
solo life of a college student

Surya_Teja_6717 · Fantasía
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21 Chs

chapter 3 New home

car started to move or should I say it's flying why I was coming to school I climb the bus but I did not noticed anything because I was busy in arranging my thoughts.

looks like my life will be filled with crazy today. The youngman in the driving seat look at me what happened to you acting so crazy today should I leave you in school and go on my own.

l grabbed my head and side my headache is killing me . the man in the driver seat sighed and started driving the car.

surya your mother is asking for your to pack your bag and stay in the home from now on . what ? I am staying in the house.

then the man said not in the old home you staying.

your mother asked you to stay in the main home . what main house surya went into thinking lets stop thinking lets just go with the flow for now. and surya give me the house keys and I will bring your luggage to the house.

Surya just nodded and handed the keys 🗝️ to him and stayed silent rest of the way just absorbing the way thay are going in the road was full of flying ships and and saw a train moving in sky and their are hologram projected in the Goldsboro advertisement instead of banners.

it was a hole new world 🌍 for me. I didn't realised that me reached the house.and the young man said surya go in your mother in side waiting for you.

I was shoked to see the huge building in front of me and was dough why am I staying away from my parents if they are staying here let get in side and find some clues first.

I entered the grand Mansion I went inside to see a huge waiting room a shandaler hanging in the middle of the room then a girl with pink short hair called out me from behind hay idiot so you have come all are waiting in the room for you.

who the heck is this brat ? who she to call me an idiot only person who has that right is my mom.so i stared at her stright in her face she just ignored me and started to go ahead I just told my self cool down surya just relax for now let follow this nonsense of a brat for now find mom.

I noticed that this girl hair was coloured and looks like she is around 12 or 13 years old.

the I noticed that she looks more like mom and has brown eyes like dad . just who is she dont tell me she's my sist...

I was middle of my thinking when a voice called me surya it a voice I will never forget it a voice I heard every day.

i turned around to find a woman who looks to be in her 30's. all through she look different it's no dought she is my mom .

I thought of going to her and tell everything that was happening to me but I stopped my self and don't want to look like a patient from mental hospital.

I just look her and asked mom I had a headache I will go and rest for some time and their was a shock expression on mom's face and not only her but on my side All so have the same expression on her .

I look at her with a strang look but she came to her sence and said wait for a minute i have send a maid to clean up your room. it has been not touch since you left in the middle of the conversation a woman with a maid out fit came and told my mom that the room has been cleaned up.

and looked at said to fallow. i was still in the shock but came to my sence to maintain the house so big maid should be necessary . i shock my head and fallowed and after waking for a while I reached a door and with a board on the top with my name it was more than enough to say it's my room and open the door without looking at the maid looked in side and I was shoked and maid from behind told me that sir it's going to be time for lunch so please come to the dinning table.

okay give me some time I will be their and closed the door and looked the room with a smile it a nice Room with a computer and a small disk on the side and book shelf and a bed in the middle with a red sheat.

I just went near the bed and sat down on it slowly fell on my back and closed my eyes for a moment and opened them and with a smark said that so it's my new home.