
Son of a fallen

In dxd with the mangekyou sharingan, ha can I even be stopped

Grim_Reaper_4508 · Cómic
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8 Chs


As i got home I collapsed onto the floor

"this doesn't make any sense, I have three different sources of energy, but only Chakra makes me feel like shit .... Maybe I should stop using Kotoamatsukami, for at least a few days" I sighed before I went to the couch and layed on my back as I slowly recovered

"darling are you alright" grayfia said as she walked up to me and bant down giving me a view of her chest

"darling?" I asked as she layed down with me

"I apologize master I just thought"

"I don't mind, it kinda helps ease the fact that I changed your personality" I said as I looked at the ceiling as she got on top of me and rested her head on my chest

"to be honest I'm still the same as I was, before, you only made me your slave in a way but" she stopped and moved closer to my face

"now I belong to you, I am yours, to do as you please, even if it means dying, I will do so without question" she said as I sighed and pulled her closer

"huh you know one day I will turn you back" I said looking at the ceiling

"yes but for now we can enjoy ourselves" she said as she kissed me as this turned into a deeper one as I sat up and lifted her as I took her to the bedroom

(the next day)

I wake up at about 4 in the afternoon, with a slight pain in my left eye and back cramp, as I my wings popped out

"ohh that is so much better" I said as I strached a bit then moved my wings around

"man I do love these things" I said as I went to the bathroom, took a shower brushed my teeth and got dressed

"should I put a shirt on" I asked myself

"nahh" I said as I went down stairs with my wings out

"you where not at school today, why" Sona asked as I turned to her and her queen then looked out the window to see Serafall as I narrowed my eyes before


"sorry darling, she was very persistent in seeing you" she said as she appeared next to me

"huh can you take that one away, she creeps me out"

"I've tried but she won't stay away" Grayfia said as I looked at Serafall

"sleep" I said as she fall asleep and grayfia waved her hand as serafall disappeared

"before you jump to conclusions, I just pleased her in a genjustu, she wake up in an hour"

"that is a useful ability"

"it is, now what can I help you with Sona" I said as I walked away

"you where not school today, why" she said as they followed me

"is it really that important"

"yes it was open day today, you where supposed to bring your parents" she said as I got a drink out of the fridge and drank

"I don't have any parents... Here and to tell you the truth I over slept" I said as I float a bit and crossed my legs

"Grayfia you allowed him to miss school" Sona asked grayfia

"huh I did try but I was a bit to tired to do more then ask him to wake up" grayfia said in a oddly tired tone

'can't blame her, but she has a large sex drive' I thought as grayfia went to whatever she was doing

"huh I also want to ask"

"about the meeting yes I will be going, I'm not sure about grayfia" I said

"there is no reason for me to attend, so no" she said from the kitchen

"I see, huh that disappointing" she said and I took offense


"no not you, it's just that this meeting is bound to attract some unwanted attention and the humans" she answered

"I see, Grayfia you have nothing to do, so tomorrow night, it will be your job to protect the humans" I said to Grayfia as she sighed bowed and agreed

"what since when do you care grayfia" Sona asked shocked

"I do not, I am simply following darling orders" she said as the door bell rang and I went to see how it was

As I opened the door, there stood two man both with red hair, but one had a beard, Sirzechs and Zeoticus

"hello there, fallen angel, may we come in" sirzechs asked as I looked at him

"huh, Kamui" I said as I teleported the three of us into my dead space

"we can talk here I don't trust you enough to allow in my house, so what is it you want"

"Grayfia, a few days ago she came into me office and just quit, without a reason, didn't even pack her belongings, she just left, then a few days after I get a call from my daughter, informing me that Grayfia was here and had fallen in love with a fallen angel"

"okay, I don't see why I should you know... 8care"

"grayfia hates everything and everyone, with a burning passion" Sirzechs said as I looked confused

"really now"

"yes but what was shocking to us is that she left for the love of her life you"

"she did say that didn't she" I said

"yes but I'm not convinced that she would fall in love with an angel she only met for a few hours" Sirzechs said as his eyes narrowed

"that would be true.... If we didn't have more then a few hours" I said as the looked confused

"this dimension, is a place outside of space and time, the first time we met she tried to kill me and I awakened an ability and teleported us to this dimension, we fought for a full week but we where tied, and soon we realized our situation" I said as I made a small portal so Grayfia could hear

"and what would that be"

"let's just say we had a while to get to know each other, but I really don't think you should be talking to me about this" I said as I threw us out of the dead space

"if you wish to talk to her I wouldn't mind nor would I care" I as they looked at each other

"we would like that, but can we come in"

"sure" I said as I opened the door and walked to Sona and her queen

"I think it's time we left, we need to prepare for tomorrow" Sona said as she left before bowing ar Sirzechs and Zeoticus

"gray you got this right" I said as I placed her in Tsukuyomi to discuss the lie


"then I'll also be leaving" I said I said as I held two fingers up and teleported away

As I appeared in the air I opened my wings as I looked around

"there one" I said as I flew to and abandoned factory

"so many strays in one location" I as I walked in, I saw a lot of movement

"I know your all there come out" I said as one came into the light, a deformed creature, with human and demon part its was about 7 feet tall with razor sharp claws

"why don't you look at that, a little mouse has wondered into our home" he said as drool came out of his mouth

"1,2,3,4....11" I said counting the amount of creatures

"there are not that many but the all seem strong... High class?" I asked myself as the monster got pissed off as he dished at me with incredible speed but to me he was moving in slow motion as he went for a punch I ducked as lightning sparked up on my hand

"Chidori!" I said as I stabbed into his chest

"shock spree" I said as I pushed out a lot off lightning into him frying him before he dropped as I pulled my hand out before I backflip and made 10 light kuines and threw them at the at the two stray that appeared at my sides before landing as I placed both hands on the ground as lightning bolts struck around me kill the two

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT" two voices said at the same time as I looked behind me to see three giant blast of magic heading towards me

"kamui" I said as I warped the blast away, but

"AAAHH" I screamed in pain as a giant claw stabbed into me

"huh what a weakling" the one behind me said

"am I now" I said as he looked behind him to see me standing on top of one of the stray with a light spear in it back

"what" he said as he turned back to see his claw was in one of his teammates

"just because you can turn invisible does not mean I can't see you, cause" I said as my as a blue ribcage formed blocking two stray as two giant skeleton hands grabbed them

"these eyes see everything" I said as blood dripped down my eye

"Amaterasu" I said as the entire factory was covered in black flames as it burnt away the strays before they could even scream as the flames disappeared

"disappointing dance partners, huh you can come out Rias your hiding suck" I said as Rias and her peerage came out of there hiding spots

"Chakra" the little white haired girl said as the other where shocked at this

"okay weirdos I'm leaving" I said as I turned around and began walking away


"no!" I said


[ISSEI STOP] he's gear appeared kn his hand before he stopped


[he was able to take down Kokabiel easily, while you where not able to even scratch him, think before you act]

"listen to your dragon devil, you'll live longer" I said as I took off and just flew around full speed as I enjoyed the feeling as I did a few tricks