
something imperfect

Aaron didn't seem to be my type and he's not .... but somehow he got so into my skin that I couldn't tear it off anymore and I knew that he would condemn me for it, that I would have to take the consequences but Aaron wasn't the only thing I didn't understand, his family seemed to be perfect, at least I thought so. Come with me to find out what happened in this story.

D_Valentina · Adolescente
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6 Chs


12: 34 AM

Hours later:

- where the hell is he? - I turned on my heels to face him.

- I had left it here - he said pointing to the place where we were.

- Well, it's gone - I said raising my hands and pointing to the place around us. - Don't you think it would have been a good idea to take him with you?

- Aaron is not easy to handle - not that I know him well but if I agree, Aaron seems like the type.

- He should be fine.

- Aaron's not capable of looking after his own ass and even less so if he's over the top, last time he crashed the car.

He crashed a car?

- Okay, you go that way and I'll go the other way.

- Okay, be careful, I don't want any more trouble.

- I'll be fine. The important thing is to find Aaron.

- Okay, I'll meet you outside.

- All right. - I said yelling at him over the loud music. He nodded and waved goodbye.

I nodded and started walking to the opposite side of the street from Lukas.

There were a lot of people I felt a mixture of smells, drugs, sweat, alcohol, and more. I concentrated on every face I saw to see if I could find Aaron's idiot. I walked into a hallway and started checking every room.

First door: nothing.

Second door, nothing either.

I was about to open the third door when I started to hear screaming, I overlooked it because it must have been a girl taking her shirt off or a typical guy fight.

I tried to open the third door but it was locked, I kept walking but people kept shouting, then a high pitched voice of a woman shouted Aaron, I tried to locate where I heard the voice from, it must be close, I opened the remaining doors as fast as possible but in the rooms there was nothing but naked guys and empty beds, I turned around where I came back and tried to locate Lukas in the crowd, I was starting to get desperate with the music and the hustle and bustle.

I felt someone push me and I fell to my knees.

I got up immediately, I saw so many people that it was almost possible the idea of being crushed, I kept walking through the avalanche of people when I saw him.

I saw it.

Aaron Baker was stripping, I couldn't hide the smile on my face, the guy was definitely over the top, he was doing awkward moves but he was still too sexy. There was a group of girls surrounding a low table where Aaron was, they were screaming and groping him, so I approached slowly trying to get into the group of panty-wetting girls.

- Aaron! - I started to call out to him, he must have thought I was another girl, just like them.

Then I moved even closer, I grabbed his arm tightly, making him turn to me, his eyes watched me coldly.

- Megan...

- We have to go.

- No, we don't.

- Don't we? Lukas is very worried about you, let's go.

- I said no. - he said with a sigh.

- Well, if you don't come, I'm going to get drunk and do the same as you and when we get to your house, I'm going to say that you got me drunk and that maybe someone took advantage of me.

- Megan go away.

- No." I turned around and headed for the bar. Obviously I wasn't going to drink too much but I wanted Aaron to have some kind of emotion, some kind of frustration if something like that happened to me.

- A beer - I said to the guy tending the other side of the bar.

- How about orders - he gave me a closed-mouth smile. - You don't look like the kind of girl who comes to these parties. - he said handing him the red glass.

- Why not? - I took a sip of the drink that made its way down my throat.

- Because I see you analyze the place too much, I don't see that hint of fun in your eyes that everyone comes to have fun with and because of your wardrobe. - he said looking at me from the bottom up.

- What about my wardrobe - he was actually quite right, I had a pair of worn out jeans and a big sweatshirt. I noticed that all the girls were wearing dresses or tight skirts that they could barely cover up. - Okay... maybe I just don't like to dress like that. - I gestured at the place.

- Why are you here?

- I'm having fun. - I shrugged my shoulders. He let out a laugh and said.

- If you say so - then I took the time to detail him, he wasn't much older than me, I also caught a tattoo on his left forearm, he had a brownish color and he was a bit brown.

I looked away and looked over my shoulder, I was alarmed to see that Aaron was gone, I started to look around hoping he hadn't gone far away.

- Is something wrong? - Fuck it, Aaron was too old to have to watch his ass.

