
Chapter 20: Sisters

"Whoa...no one thought to mention you were a...Gay."

Willa barely managed to get the sentence out before she left the barn, shutting the door a little too hard behind her.

"Okay, my sister is a lesbian."

She muttered, shaking her head despite the fact that she knew that she could have handled that better. but there were of things she never expected to see and on the top of that list was seeing her half-sister with her tongue halfway down another girl's throat.

Or anyone's throat for that matter.

There were just some things that family just should see and seeing her sixteen-year-old sister running toward home base was one of them.

Going back inside Willa stole a bottle of beer from Wynonna who was sitting at the table.

"Since when do you drink and why do you look like you saw a ghost?" the younger woman questioned, earning a look

"A ghost I could handle. Seeing our shooting toward a home run with miss Haught Shot, not so much." Willa retorted before practically chugging down half the contents of the bottle.

Wynonna sat there, confused for a second before she burst out laughing.

Willa glared up at her at that.

"Don't tell me you're homophobic? It's the twenty-first century!" Wynonna said, earning a sigh.

"I'm not but I didwant need to see Waverly with her hand on another girl's boob and her tongue halfway down the giant ginger's throat."

This only made Wynonna laugh more.

"You act like they were having sex or something."

Willa glared.

"Shut up Wynonna, I don't need the mental image of either you or her playing Donkey Kong with "

Waverly walked in to find Wynonna laughing and making fun of something that Willa had said. She noticed that Willa seemed grossed out and for some reason that bothered her.

After all, why care about what the person who tortured you as a child thought about you? It wasn't like Willa ever cared about her.

But then again, Willa had been semi-nice, or at least nice by Willa's standards and Waverly had hoped.

She had dared to hope.

"So girls huh? When were you going to share that tidbit of info with the class?"

Wynonna asked as soon as she noticed her, the amusement never leaving her face.

"I was waiting for the right time to tell you."

Waverly glanced over at Willa who had just finished the bottle of alcohol, silently praying that Willa wouldn't freak out or something. She didn't think she could handle that.

"If Miss Romeo didn't hurry home I think I would rather talk to her for a second."

Willa left toward the door.

"Great, she hates me."

Waverly muttered, sinking onto an empty chair and buried her face into her hands.

"No, she doesn't but I think she's scarred for life after walking in on you and Haughtstuff having anatomy class."

Wynonna retorted, putting her hands on Waverly's shoulders before adding

"I will admit Willa can be a giant pain in the ass but she doesn't hate you."

"She's never liked me Wynonna! Don't you remember how she and Daddy treated me growing up or don't you care? This last week she has been nice, sure and you have no idea how good that felt. How much it seemed like I was an actual member of this family." Waverly commented, choking up.

Wynonna regarded her for a minute before speaking again

"She was ready to kill Champ you know, for hurting you. That's why we went out shooting because we both needed to cool off. She has changed Waves, give her a tiny chance okay? Besides, you'll always have me. No matter what."

Waverly glanced up then, eyes shimmering with tears.

"I guess I can try. I mean anyone can change, can't they?"