
2: Invisible Visitor

I didn't know what to do. Slam the door and wait for the pounding to stop? Call out and see if the pounding stops? Get a new house altogether?

But, apparently, I didn't have to chose.

The banging stopped, thankfully, and I was left there, shaking, feeling some sort of presence staring at me.

But nothing nor no one was there.

So, I shut the door, went back to my desk, and continued to do my work and play my music.


Good news: Nothing else....weird....happened throughout the day.

Bad news: I still felt that presence staring at me, as if trying to weigh me down, trying to make me drop my guard.

Well, I'll say this, just to let you know:

I never let my guard drop.

Never have.

Never will.

So, sit back, relax-Ok, I take that back:dont relax-, maybe grab a snack, and you'll see how this plays out with me.