
Someone Journey

I'm too lazy to put synopsis so here disclaimer {A/N: the cringness is strong in this one, the hole too, and you know the rules, grammar: OH WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS GUY!!!? -disclaimer: I didn't own anything all of the anime are from their respective owners, and the MC are mine.) and this is wish full fillment didn't expect someone to read this.

Just_A_Creature · Cómic
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31 Chs

chapter 28 save someone? why not yourself first?

A/N:yup, this time it all, wrong, oh and every Chapter is a filler, if you don't really see it, I'm k—nope I'm extremely lazy

fun fact, I consider genderbend Kirei and Kiritsugu at the start of my book, but then I noticed, then how the heck can Iliya born then?

Shirou PoV

where did it go all wrong? ah, that right, it all gone wrong at that time, that time when I only say, I'm single, although I'm engage, then the girls in school, are like a wolf that try to get it prey, now I'm being chase by several girls, and one girl that can duplicate her body.

"WHY ARE YOU RUNNING!!? WHY ARE YOU RUNNING!!?!!?!!" The girls that chase me shout while I run faster than before that faster than fastest that it still faster.

"WHY ARE YOU CHASING!!? WHY ARE YOU CHASING!!?? OH LORD! ROOT! AKASHA! ALAYA! GAIA! AVALON! OR WHATEVER GOD OUT THERE THAT STILL ALIVE!! PLEASE HELP ME GET AWAY FROM HERE!!!" I shout while still running, and run, if end this and my leg can't kill someone then I call it bullshit!

and Kurumi still chasing me, with a DETERMINATION!! fuck those I'm gone!!

"Let me go away, and YOU! Stop the ara ara~~ thing! it old trend now!!"

"Ara Ara~~ some boy it shy.... how cute" some girl said only for me to look at her.

"You" I said

"Yes?" the girl reply.

"I. gonna. beat. the. shit. out. of. you. SO FUCKING BAD!!!" I shout while redirect my leg to her face.

"HEY FACE MEET FEET, HEY FEET FACE CALL YOU BLACK!!" I shout before kick her to the sky in a comically manner and do something every boy in my state would do, I call the police.


"ah yes, it prank call" The guy on the other side said, not knowing make my life harder than before.

"you know what? fuck it." I said looking at sky while a single tear fall down from my face, it seem this will be the day where I will lose my V-H(Virginity Hand Holding) card, but then I noticed, there still last thing that I still didn't do.

I brought my hand up to the fun before shouting "VIRGINITY FORCEFIELD ACTIVATED!!!"


all the girls that surrounds me are falling down like a domino.

----Story telling end----

"and that how I still remains virgin, it cool" I said, knowing full well those that fail last week will try again, it been a week since I became new teacher of this, whatever it call, I come cause I need to do something for us to living.

yes, the money from Rasktor is enough, but do you think that the government wouldn't notice a thing about that? of course not, they will question where we get the money, and possibly gotten kill by me.

"anyway, do you have any questions? except why are my hair green and my eyes blue, and if people don't die when they are kill, then go ahead, but please don't ask if people don't die when they are kill, I'm veterans in those" Shirou said refer to his 3rd true magic, Heaven don't want to feel so it throw soul away, that is heaven feel.

"Why are you running?"


did she just meme at Shirou? that, pretty good response, meh, let get that out of the way, I gonna end Shirou whole career.

ahem, it not like there will be a fight when Shirou go out anyway.

then he carry on with teaching, he has some kind of word that he followed, Work first friend later, but if it involves family then Family first work second friends later.

he not kind, no far from it, even if you plea for him, he will just kill you, because it his 'work' αfter all.

kill because that is what his 'job' after all, he is Heaven Feel, for that he is 'soul'.

"and kids that why hand holding is a pervert act" yes, he is now, are convert Anyone that listen to his speech, and it effective.

but he then noticed Shidori is not with the convert group, scratch that she not even in the class, now he ask himself 'why the fuck did I not notice?'

that was for plot to know and for him to find out.

but anyway he then start to look around for well, his 'sister' hah! the parents thought that he don't know about the supernatural, shame on them, he knows without he being born!

anyway, he look around, and me around the school, yes, every fucking place, but he don't go to rooftop, well because, um, how to say this, it was HOT as if someone burning something.

but anyway he look around and he found someone fucking too.

"Ah, More!! Give me more!!"

"Ugh, I'm gonna cu—"

that when they notice the new teacher that sitting there looking at them with a smile and a pair of 3D glass with a few other male.

he look pretty unnoticeable by them, but they notice him, when he finally noticed that they notice him, he then do everything normal person would do.

he wave his hand then he said "Go on, I'm watching, just pretend I'm not here, I wait for more 'Research Material', yes go on, no one gonna stop you"

well, he pretty cool about it, after all he got rape by Kagane, well, not really rapeE if you like it but it rapeE anyway

before he can continue he feel like something out of place, like someone just almost got kidnap by a girl with a gun that manipulate time,.... aw shit My instincts is right.

he then sprint out of where the couple has more of the fun, not notice that Shirou place record at where he sat a moment ago, after all, Research Material is important.

well back to Shirou.

he walk through stair with his happy-go-lucky facade, then he open the rooftop door, only to be met with intense flame.


