
The most op ability

The ability is the being able to make barriers with no limit. I will give multiple ways to use the power that make it op.

You can make a barrier around all of your cells making them impenetrable to harm. You could also do that on other living things or even objects, and as there is no limit you can make as many as you want.

Another op ability is you can wrap an abject and move the barrier with the object also moving, because of having no limits you could wrap atoms too. Imagine ripping your opponents heart out using 'telekinesis'.

Another is you can make stuff with barriers. One use is making the sharpest sword possible and because it's made of barriers you can inherently move it at will, just think you have an army of swords surging towards your enemies.

Being able to create barriers without limit gives you atom kinesis, unlimited blade works without the inherent powers of the swords unless you take the weapon and disassemble it then later assemble it when it is needed.

When writing this I have come up with another use for this power, you can manipulate your body at will. Meaning you can bleed a little and make the blood cells humanoid because of atom manipulation, give them some barrier armor and weapons and voila your own personal army.

While coming up with the 'last' one I came up with another, you can make any living thing loyal to you and only you if you rearrange their body a little, or even just straight up moving them with atom manipulation.

Okay I swear this is the last one but you could manipulate the entire universe down to the quantum level making you the supreme overlord of the universe. You could do anything without consequence because no matter can be destroyed or created, so if you cause 'irreversible' damage to something you could move the matter back to how it was before.

Now I know that you'd have to have lots of brain power but you just rearrange your brain to have way more brain power. Also someone should make a novel where the main villain has this ability although they have not yet realized the full potential of this ability to give the main character a fighting chance, maybe give the main character the same ability but he actually realizes the full potential unlike the villain.

This is my personal opinion

bananamancreators' thoughts