
Someone Journey

I'm too lazy to put synopsis so here disclaimer {A/N: the cringness is strong in this one, the hole too, and you know the rules, grammar: OH WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS GUY!!!? -disclaimer: I didn't own anything all of the anime are from their respective owners, and the MC are mine.) and this is wish full fillment didn't expect someone to read this.

Just_A_Creature · Cómic
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31 Chs

chapter 24 Itsuka Shirou Emiya

"... well, look at this" an old man sitting on an white arm chair said, looking at Shirou soul.

the soul of Shirou Emiya have wander around for around 1 years? no it shorter than that, around a month? probably.

the soul of Shirou looking at Zelretch before open his mouth, seem to wanting to say something.

after Shirou soul said it, Zelretch nod before looking at him; there is a strange dangerous glint in his eyes.

"well, this will relieve my boredom for awhile." Zelretch said before sending the yo— can he be call young?— to a different dimension, again.

"do you have anything to say to him?" Zelretch ask the black hair young man that appears seemingly out of nowhere.

The young man only shaking his head, then starting to do some hand sign that make Zelretch sigh.

"you don't want to watch over 'regret'(soul) anymore?" Zelretch ask the newcomer.

shaking his head, again. no, then he make some strange hand sign.

Zelretch nod before say, "Well, I will try to not let them annoy that guy, he will probably kill them" look at the beamed smile of the black hair young man, Zelretch can only sigh.

The beamed smile of the young black hair start to fade, then he walking in the portal that Zelretch open for him, but before the young man enter it, he took one last look at Zelretch before he said, "if I saw them, they'll die." then he enter the portal.

"*sigh* a human, that becomes a sky, earth and his soul become a mana, how many ye— no many centuries will it take for him to be able to know it?" Zelretch said before looking in to the world that he send Shirou to.

"at least it will relieve my boredom for awhile, so will you all accompany me in this world?" Zelretch ask the space beside of him, there was no one there, or is it? another being that full of puzzles yet again

—Itsuka Shirou Emiya—

ugh, I tell you, being insert into someone body is not that good, especially when that someone has a fucking nightmare and you got insert as him, well, not that I ca— it not a fucking dream!!

damn, what the fuck with my luck? I believe it should be A- rank isn't it?!!

{A/N:*cough* fake *cough*}

and my fucking sister of this body is in that pile of fire!!!! 2 to be exact!

Narrator PoV.

'Spirit and technique' Shirou thought before trace Kanshou and Bakuya, cutting the flame.

'Flawless and firm' he thought then throwing the married sword at the flame.

the married sword has flying for a little while, then it hit something.

"ONII-CHAN!!" someone in that sea of flame shout. "ONII-CHAN PLEASE HELP ONEE-CHAN!!"

"I'M COMING!!" Shirou say then teleport to where he throws the Bakuya at.

'Our strength rip the mountains.' he ripping and cutting apart all of the flame, seemingly as if it became an touchable objects.

he appears in front of the 2 little sister of his, before rushing at the two of them.

"and here!!!" Shirou shout out before trying to get to his new sister.

'Our sword split th—


"ugh, that damn dream again?" Shirou say on his bed, looking at the ceiling, "I don't think I would get use to this" he said before getting up and get down to make some breakfast for his two sisters.

he looking at the clock, 4 am.

"hm, good thing I can cook, if not then I don't know who will cook for them." He say then he enter the kitchen.

"let see what Katori and Shidori, want for breakfast?" he say looking at the order of his two little sister.

'I WANT HAMBURG!!' the place of the name is Kotori.

'I want some light meal as a breakfast, and a little heavy meal as lunch.' the name is Shidori.

my 2 ball of energy of little girls, it like I adopt another 2 daughter.

'oh right, Shidori seal my power, more like a temporary seal, I can break it anytime, but I don't want my little sister soul break, and it didn't like I can't use all of my power or anything'

'if you want to divide infinite, you need to— what do you need to divide infinite again?, so that why my power recover instantly'

Shirou make a simple breakfast, and make lunch as the little sister of his want, not that he care about what they eat, Kotori is... similar to a servant? and for Shidori, do you think she will be able to get fat?

—36 more minutes later—

I'm making too much, well, everyone in the school can be my guinea pi— I mean enter foodgasm for a little while.

then let just warm it for the 2 little kitten of my to woke up.

—around the time the 2 others woke up—

the two little kitten somehow woke up at the same time. not that Shirou care, but somehow he feel like something about to happen when he go out to work, and one of the place. he work will be doom?

"oh, good morning, Onii-chan" Kotori say before taking a sit at the table, lazy little kitten with a lollipop.

as for Shidori? she come and help Shirou prepare breakfast, she like that of EMIYA and Shirou of Red hair, she likes to help others, very much.


they eat their breakfast, for a little more than 30 minutes?

Shirou feel like it should take less time than that but never mind, he just got out of the house however.

"onii-chan!! please walk with us to the school or at least halfway!!" Kotori say while tugging his sleeve.

Shirou look at them a little conflict, he look over his schedule, then at the map of the 2 of his little kitten school.

it's in the same direction as his work place at 6-7 am.

