
Son of a fallen

In dxd with the mangekyou sharingan, ha can I even be stopped

Grim_Reaper_4508 · Cómic
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8 Chs


"huh it seem like his doing it but at a cost" I said as the leaders looked at me

"he's trying to fuse together two opposite powers together, which would be impossible without a third party in this case" I said as Issei shoved a ball into his arm

"his life force" Azazel finished my sentence as I nodded

While we where talking issei was able to take the power and fuse it with his own as vali flew into the air as he held his hand up and things began to shrink

"whats going on"

"he's warping the dimension, it's a very dangerous action"

"how is that fair"

"it isn't, ohh what are we going to do with our fighting dragon love birds, he'll have to want it more to win, let's try adding another element of our own" Azazel said as he called out to Issei

"what do you want"

"I'm going to put it simply, that ability of his has the power to divide things around it in half"


"it means he can divide Rias's bust line in half"

"no way that works" I said but I was proven wronga massive amountsof energy come from Issei as I turned to him to his red and green energy flowing out of his body in waves

"DON'T FUCK WITH ME" he shouted as his armor began to glow


"wait what"





"I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THIS" Issei shouted as a massive wave of energy was sent out of his body as the devil kings shielded the others I was in the Kamui dimension as I watch this with a blank expression

"I've officially give up on life as a whole" I said as Azazel laughed while shielding himself

"hahaha to think he got so strong just from the thought of have his masters boobs reduced in size hahaha!" azazel shouted as the force of his power began to destroy the surrounding building and some power leaked out into the town as I used Kamui to suck up the power

"why is he releasing so much power, doesn't he know that stray are attracted to that" I said irritated but he stopped releasing after a few seconds and then charged at vali as the began fight with issei holding the advantage as Issei gave vali a headbutt destroying the helmet of there armor before kicking down to the ground

"short boost in power but 65% of it was wasted in that little show of his" as issei dropped out of energy, but vali wasn't done

"interesting" vali said as he got up while Issei was still on the ground

"how can he still stand"

"he's only slightly injured and he's still running on full bars, in other words Issei didn't do jack shit" I said to them as azazel turned to me with a really look

"fine he did something" I said

"1% damage" I whispered

"I the one who shall-" he stopped as he's eyes went red

"none of that" I said as I placed him in a genjustu, as the barrier shatter and a figure dropped down

"hy vali, what's wrong with you" the new comer said as he looked at Vali for a few before he placed his hand on him breaking my genjustu

"you where able to break threw my genjustu, and while it was a low level one you did so effortlessly, hm to many people already know how to do that so I can't let you live" I said as I quickly made some hand signs but was stopped by Azazel

"I think that enough fighting for today don't you think" he said as I nodded before Issei dropped to the ground

"well then that was a short meeting, well meet next time and hopefully we will have a proper fight without interpretation" he said as he span his staff around then slamming it into the ground as the teleported away

"what was that"

"I'm planning on killing everyone who can break out of my genjustu, one was enough" I said before I yawned

"anyways I'm going home" I said as my wings popped out as Issei dropped since he was out of power as rias ran to him and pushed passed me as I was about to send a light spear through her face Azazel stopped me as I sighed and floated off the ground

"wait!" a voice said from behind as I looked to see Serafall running at us as I decided to ignore her but as I was about to fly away azazel grabbed me stopping me from leaving

"really" I said as serafall came to a stop in front of us

"yes, stop ignoring the poor girl" he said as I placed him in a genjustu where he was eaten by a titan

"lady Leviathan, may I help you with anything" I asked as I placed her in a genjustu... Just in case

"yes" she said as she bowed

"I would like to apologize for what I almost did, I was acting without thinking and could have taken your life"

"not really, you have zero chance of winning against me but apology accepted" I said break the genjustu and the one on Azazel

"not funny Raiden"

"depends on who your talking to" I said before a yawned again as I was I flapped my wings ready to take off Azazel grabbed me again

"go help out, most of the damage was caused by you and those flames are still not out yet"

