
Chapter 27 Changes

Currently I was standing in the middle of the living room in the big house. Chiron was pacing back and forth as be processed the information in his head. "How did Luke get ahold of such poison? And better yet, how are we going to keep all the monsters away?" Chiron muttered to himself.

"What are we going to do now Chiron? Luke got away again, and he poisoned Thalia! Is there a way to cure her?" I asked. "I have never seen this type of poison before, but it is very dark. I assume it has come from the darkest pits in the underworld, probably belonging to a nasty creature." Chiron muttered back. "You didn't answer my question, can it be cured?"

Chiron shook his head. "If there is way, then my people do not know of it." I clench my fist tightly, I was feeling really angry right now. "What's going to happen now?" I look toward Chiron, hoping for a way out of this situation. "Now I must go to Olympus and inform the gods of what has happened."

The gods again? If anyone is able to help Thalia, it should be the gods! "Do you think they can help? Help Thalia remove her poison?" Chiron looked uncertain. "I dont know, we can only hope." If anyone of the gods were to help, then it should be Zeus right? After all it is his daughter.

"I must leave right away, in the mean time stay here in camp and try to keep the campers calm. I'm sure they are all panicking after seeing the tree the way it is." I nod my head in assurance. Chiron takes this as the opportunity to leave, and heads out the front door.


Now outside Lucian saw a crowd of people surrounding Thalias tree. They were all confused at what happened and were asking questions, seemingly trying to find out what happened.

One of the Male campers guessed that the tree was just sick, earning some yelling directed toward him by a specific female camper.

She was a big looking girl with muscles that were toned out. She had brown hair that was tied up in a ponytail, probably in order to keep it from getting in her face when she is in combat. Her face looked rather mean looking, like getting on her bad side would not be a good idea. Still, her face had SOME charm, (although very little) if you ignored her battle crazed eyes. I knew who she was, her name was Clarisse La Rue who is the daughter of Ares, the 'God Of War'. Yes, of the God who's sword now belongs to me.

Clarisse was now standing in front of the crowd, with the tree right behind her. "The tree has been poisoned! Someone poisoned our camps protection!" She said as she pointed at the bullet hole. Everyone started to get riled up as talk amongst them started to get louder. I had to make sure the people dont get riled up.

"Its okay everyone! Chiron has gone to seek help from the gods, they will be able to help Thalia!" Everone turned around and saw me. They all started to quiet down, believing that everything will be fine. Clarisse looked at me and smirked. "If it isn't our camps celebrity, what are you doing here pretty boy?"

"Pretty boy? I guess it's safe to say you find me attractive?" I teased her, as it seemed she was trying to pick a fight with me. My teasing was successful as she blushed red but it only got her pissed. "The tree was poisoned! We are being attacked, and if I had to guess, it would have to be Luke!" Clarisse was trying to rile up the campers. There was about 30 people including me in this big camp, the rest will be coming in a couple of days.

"We dont know who it was, but even if it was Luke, the Gods will deal with it." It is vary unlike me to have so much faith in the Gods, but I was desperate. Chiron said there is no cure, so right now the Gods are my-our only hope. This seemed to pacify the crowed, as they dispersed. Even Clarisse had to accept this and also dispersed with some of her siblings, who also looked just as battle hungry as her.


Chiron came back to the big house around 9:00 PM. Lucian had been waiting for Chiron, hoping for some good news.

"Did they agree to help Chiron?" Chiron shook his head and sighed. "There is no way for them to help, not only that, they have decided to relieve me of my position as this Camps Activities Director." I didn't really know what to make of this. The gods refused to help? They say they aren't able to do anything? They are Gods, there shouldn't be much they cant do right?

Also, they fired Chiron? The ONE guy who has promised to help me and keep my secret? All because of Luke?

"They fired you? Why the hell would they do that?" I was slowly getting angry again. "They have deemed me unworthy of being able to keep the camp safe. The new Activities Director will be chosen by Mr. D."

"What about my mother? Will she still be able to stay if your not here?" It suddenly hit me that Chiron was the one who allowed my mother to stay. "She will still be staying, unless Mr. D or the new Activities Director say otherwise."

"So she may still be kicked out or... worse?" Chiron nodded. "I'm afraid so." Things could not get any worse. "Do you know who the new director is?" Chiron shook his head. "I don't, that is up to Mr. D."

I need to go and talk to mother, I cant leave her fate up to the grumpy wine god and some stranger I hadn't met. Who knows if they would want to kill her out of sport, after all she has been killed before by heros such as Perseus, the son of Zeus. Even my father has killed her before, luckily mother got over that quick.

She hasn't even introduced herself to the campers yet, as we were waiting for everyone to arrive. She should be in the guest room right now.

"Excuse me Chiron, I'm going to talk with my mother real quick." Chiron nodded, letting me leave. I went to my mothers room and lightly knock on the door. "Come in." I heard the soft but indifferent voice come from behind the door.