
Someone called Queen

She just wants to be termed queen,even if it meant marrying someone incredibly older than her. An innocent yet vicious young girl,raises to avenge and puts in place the propers while trying to keep her crown.

Milore_Nikky · Historia
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7 Chs

Chapter one: The Inauguration_Rules I

Her apparel glittered as she graciously walked into the royal court room. Eyes on her, mouths agape, minds afloat. She was a diamond. She kept her keen owled eyes on her throne. Alas,her dream was come through,and nothing in the world could stop her anymore. She slowly averted her gaze from the crown and stared at the king, her husband.

There had been gossips in her village that she was getting married to her ancestor, perhaps her grandfather, but they cared,she never cared, nor will she ever care, as long as she was termed queen of Northernland. He was indeed old,could be around his seventies,but still had some sparks of his youthful charms, he wasn't that bad to her, she would learn to love him, and him versa.

"All rise for the Queen of Northernland" the court ringer announced and everyone present in the royal court room rose, except the king. She paused and held her garment up to climb the stairs, she poised and bowed slightly.

"Receive my humblest greetings, sire"

The king, as expected stood up and held her hands." Your greetings are dearly received" she smiled back at his warm remark, and stared menacingly at his bony wrinkled fingers, he was quite old, she thought.

"Proceed with the inauguration!" He declared and folded his hands behind his cloak. A man walked out in strange clothes and took a deep bow.

"Yes, your majesty"

He picked the crown carefully and held it up for all eyes to see" here in this sacred royal court room built in the year of the oxen's, have I been given the authority to crown his sire's bride, to be queen of this very kingdom and mother to all mankind---say your sincere prayers" he paused and silence befell the Court room, as everyone held a talisman and receited short prayers on it.

He turned around and gently wore the crown on her head " brothers, sisters,I hereby present to you our very own queen, the queen of the great Northernland, Queen Denville to you" he smiled, showing how ugly he really was, took few steps away from her and gave his final bow.

"All bow to the new queen" the court ringer declared and everyone bowed, including the king. She smiled exuberantly and bowed to him as well. Finally, she was the queen, a young girl she was but now the mother of a whole nation, it infact sounded scary, but if only they could open her heart and see how overwhelmed she felt, which indeed was an understatement, as she went to bed that night all smiles.


The faint smell of young primerose filled Queen Denville's nostrils, she cringed it and smiled fully asleep. She was having this beautiful dream of herself getting married to a handsome young king charming. His eyes, his nose, his touch,.....oh, his scent.....and suddenly lights, oh no, there were lights, she couldn't see her king charming's face anymore, and ....

" You should get up Queen Denville"

"Sapphires!" She exclaimed, throwing her head off the pillow. She looked around and saw golden furniture and lamp stands all over the blue painted room. The room was really big, bigger than her house at Easterncoast, was she imagining things already? Moments ago, she thought she was getting married to a really handsome young king, but something flashed on her face, what was that again? ...oh right! The lights, where did they come from? She turned her head in the direction of the flash, when someone's face popped into her view. It was grinning.

"Good morning your highness, I see you are fully awake. Now--it is time for your prep class" a woman dressed in a blue and gold uniform said staring at the bewildered queen.

" Who are you? And what is this I hear about a prep class?...I am the queen remember" Denville grimaced confusingly. "I am Ciellé, your assigned tutor, at your service your highness"

Denville stared blankly at her for moments not understanding what the lady in front of her was spewing." Pftt.... Ciellé? Are you German?"she asked.

"An halfbreed, Queen Denville" she answered politely. "Oh" Denville replied aloofly. "So uh...you did say you are my tutor"

" Yes your highness"

"Uhm Denville"

" Excuse me your highness" Ciellé asked creasing her brows

"I see the your highness stuff is too long and sounds really strange vwith that accent of yours, so you can call me Denville,or better still, my pet name, Denvie, just when we are alone" she explained and clasped her hand full tightly.

"No, never, I will rather lay down my life than show such impudence, your Highness" Ciellé said with a stern expression.

Denville, once again got short of words "pftt.. whatever" she climbed down from the bed and wore her clogs " so tell me Ciellé, what is your work as my tutor?"

"To groom her highness into a proper queen, before her first open ceremony"

"Sapphires!" Denville exclaimed again.