"I'll put the flames out but the rest is on you" I said as the black flames died

"I will see you later" I said as I flew away before teleporting back home

"darling your back" grayfia said covered in blood with a smile on her face

"I would ask but nuhh" I said as I went to the living room and waited as Grayfia came down clear and naked as she came and seat on my lap

"you seem like you've had a long day"

"I have, it seems that my Susanoo evolution takes up to much power and causes extreme eye pain, while I made the mistake of not limiting my usage"

"really, but how are you tired I can feel that you are still at 100%"

"thats my light aura, my Chakra is the only one linked to my stamina"

"but didn't you say you have a lot of energy of Chakra"

"yes but the susanoo takes up a lot more power than any other ability"

"huh well I could help speed up you recovery, you know" she said as I removed my blindfold and looked at her before bringing her to a deep kiss

"nice try but I have school tomorrow" I said as I picked her up and took her to the bedroom

(the next day)

I decided that today, I would go to school since Azazel had something to tell me and sona wished for me to do something for her

"huh I hate school" I thought as I walked to school, but soon I heard foot steps from behind to see Xenovia running towards me as I stopped and waited as she stopped in front of me

"Raiden , may we walk together" she asked as I raised an eyebrows

"not at all" I said to her as we walked to school but since we where early

"hy you want to get something to eat"

"why did you not get breakfast"

"I did but there's a certain taste that I want" I said went into the market as I went into a Cafe and got a pie while Xenovia just ordered some coffee

"so why have you decided to follow me, and there's also that staring thing you do, like right now"

"ohh so you noticed"

"you make it to obvious" I said as I took a bit of my pie as I closed my eyes to enjoy the flavor

"really, I thought I was hiding it well"

"you where not" I said as she nodded

"then I'll get right to the point" she said as she took out some condoms

"I wish for you to make a-" she couldn't finish as a shaved a piece of pie into her mouth and snatched the condoms

"firstly don't say shit like that out loud people will think I'm a pervert, and while I don't mind since I'm also looking for a way to revive my clan, but aren't you with the dragon emperor" I asked as she shook her head

"no, I've had my eye on you, since the day I first time I saw you, when you stopped kokabiel, ever since that day I've been interested in you, and the fact that your lover is someone like grayfia, it means that you are worth something and not complete scum" she said the last part pissed as her face changed for a second

"but since you agreed we can begin immediately, rias has told me that it is rare for devils and angel to conceive so the earlier we begin the better" she said out loud as I turned to see people looking at us as I casted a genjustu on all of them

"don't say shit like that in public, you'll get us mainly me in trouble" I said to her as she nodded

"then I shall come stay with you" she said as more of a statement then a question

"I don't mind, but you'll be dealing with Grayfia"

"don't worry I spoke to her a few days ago and she agreed without issues" she said as I stopped eating and just looked at her


"a few days ago"

"huh you know what it's okay, anyways lets go it almost time for school" I said as I went and payed before teleporting us to the OCR building as we went to the main building of the school we talked for a bit before we separated as I went to the student council office as I knocked on he door

"come in" sona said as I opened the door as she and her peerage along with her sister were there as I narrowed my eyes

"we're not going to attack you, if that's what you where thinking" sona said as I rolled my eyes


"whatever just sit down" she said as I sat down as she took out a chest board

"your still here" I asked serafall as she just smiled

"she refuses to leave, so I made a bet with her that if I won a chess match with anyone of her choice not only would she leave but I would dictate her comings and goings" she said as I looked at Serafall

"and if I where to lose, I would have to wear a magical girl outfit for a complete day and allow my sister to take as many photos of me as she pleases, there's more but you don't need to worry" sona said with a slight blush

"and what would I get" I asked serafall as she paused then looked at me

"what do you mean"

"what do I get"

"you are doing a favor for a cute and adorable magical girl" she said as she transformed into a magical girl outfit

"girl?" I asked as I looked at her as she froze again before looking at me

"he has a point, aren't magical girls supposed to be, you know girl you are full flagged woman, sister"

"yeah she's got you there serafall your too old to be a magical girl" I said as she ran to Sona's queen and hugged her before crying into her chest as I gave sona a high five before I sat down