- No, nothing. - I said smiling. -What's your name?

- Guess what?

- Really? -You know, that's impossible. You know, that's impossible.

- Try," he said smiling.

- Let's see," I put my finger on my chin and looked thoughtful. - You look like Robert. - he let out a mocking laugh.

- No, I don't.

- Gustavo," he made a disgusted gesture.

- No. Alberto.

- Alberto.

- No! What horrible names, my name is Marcos - I couldn't help laughing.

- Marcos, my name is Megan.

- Nice to meet you. - I felt my right arm being pulled, making me turn around.

- You're out of here right now. - Aaron told me in a tone of voice that scared me, he was too angry.

- I told you, I'm going to have fun like you. - I stifled a scream when I saw him bend down and grab my legs lifting me like a sack of potatoes over his shoulder.

- Don't even think that a girl like you is going to handle me. - he said walking through the crowd, leading us towards the exit. When we were at the exit I got down carefully.

- What the fuck is wrong with you? - I said angrily.

- What's wrong with me? Did my mother hire you to watch me? - he said mockingly.

- No, Lucas was worried about you, because you are not capable of taking care of your own ass.

- Please," he said, raising his arms, "I'm old enough, you're the one who shouldn't be here. - I wondered where Lucas was, it had been about an hour since I had seen him.

- Where is Lucas?

- I told him to go home, I'd take you later.

- You're drunk. I'm not going with you.

- I'm not drunk. - He covered his mouth with his hand. Oh no, I was going to throw up. He pulled away and threw up in a bush. - Maybe a little.

- Yeah... I'm going to call a cab. - I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and my heart clenched when I saw that it had turned off. - I ran out of battery.

-Do you have yours?

- If it's here, I look in his pants. - It has to be here.

- Perfect, now what do we do.

- Stay here.

- I'm not staying here!

- Don't worry girl, the house belongs to a friend of mine, I'm going to ask him to lend us some rooms.

- Aren't there any other options? - I asked.

- If you want to walk home at one o'clock in the morning through lonely and dangerous streets, go ahead. - I was right, I couldn't risk going into the streets at one o'clock in the morning.

- Fine.

He nodded and started walking inside, once inside he turned away from me and started talking to a guy, the guy was nodding and talking, I couldn't understand what they were talking about because of the music. He turned to me and said:

- Well there are two pieces of news, one bad and one good. The good news is that you have rooms, the bad news is that most of them are occupied and there is only one. - I understood what he meant, we had to sleep together. He seemed to read my thoughts- I'm going to sleep in the bed and you on the floor.

- What?

- Don't think I'm a gentleman, I'm not going to sleep on the floor. - He started walking towards where the rooms were.

Me, sleep on the floor? What did you get me into Lucas, what could I expect from Aaron?

I walked into the room he had entered, I looked around the room and saw that it was quite spacious, my gaze was fixed on the bed, it was big enough for two people.

- How do you think I'm going to sleep on the floor?

- If you want to sleep with me you just have to ask - he looked at me amused.

- How funny. - He took off his boots and went into the bathroom in the room. There was no way I was going to sleep on the floor, I shouldn't be here, I should be in my bed sleeping, I took off my shoes, socks and overalls, I stayed in my skeleton. I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes.

I felt Aaron come out of the bathroom and walk across the room but I didn't even open them, I was too tired. I opened my eyes immediately when I heard the bed creak as I felt Aaron's weight, he was lying on the bed.

- I'm not going to sleep with you - I said

- I said I wasn't going to sleep on the floor - I gave a low cry of frustration.

- You're an idiot.

- A sexy idiot. - I gave an amused smile.

- Your ego is beyond me. - He was silent for a few seconds.

- See you tomorrow Megan.

- See you tomorrow Aaron. - his eyelids closed. Then I looked at him in detail, Aaron was very attractive, his black hair was messy, his skin was pale and tempting, my hands wanted to know if he was as smooth as he looked, his nose was perfectly shaped and his lips... they were full, were they soft?


What am I doing? I pushed those thoughts aside. I couldn't possibly be attracted to him, he was an idiot, a very sexy idiot, he wasn't for me.