
something imperfect

Aaron didn't seem to be my type and he's not .... but somehow he got so into my skin that I couldn't tear it off anymore and I knew that he would condemn me for it, that I would have to take the consequences but Aaron wasn't the only thing I didn't understand, his family seemed to be perfect, at least I thought so. Come with me to find out what happened in this story.

D_Valentina · Adolescente
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6 Chs


1:03:15 pm

I'm standing in front of a house, not a house, a mansion, I had no idea that my mother was referring to a mansion "mother it would have been a great idea to have commented that the Bakers were extremely rich" whenever I saw Mrs. Esther, my mother's friend, who was wearing very simple but elegant outfits, I never observed her jewelry or anything like that, so I never got the idea that she had a lot of money.

I try to keep my nerves away and a thousand thoughts cross my mind if Esther's family doesn't like me? Maybe they want to make my life impossible because I'm not from their background, Megan that's not going to happen, everything will be fine, it's not a big deal, I repeated myself. I had to walk and ring the doorbell because I looked like a fool out here looking at the imposing house.

With trembling hands I decided to ring the bell, I was quickly startled by a voice that clearly came from an answering machine.

- Baker house, how can I help you?

- Hello... uh... I'm here on behalf of Melissa Moretti, my name is Megan Moretti- I said leaning towards the answering machine, immediately the imposing bars opened giving way to the great mansion.


Why was I counting my steps? I really don't know.




I had to stop counting my steps









- ! Dear ! - the big door opened, letting Mrs. Esther see that I was received with a big smile, if I had to stop saying "great" but I could do, everything here was amazing.

- Mrs. Esther...Thank you for everything you have...- she just proceeded to interrupt me.

- Megan, you are like a daughter to me, I watched you grow up and you don't have to worry about anything so it happens.

Being so uncomfortable I agreed to walk inside the mansion and by God, this house was wonderful, luxurious with a classic and modern touch.

- Miss, can I help you? - a guy pulled me out of how surprised I was and don't blame me I had never been in a place like this and even less that I lived.

- Hey - hey, don't worry I can - I couldn't even speak properly, for sure it was the heavy discomfort I had.

- Megan, this is Natan, he is our driver. - The boy gave me a tender smile, I noticed his face that had a brown skin that accompanied him with brown hair as well as his eyes.

- A pleasure Miss Megan, for whatever you need. - The boy extended his hand towards me which I gladly received.

- The pleasure is mine Natan - he nodded and I turned my attention back to Esther

- Well, let's go to your room Megan - she walked ahead of me down a long hallway, on the walls I noticed paintings that of course were not low budget.

She stopped her feet and turned to a door and agreed to open it, my mouth almost fell to the floor as I looked at the room, I honestly thought my room would be like the housekeeping but this was incredible.

The room had a giant window with a spectacular view, the bed was made of fine material.

And I just didn't know what to say.

-this wow, I..I..I can't. - The words were coming out of my mouth, noticing how surprised I was, and it was true that I couldn't accept such a thing.

- Of course you can, now take a shower and in a little while Natan will tell you to come down for dinner. - So I turn on my heels as I leave the room, leaving me with the word in my mouth.

The bathroom was just as impressive as the room, I undressed and went into the shower letting the water run all over my body.

Once outside I started thinking that when I went down to dinner I was obviously going to meet the whole family and that made me even more nervous.

I voted to wear a pale pink dress that was loose, not so elegant but not so casual, in the middle of it.

-Miss Megan? Dinner is ready - I heard Natan behind the door.

- Thank you Natan - I opened the door looking at him.

He turned on his heels nodding and walking down the aisle - follow me miss.

-Natan... don't call me Miss Megan, just call me Megan - I said behind him making him give me a look.

- it's ok... Megan- I smiled, I liked how he pronounced my name alone, without any miss or formalities.

We walked down the long corridor until we reached a room and in the middle was positioned the gigantic dining room, my legs and hands began to shake, my heart was beating fast, my legs were weak for a moment I thought they would not hold.

- Megan! Have a seat, honey- this is Mrs. Esther getting me out of my trance. I forced my legs to walk towards the dining room where everyone was looking at me with curiosity, I was devoured by the looks, I noticed each of the faces that were looking at me, I recognized Damian who was next to Esther, my gaze stopped in the only eyes that were not looking at me, his gaze was lost among his plate of food. Pure black hair and pale, creamy skin, he was the only one who did not look at me as if he did not know I was here.

I just proceeded to sit in the only empty seat... in front of the boy, I looked at his face and saw he had somewhat integral gray eyes.

- Megan...I'm glad you're here, it's been a long time since we've had visitors," said Mr. Damien and I noticed that he said it with a certain discouraged tone.

- Thank you very much Mr. Damien, I hope I am not disturbing you.

- Of course not Megan, I guess you didn't know my family, right? - He took a sip from the wine glass.

- No, I had never had the opportunity to meet them - I looked at the boy and wondered if he had a disease or a hearing problem because the boy only ate without raising his eyes or making the slightest gesture, maybe he just wasn't interested in conversation.

- Well, it is obvious that you know Esther, this is Lucas - Damien slightly pointed at the boy next to me, he looked adorable, he had inherited some traits from his mother.

- Megan... Beautiful name...- Lucas showed a smile, I could tell that he looked younger than the other boy.

- Thanks Lucas, nice to meet you- I said dedicating a smile to him.

- He is Blas, my brother.

- Nice to meet you Megan, I hope we don't turn out to be as bitter as we seem - I let out a laugh, Damien and Blas looked too much

- Oh, of course not.

- Well, Megan this is Aaron. - Aaron... fence name. Aaron looked up at me, I felt intimidated by his gaze, I wanted to look away but I couldn't, I felt lost, there was something in those eyes that intrigued me.

Damien cleared his throat, realizing that I had remained looking at him without dissimulation.

-I said after noticing that everyone was waiting for one of us to speak, what a shame.

- The same," he replied indifferently. The dinner was spent amidst laughter and anecdotes told to me about the family. Aaron never said another word and looked back at his plate.

Look at the room that was now mine. Sleep came over me and I fell asleep, immersed in my thoughts that this would be my new life.