
Flash backs and Dreams chapter 4

I was working on a gift to give to him but i couldn't get things right the color wasn't working right and and my shaking hands don't work to well but I still painted away tell a banging sound came from the door and a loud crash she was pissed I had hoped to hide in my art room but I was mistaken she was beyond pissed she wasted no time with the pain she infected on me savoring the sound she got form me as I winced in pane she tore the shirt from my back with how hard she grabbed me then the cold knife touched my skin of how mother like this game she would make small cuts here and there never where people can see she new that I hid it well but with each day she took more please in it I tried to move to get the hell the hell out but I stood froze but when she went for my mallet and hale me down as she said you didn't need this watch as I take the only thing you love away as I destroy your world i close my eyes i breath in smack one I counted two three she let go the next one she tried to get me to give it up but my body took action I grabbed my display and smashed it on her I grabbed my hoodie and ran I new what time it was I new what needed to be done I ran for dear life to the bus stop and made it just in time don't let her in she's trying to kill me what I could see the look on there faces please don't let her in her voce filled the air I don't know what happened next but i new that Owen will help i passed out from the shock and the pain and I am also thinking blood loss

When I came to I was face to face with miss nicks I don't really remember what she said because the ringing was louder and my hart was going wild i spook but didn't know what was coming out of my mouth I only know that one I was being helped two that my art was going to be save and three my step mother went to jail darkness took over and a calm as well

I don't know how long it was or what time it is but I was coming too the room faded in and out I closed my eyes and went to hold my head but fond that I couldn't more them what's going on I whispered I don't know where I am or the room is spinning like crazy oh honey you're up yes can you let me up yes I can but you can't move to much ok your right hand you can the left don't move to much ok yes miss nicks I opened my eyes slowly I sat up with the help of the bed and miss nicks and more this was a bit much how am I …..I am fear struck me this is I pull and hid myself with the covers I just sorry sorry I am sorry I just want to stop your fine she said father has he fond out did someone call him yes we have tried to reach him but no one then we are all done for he's no better then my mother I need to run I need to hide to leave before he hurts any one else calm down no one will hurt you you will be doors opened and closed and yelling was coming I knew to well who it was and what was about to happen he here and nothing can stop him suer he has his moments but with work and his bipolar disorder there's no telling what's going to happen we could get the sweet caring father or the mean cold man I don't know who's coming but I know I need to run I pulled the IVs out of my arms I pushed everything down and ran to the door but was stopped by a doctor why is she up she needs rest and I got out of his hold and ran but pain blinding pain shot up and down my back I couldn't breathe I was bleeding from the IV and my head was spinning flashing of the Malt cross by my eyes and I can't tell what's real anymore I press myself to the wall and cry stop just stop I cried out over and over please I can't i my hands I fall to the floor in a heap of snot,blood and dirt when a hands on my back I jump away and see a nurse she didn't say a thing picked me up and started to walk me back to the room I felt calm I felt childish as well who are you well I have worked in a lot of places here at this hospital and I have seen a lot but never have I seen a patient almost loose there sanity I couldn't leave you on the floor your human hun so we walked back to the room I was in she sat me down now hun I am going to give you something to lessen the pain you're in it's going to make you sleepy ok ok I repeat what she said you're in shock hun but you're save now and no one can hurt you please don't let anyone is please ok how about the young man I was told about and how he helped you and his family his dad is an officer I could feel the warm pain meds kick in and the throbbing pain leave me yes that would be nice just not my father please yes hun he will not get in unless you say so sleep now ok yes I could here the dr come back in you fond her yes I did what's she's ok was the last think she said sleep took over I didn't even know the kind nurses name before I was out like a light