'they plan it, I'm sure of it!!' was what Shirou thought but he let it be, because he don't have any evidence.

he come in to a different world, in this world there was a strange occurrence call, Spacequake, the first time he feel it, he almost thought that someone start another grail War.

so he rush in to the spacequake and do something stupid, like, using a fucking Gate of Babylon at them, but luckily there are no one there, if someone there then he might need to kill more than necessary, not that he care about those his hand has kill, for he will bear those sin, alone.

he walk with his 2 little sister, and then they separate at the cafe, but before they separate thought, Kotori has some.... interesting idea.

"Onii-chan, Onee-chan, I want to eat here at lunch!!" Kotori, Shirou little bird say.

Shirou look as if he thought of something, but in reality he use his full eyes power, he call it, mystic eye of soul, although he can it eye it more of a controller.

he saw some.... interesting future, and this place is where he will come at lunch to prepare for another work.

"hmm, I see no harm in it, but you need to finish everything on your plate okay?" Shirou say before looking away, although his eyes slowly but surely coming back to him, he knows that it still just some small amount.

but Shidori argue in his place for a little while, however she too, become the victim of the most deadliest weapons of the girls, Puppy Eyes.

(Side Story:If Shirou appear in remnant)

'ugh, guess, I will die because I want to try to fight that thing huh?' Jaune thought before closing his eyes, dying not because of the Ursa has hit him, not at all, he die because Cardin seem to envious of his bravery and throw some strange pole at him.

"JAUNE!!!" Pyhrra shout before trying to get close to him, keyword try, as the Ursa has dragging him far away.

then come the part where it all will end for him, a black dot starting to creep over his eyes, Jaune, die.

"JAUNE!!" The Red reaper seemingly want to help him get rid of the Ursa, however.

"what the?" Jaune? say before he killing the Ursa and then it disappeared.

"what the fuck? who are you guys? a soul?" Jaune? say to them before slowly walking toward them.

however when he gotten near enough for their attacks range, Yang suddenly try to punch him, however, her attack connect with his face yet he didn't even faze at all.

"YANG!!" The red reaper say, glaring at Yang with no room for any comments for the yellow hair girl.

"a human? or a servant? not that it matter in my eyes, for everything will go to only place." Jaune? say before he look at the Cardin.

"hmm, I see" Jaune? say before nodding a little then, a mote of blue light seemingly come out of nowhere, a black key in his hand, before he throws it at Cardin.

"You has kill the first owner of this body, for your sin, I will show you my hell" Jaune say before looking at Cardin in the eyes.

then suddenly everyone see Cardin hugging his leg before shouting "NO!! DON'T!! I'M NOT THE ONE THAT DO IT!!! I TELL THE TRUTH!!!" all of this continues for awhile, until it got broken by someone.

Jaune, he laugh, laughing at the suffering figure of Cardin, then he said "EVEN THOUGHT HE IN HELL!!! HAHAHA!!! HE STILL REFUSE TO SAY THE TRUTH!!!? is that ignorant or shameless!!? I wonder" Jaune? say before he looking at them.

"well, I guess introduction are in order, I am, Shirou Emiya, a simple killing machine." Jaune Now know as Emiya say, thought not loud but for everyone, is a figure that too terrifying.

"Hi Emilia, I'm Yang, if you not tell us the story of how you become like that, I will be Yangry for sure." The yellow hair girl in front of Shirou say, no fear could be seen in her eyes, is that a bravery? or is it just stupidity?

the moment is Shirort live, as the red hair girl running and trying to hug him, only to get her gut punch by him.

"This— I do it on purpose ya know?" Shirou say before touching the twitching corpse of the red hair girl.

(Side Story 2: Trying to unseal Yod, I don't think it a good idea.)

Furuichi, Hildegarde, Oga, Baby Beel, all of them looking at the brown hair man sitting in the opposite direction of them with suspicion, well only Furuichi didn't join other for the interrogation, as his still want his head connect with his body, thank you very much.

"so you say that you are the wooden sword Furuichi wield all the time?" Hildegarde seem to want some information out of him, like, who is the person that create Yod.

however Yod, just look at Hildegarde as if she stupid, before he say, "And I said that for a continuous of a 10-30 time in every minute and you will loop this discussion and then try to ask for some information but I just refuse to tell you" Yod say before sipping the tea that SimpRuichi brew for him,

'it not as good as Shirou, meh not time to be picky' You thought.

"I just want to ask who makes you?" Hildegarde ask, impatiently as they go at it, for far more than she could count.

"someone who doesn't care about you" Yod say before looking around then he erect a bound field as it time for his and his new owner to practice.

"SimpRuichi please come this way, it time for you to try THAT again." Yod say before entering the territory he created, he ensure everyone that his territory creation is that of a walking reality wrapper.

then you could see all of them sat down in front of one of SimpRuichi terror, Shirou clone stood there, motionless.

"l-let t- try th– this again, Armageddon!"

there was a huge explosion like a certain anime until it blows up everything in it path, you could see even Yod not spare from the power of the explosion as his long beautiful brown hair became an Afro like.

"SimpRuichi trying to enter stage 2, round 99439, fail, misery than the first 3 round" Yod say before he became a particle of light, what replace him was, an only seemingly average wooden Kantana.

{A/N:if someone ask who is Yod, then he is Furuichi sword, that Shirou make for him, it contains Shirou memories as Kuro as well as the memory of swordsmanship from Saber, which will just be another and another beat up for SimpRuichi}

and I make it when I'm gonna sleep, so GN.