"but I'm not doing this for free give me something to work with" I said as I sat back on the chair as serafall stopped

"I will give you a free signed autograph of me"


"a free signed autograph picture of me and tickets to my show"


"a free signed autograph picture of me, tickets to my show and one kiss on the cheek"

"I'm leaving"

"what why, huh fine, I will give you my panties"

"hmmm add in a favor and pictures of sona in the magical outfit and you got yourself a deal"


"what!" sona shouted as she looked worried as I decided to add more

"hy Sona can you give me the rule book, I need to see what I can and cannot do" I asked with a smile as she looked at me


"I simply wished to learn how to play chess" I said with my eyes closed

"you don't know how to play, ohh no, I lost my one chance!" serafall said loudly in the back ground as we ignored her

"here you go then, but before that do you mind if we made a little bet" she said as she handed me a book

"I'm listening"

"if you lose you become my slave in a way, your life will belong to me" she said as her eyes glowed as I looked up

"huh that quite a thing to ask sona"

"yes while it would be impossible to add you into my peerage because of your strength, this is the only think I have and I could use you to achieve my goals and nothing would stop me" she said as she had a twisted smile as I looked at her for a second before smiling

"and if I win the roles become reversed, but I think we should sign some sort of contract don't you think, you know so none of us backs down once they lose" I said as Sona looked at her sister

"are you sure Sona, you may lose you life your goal if you lose, think about this" Serafall said worried

"I have now the contract sister" she said as Serafall sighed as a contract appeared as I read through it and felt the magic

"why don't you sign it first Sona" I said as Sona placed it on the table before taking out a knife and slicing her hand as blood dripped down onto the table as it moved and made one half of a rune as I did the same as my blood dripped onto the table and created a rune as it glowed red before it created a storm in the room as Sona and I floated up as a chain came out of the contract and shot into out hearts as I felt something on my neck and heart

As I looked at Sona I saw a chain linking us as we went down

"it's complete" Serafall said as I took out the book before I flipped through it as my eye got everything as I prosessed it within a second before my eyes glowed

"shall we begin"

"we shall" sona said with a evil smile thinking she already won

(7 hour later)

"h-H-how" sona stated as she looked at the chessboard as we both had no more pieces only our king

"it's simple really, you see while we where playing I noticed that you were not giving it you all, you where simply playing with me, so I used that to my advantage, I lured you into a false victory as I slowly took your piece"

"even so this position you have me in"

"sona I will tell you a secret" I said as my sharingan glowed

"these eyes see everything, I was able to see all your moves from the moment you pick up you first piece and have been planning for this moment" I said as I picked up my pieces

"checkmate" I said as I took her king winning the game

"w-wait I AAAAHHHHHHH" sona screamed out in pain as I jumped back as marks began to appear on her body

"WHAT THE FUCK" I said as her peerage and sister ran to her as she scream out in pain before I moved passed them opened Sona's eyes and placed in a genjustu as she fall asleep

"explain now" I demanded Serafall as she checked on her sister

"what did-"

"I placed her in my mirror world genjustu, now explain leviathan" I said a little pissed cause that could have been me

"the contract you signed, was used in the old days by devils to add non clan members to there Clan's and give them there bloodline, while still having control over there servants, but most servant found the weakness of the contract"

"the fact that a bet is needed"

"correct, so servants would trick there lord and win, but this was not supposed to happen, you do not have a bloodline"

"OFF CAUSE I DO, WHAT DO YOU THINK THESE ARE" I shouted pissed for some reason maybe it was because I just had my bloodline stolen or I almost had to suffer what ever that was

"how your"

"doesn't matter" I said as I turned to the peerage and placed them in a genjustu, erase there memories of what I just said

"I don't appreciate having my bloodline stolen leviathan, but I'll let this slide, so what's going to happen to her"

"The pain with leave soon then the prosesse would be completed, now tell me about your bloodline" serafall demand as I stood up

"not now come to my place once sona walks up" I said as I got up and went to the OCR as Sona's queen followed me, as we got the i opened the door, to find everyone there

