
solo life of a college student

Surya_Teja_6717 · Fantasía
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21 Chs

chapter 19 I can use ability

Surya was confused even the system is useless now when I need information .


So system can you at least tell me about how to heal my sup- space .

[ Host after scanning i found that the ability that you adsorbed are some how filling and closed the crack so you just need to collect and adsorbed some ability stones from this world ]

So that it and your are sure that it is safe to do that

[ In simple words for host small brain to understand yes ]

Surya after hearing the system smiled so system you are acting like a child .

[ Host iam not]

[ Your are childish]

So system how can I get out from here .

[ Host just leave it to me]

Okay , surya who was sitting in his room woke up his eyes returned to black and streached his arms and legs and looked at the clock and asked the system is the clock working properly is the time correct.

[ Yes host and to answer your dought yes the time is faster in sub-space ]

So the time I spent in the sub consiasness and real world are different I am sure you that more than 40 minutes has passed but the out side time passed is less than two minute .

Surya smiled and said so system and last question now that that I have the MP cells stat in my status can I use the other Earth control ability and super speed too right .

[ Yes host ]

Surya was happy because he was waiting for the time when he can use his abilities and now he can .

Surya streached his arms and started concentration to form a ice Cristal but Notting happened surya looked at his hands and tried imagine the ice but suddenly system speak out

[ Host Stop trying ]

Surya stopped and asked why?

[ Host you first should add stats to your Mp cells and try your ability ]

Surya's face turned red yes I forgot

[ Host looks like you forgot something you want to say ]

What surya asked with a confused look and the reality hit him the system is also have feeling of a human being .

System thank you .

[ Hmm ]

System did you just hmmm now with happiness

[ Host you are imagining thing ]

Surya was sure he heard it asked system are you lying to me .

[ Host looks like you brain is not working properly should I give you a electric shock ]

Surya hurriedly said don't worry about me

System i didn't hear anything and my brain is perfectly fine .

[ ..... okay host ]

Surya felt weak even the system is strong then me .

Surya Sighed and opened the system status window


Name:- Suryateja (Ast) Health:- 100 /100

system:- F.S Level 5 :-50 /3000 e xp

ability in use:- [ heart of steal] [ ice control]

[ see more ]

strength:- 6   MP cells:- 0

agility:- 4

stamina:- 8

charm:- 1

attitude:- 9

additional stats:- 12


Surya started thinking for a moment and thaught that now I think I should add atleast +5 status to MP cells .

And added the +5 stats to MP cells and looked at the status window now .


Name:- Suryateja (Ast) Health:- 100 /100

system:- F.S Level 5 :-50 /3000 e xp

ability in use:- [ heart of steal] [ ice control]

[ see more ]

strength:- 6  MP cells:- 5

agility:- 4

stamina:- 8

charm:- 1

attitude:- 9

additional stats:- 7


Suddenly surya received a notification and looked at the system notification and everything thing and showed a satisfactory smile .

[ Host has unlock ice control level 1]

[ Ice spear ]

[ Host can create spear make of ice and shoot it like a projectile ]

[ cost 3 MP cells]

[ Ice fog cost ]

[ Host can create a cold fog of radius 2 metre ]

[ Cost 2 MP cells]

[ frosty bit]

[ Host can give a person frosty bit by touching the target ]

[ Cost 1 MP cells ]

[ Host has unlock earth control level 1]

[ Earth spear ]

[ User can use sand or mud to make spear and use them as projectile ]

[ Cost 3 MP cells ]

[ earth shaping ]

[ User can use sand or mud and shape more the MP cells the more strong and big the object]

[ Cost 3 MP cells ]

[ Host has unlock Super speed level Max ]

[ User can use MP cells to increase his speed using more MP cells will increase the speed of the body ]

Surya was over the moon but the suprise did not Stop .

[ Skill tree has been unlock ]

[ System congratulate host for opening the skill tree and 2 system skill s are gifted ]

[ System skill has been created 1 ]

[ Host can use MP cells as energy to use other skills brought from system instead of mama or others forms of energy ]

[ System skill has been created 2 ]

[ Host can regenerate 1 MP cells for every 1 minutes of resting ]

Surya after reading the last line and was shoked and was stunned for few seconds and after system okay him up .

And opened his Pam and a small ice Cristal was formed and shatred in tiny partical it was beautiful .

Surya smiled and said I can use ability now I can't wait to test out all my abilities .