"AW SHIT!! IS THAT ANOTHER TRUCK!!??" Shirou shout without thinking, well, at least he got 10x strength buff.

shocking everyone who on the rooftop, they then look at Shirou but who recover from their shock fastest is Kurumi-s. they are many of her.

"oh, did I interrupt something important? hmm.. it seem you guy have some fun on rooftop? very kinky, I like it." that what was Shirou said but what on his mind are much much more. 'It seem Shidori expand her harem, wait, is that a little loli? it seem I raise my sister wrongly, oh and it seem she got a pair of twin? hmm? and is that the girl that I threaten to not mess with my family? and she dead'

"it seem the warning do nothing to you huh? well not a problem, after all......... I deal with people like you more than once, oh, and Shidori, if you won't accept the truth, I will just throw it at you, you can't save everyone" Shirou said in cold tone, now he is not Shirou but rather, Heaven Feel.

"But don't you see this!?? Onii-chan!! I save 4 spirit already!! how many have you save in your life Onii-chan!!?" Shidori and Kotori expect his answer to be :0 like always but instead of hearing 0 they saw him with a sad expression

then he said to them ".... countless, I save many, but at the same time, the many that I saved, want to kill me, just because I'm not fast enough, and I accomplished my promise with HIM, but he then, break my promise, my will, and even my personality. you should meet me, I am Kuro, just a guy that kill other, after all that is what my job are....... but I have a question, if those that you save, suddenly turn they back to you, what will you do?...... I doing nothing to them, yet they also can't kill me, human, they always fear the unknown, what are unknown to them, they fear it and call it 'Monster' yet, they didn't know that, in our eyes, they life are just something pitiful, although we spoke with superior type of voice, call them insect, but those that love humanity more that human, is us..... ■■■■■. it seem you all are unable to hear it, unfortunately, we need to end human suffering, they always fill with pain, with sadness, with anger, with vengeance, with greed, with envy, why? why can't man, be satisfied with what they have? why?"

everyone is just unable to respond, he spoke as if human is not him, but he is not human, he not include himself in human, yet he include himself as those who love human more than human itself.

and that clue, a word that they can't hear, no they can hear but they don't know the meaning, they look at him, shock fill they gaze, with what in his hand,.... Excalibur, and Enkidu.

"You all want to know my noble phantasm true name? then you need to name every weapon in existence, But this will be you first and last warning." he said then

"Enkidu" he said simply, before he touch the ground, where GoB open and shot chain to everyone, yes, everyone, even his own 'little sister'

then, he take a stance, with his two hand clap the handle of Excalibur, he close he eyes, chanting something with his mouth, the only word that they can decipher is 'We are fighting again, fine, let show them the might of king of knight'


he said then, they saw it, the pillar of light, the Spiritual power are now incalculable, it distort his soul, change it a few seconds, but then it changes back.

in that few seconds, everyone is blind by the bright lights, except Kurumi who has saw something strange, it was as if there was a girl, a girl with blonde hair, green eyes, she wearing an amour that the knight from medieval era people wear, with a bright blue dress, she holding the sword with him, looking so stoic, yet fill with mischief, she mumble the word 'I come to you, my scabbard'.

that when the Kurumi that standing there got envelop with bright light.

"If you want to save everyone, save the person that closest to you first, before it too late to save them" Shirou spoke with an empty eyes, he saw Shirou(HF) fail to save Sakura, Iliya, Rin, and.... even himself.

"But then again, if you don't save yourself first, you won't able to save anyone, no matter who they are, even if they are some crazy corrupted company that want to own the world, well, not like they can when I am here, I will destroy that is untrue, what is that is lie" he said before he snort at himself.

"how naive for me to think like that, what is me at that time think of it as untrue, is true, and what myself think that is a lie, is a true, that when my Reality change isn't it?" He ask himself with a sad smile, but the sword that left in his 'fake' is glowing in their respective color, as if to say 'Don't worry, we feel that too'

"But honestly, if you aim to save everyone then...... look at yourself in the mirror, and ask IT, are your path gonna lead to what? because mine has already end, after all, a sword held no will, in the first place" Shirou said before he walk away from there, well, everyone except Shidori and Kurumi are faint.

Shidori look at his back and only sentence she can describe him is "a sad person"

for Kurumi, she look at him in shock, the only thing that she can describe him is "Monster, that save people before he becomes what is him now"

Another fun fact: I feel like add another meme, but, meh.

2000+ word, I want to ask those that make 3000~12000 are you human? because you kill lancer

lancer always die anyway, somehow I feel something dangerous behind me.