They were all shocked to know this, but now they were not so scared anymore, just really surprised.