"I'm sorry but sona will not be able to come" the queen said as she bowed and left

"anyways as you all know I will be supervisoring your training and Jinx will also be joining the club" Azazel said as I was about to speak up but stopped myself as I went to sit down and took out some snacks from my dimension

"anyways all the females of rias group will be living in Issei house" Azazel said as I gave a chocolate bar to koneko and gasper

"sorry lord Azazel, but I will be living with Raiden " Xenovia said as everyone looked at her then me

"ohh are you two dating how cute"

"not yet Raiden has agreed to-" she couldn't finish as she dropped to the ground as I told her to keep that shit private, before she got up

"sorry, I forgot" she said with a smile

"my ass" I said as Azazel looked at me and nodded while giving me a thumbs up as I gave him the middle finger

"what wrong with you" I asked Issei as he looked pissed before dropping to the ground before crying about some stolen boobs

"anyways xenovia I'll think of something, but for now you can stay with Raiden, ohh and remember devils and fallen angel can't make children like humans so you are going to have to put in a lot of work befo-" he stop as he saw my eye bleeding

"nevermide, we guess it time for me to go" he said and teleported away as the place he was standing caught on fire

"I should have incinerated him the second we met" I said before killing the flames and

"wait you two are really" Rias was cut off by me as I made a genjustu butterfly as it flew towards Gasper as it chased him around the room

"depends on how you look at it, but for now we'll see where the wind takes us" I said as I yawned

"but what about grayfia, would she not be angry when" Rias said worried about her piece, as I took the kid out of his hiding spot and placed him next to koneko before I took out a jar of cookies Grayfia made me and gave them to the two

"I've already spoken to lady Grayfia and she agreed well there here some rules I must follow but it's nothing I can't handle" xenovia said as I looked at her

"rules?" I said as I shot out small fire dragon heads as they flew around

"Woooow" Gasper said with stars in his eyes as well as koneko and Asia, but I had to mask my Chakra since you know, koneko

"yes there are a few conditions I must complete within a year or she will kill me for failing" xenovia said as if this was no big deal

"and you agreed" I asked her as I clapped my hands together as my hair began to stand on edge as I raised my palm to the two as they went to touch my handed as there hair stood on edge as well

"hehehe" gasper laughed as koneko looked at her hand as static energy sparked on her fingers, before she used her demon energy to guide the static out and touched Gasper as he got a little shock

"ooowww Koneko!" he shouted as koneko smiled as she looked at her hand

"come here Gaspy I don't bite" she said as gasper ran away as koneko followed him

"yes" xenovia said as I looked at her for a second then nodded

"okay, it's a bet between you two, so I can't get involved, but you will tell me the details later" I said as koneko came back for a recharge as she was now chasing Asia as well before she began throwing static around as shocking Kiba, Issei but one of her bolts missed and went straight for Akano how just stood there and took it

"ara ara" she said as her body sparked with electric before koneko and Gasper stopped running and ran back to me

"of course" she said with a smile as I nodded as the two went behind me as I blocked a bolt of electricity

"you want to fight or something" I asked as my eyes glowed

"no I was simply trying to join in this little game of there"

"first this is a kids game, second you put about ten times the amount in the one bolt lower you voltage so you don't cause damage" I told her calmly before turning back to Rias and Xenovia, as I gave them more electricity to play with and made a shield on them since I don't trust the black haired girl

"are you sure she will be fine living with you"

"Grayfia agreed to it and I have no problem with it so why not"

"huh fine then she ca-aaah" Rias screamed a little as a stray static bolt zapped her

"okay you three that enough" she said as gasper, koneko and Akano stopped as rias scolded them about playing dangerous games in her office

"well I guess it time for me to leave" I said as I got up and began to walk away, but a small hand stopped me as I looked behind me to see gasper, with his paper bag

"would it be okay if you played with us again"

"sure thing kid maybe next time, we can ride on a lightning dragon"

"wooow really!"

"really" I said with a smile as he turned to koneko

"did you hear that koneko, we get to ride on a lightning dragon next time" he said as koneko just gave him a thumbs up as I nodded as I teleported away