"My queen ,there are no sapphires in the palace at the moment, we could get it shipped in from Southern central, if you really lo...."

" It's just my special remark Ciellé!..." Denville squirmed " I don't need your Empire's sapphires"

" My apologies,your highness" Ciellé bowed deeply

" Urgh...here we go again" she sighed, already frustrated early on the morning.

" Where's the sire?" She suddenly asked and Ciellé immediately looked up " what? Am I not allowed to ask after my hus..hum-um, am I not?" Denville asked, suddenly realizing how gross that noun sounded, especially for someone like the king.

"Oh, it isn't like that your highness. I beg your pardon" Ciellé pleaded to the swollen headed queen in front of her.

" Well, I just got curious....we were..uhm, were suppose to share the uhm - share the ..you know..." She stuttered staring keenly at Ciellé to help her out with the formidable things she was about to say . " Share the bed together on your first night?"

Yucks!, Now that was disgusting, she thought " how straight forward" she mumbled. Ciellé smiled weakly " of course I know how ladies like you feel on your first night, don't be disturbed, your highness, the sire is quite busy"

Glory! Denville almost yelled in happiness. Even the thought of her sleeping next to that old fag was petrifying to her soul, to talk of sleeping with him, oh, disastrous, just criminate her. 'well I pray he gets busier till he passes on' she almost wished.

" Tsk... don't be too forward Ciellé, I am not like the other ladies out there, I am the queen, and it is totally understandable if my hus -uhm, the king is busy. I is queen, I'm not in a rush" she said and almost blew air on her fore head. Now that was cool, she thought

" Sure, my queen. The king has prepared you maidens from different districts to serve in your court, your highness" Ciellé broke out. " Really? Then I shall meet with them right away" Denville said walking past Ciellé. Ciellé turned around and saw her about to open the door in her nightdress

" Your highness?"

"What Ciellé?" She turned around " the girls, they must be waiting" she added

"You are in your nightdress" Ciellé pointed out

" Sapphires! I totally forget. Ciellé bring me an overall then" Denville requested walking up back to Ciellé

" Of course your highness, you'll meet with the maidens once your prep class for today is over" she said and suddenly brought out a scroll. " Oh, you had that all along?" Denville shrieked at how long it was.

" All along, your highness"

" Fine, let's get this done with" Denville said and retired to her bed,once again

" Up!" Ciellé instructed strictly.


Staring at Queen Denville was a young girl dressed in a yellow apparel and heavy jewelries, her neck looked slupped in due to the heavily adorned tiara that was placed on her brown braided hair. She looked innocent yet vicious. She was indeed beautiful yet held deep grudges. Denville could feel the dark aura she exuded, of course it was her own reflection, a part of her she had learned to tame.

" How do I look Ciellé?" She started off still staring intensely at the mirror. Ciellé came behind her back and smiled broadly " gorgeous, your highness"

" But I do hate yellow, Ciellé" Denville squeezed her mouth and moved away from the mirror. The royal grand princess chose your dress, your highness" Ciellé replied and picked a gold cloak from the wardrobe.

" Will she always pick my dress?" She asked buttoning up her cloak after Ciellé had worn it on her. " It's tight" she grumbled. Ciellé sighed softly " it is a tradition for the royal grand princess to pick the queen's first dress"

" And of all colors she chose yellow" Denville asked with a condescending tone as she put on her shoes. "It's her favorite" Ciellé replied and stepped back to take a final look at the queen "hummm" she winced and Denville arched her brow " what now Ciellé?"

" Your head - keep it high, and straighten your back" she adjusted the tiara on queen Denville's head and bowed.

" It is time, your highness" she said.

Denville humphed and poised " for the royal wake?"

" Yes your highness"

" I bet it's going to be good" she said and headed for the door " when will I meet my court maidens!". The door opened and Ciellé bowed for her to step out " after a tea with the Royal grand princess"

Queen Denville paused and scoffed with irritation " it's not like she's the king's mother" she stepped out and Ciellé followed after. " You should pay your respect to the king's sister, your highness, it's a --"

"Tradition! My God, I'm sick of hearing that word" Denville shrieked with complete disgust. " Refine your words, I beg of you ,your highness" Ciellé said and Denville nodded aloofly " yes tutor Ciellé".


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