
solo life of a college student

Surya_Teja_6717 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
21 Chs

chapter 20 time for L.D

[ host why are laughing with the ice Cristal in your land like a mad man ]

System what's with you at least let me enjoy and why are you being a party bummer .

Surya looked at the clock and smiled as he laid down on the bed but suddenly he woke up and picked up his phone and started to press the power button .

Surya has a habit of hearing music some times he lock him self in his room and enjoy music for hours .

Surya opened the phone lock and started looking for his playlist of music but suddenly his phone screen turned black surya looked at the black screen and press the power button but nothing happened .

[ Host looks like the battery died ]

Surya smiled and wipped the 💦 of his head and he almost thought that he broke the phone and search for the charging cable after looking around for a while he found a black pad on top of the lamp with a circle with lightning ⚡ simbol in the middle surya placed his phone on top suddenly his phone vibrated .

Surya looked at it and smiled but suddenly his smile turned into shock didn't move for a few seconds

[ Host what happened why are you not moving ]

Surya came back to his senses and said why is my phone showing it fully charged .

[ Host it is not your under development world ]

[ The tecnology of the world is 10 time's more advance form your world ]

Surya just nodded his head and said it true but to think my phone reached full charge in matter of seconds .

Surya picked up the phone and search for his favourite song but Nothing came out his favourite Telugu song are not there in this world but after looking for a while he found some songs similar to his music list .

Look's like i have to adjust but the real thing hits some where .

Slowly time has passed by the time for the test has arrived surya looked at the clock and stated waking out of his room and headed to the study hall where his tutor Roy was waiting for him .

Surya looked at tutor Roy and looked around to find that there are few people other than him where present total of 3 .

First was his mother and sister with the maid Ali's and behind them was a desk with some papers present with a pen on the side .

Tutor Roy looked at Surya and said are you not thinking of writing the exam are something if so your are dead .

Surya just went and sath on the desk and picked up the pen and started looking in the paper .

Tutor Roy was little shock i thought he would say something but let see what he can do from what I heard from his mother he has a average grade of 75% let's see if he even will get 90 % grade in this test I have created the a hell of a question paper .

In all of this his mother and sister where silent as they stared at surya just pick up the question paper and looked through them and asked how much time do I have to complete the test suddenly a vain popped up tutor Roy looked at Surya and smiled and said you have 3 hours to complete this exam .

What ? Surya face turned pail wait you are saying me complete it in 3 hours .

Yes tutor Roy reply and your time starts now .

Surya hurriedly picked up the first paper it English paper he looked through the content and suddenly he stopped and picked up other papers to see all of the questions and picked up his pen but if someone look closely we can see a small smirk on surya's face he started writing the answer in a lightning speed there are total of 5 subjects paper normal it will take 3 hours for each subject but tutor Roy not gave him much time so he didn't not care about his hand writing he started writing suddenly his mother shouted surya slow down and write neatly but surya looked him mom and said there is no time for neat hand writing and continue to write surya mom was not satisfied with his reply she went out to pull his ears but tutor Roy stopped him and ask them to place be quite and look at me and said kid if I don't understand your writing i will just strike it down .

Surya looked at tutor Roy and said okay and started writing and turned the question paper and started writing after 1 hour surya's mother and sister left the room .

Tutor Roy picked up the paper present near Surya but surya didn't noticed and tutor roy continue to check the paper after about 10 minutes tutor Roy stopped and there was a supprised looked on his face and he looked at me with dum founded expression and looked at me though all the answers in paper are correct what with this kid his average score was 75 % so how the hell did he got perfect score in this 2 subject .

Tutor Roy said to him self that he still has to complete 3 test paper he can't get perfect answer for all subjects , right .

After another 2 hours tutor Roy pulled the answer papers from Surya's hand and said time is upto and looked at Surya and said when I looked at him i noticed that my mother came back and tutor roy look at and sath down on chair in front of me and started correcting my paper thank full i somehow completed the test .

Surya was looking forword for there reaction .

After 30 minutes correction the paper was completed and looked at me with a emotionless face and said surya what is your expectations .

Surya mother looked at the test result from the side was 😮 but surya was little tense because he was scared if he had missed something but to his knowledge he didn't he used the skill photo memory so he was sure he got good marks .

Surya looked at tutor Roy and replied all subjects pass with full marks .

Tutor Roy smiled and placed the paper in frent of me to see .

English 99 marks

Maths 100 marks

Social 100 marks

Phisics 100 marks

Biology 100 marks

Surya blink and smiled he has scored perfect marks in all subjects and looked at tutor Roy and said did i won the bet .

No you didn't.

What why Roy smiled and pointed at the English paper and said the bet is if you can get a perfect score in all subjects so you failed

Surya was silent but suddenly tutor Roy Said you tried heard so I will reduce the actual two hours of time by 1 hour .

Okay suddenly surya's sister taju came in said mom the world leader has decided on complete lockdown (L.D)

In all of this surya was smiling .

Plan success.