
solo life of a college student

Surya_Teja_6717 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
21 Chs

chapter 16 suprise no 3 part 2

Surya just sat stright and looked at tutor Roy and after every one sat down on the chair and every one eyes are on surya and purandhar looked at surya and replied and said surya good morning and Surya replied with a smile and looked at revathi pinnu but the smile evaporation and looked at his mother .

Surya thought to him self did he did something with mom and taju share the same room did something happened . Revathi pinnu spoke surya can you explain why did I got a message that you have spent 55 dollars from my account . swet was see coming from Surya's face but he tried to stay calm but his reaction was not so good and suddenly a chill was went down Surya's spin . teju was looking at him with killing eyes . She picked up the butter knife and looked at me with a smile but suddenly mom said something that changed the current state of situation surya did you by anime figer using computer and what is lacertilia . 

Surya took the opportunity to escape from the situation surya nodded yes mom and sorry for not asking your permission and I will return the anime figer right away .

Teju after hearing the word's first thought surya brought lizard from online but she was still suspicious and was confused about the name lacertilia what is it what ever is it he is dead .

Surya sighed internally because the world lacertilia is the scientific name of lizard he was happy that his sister is dum enough to know the scientific name of lizard but surya don't know that his mother revathi pinnu know everything she received the message about money has been spent on online shopping but she about to ignore it because it was not a large amount for her but after the lizard incident she had not got a great sleep and after digging a little she found that surya has came to the room and was spotted by a maid and he seems to not noticed that and a maid information that the gardener found a box in the bushes out side her room and she first thought about taking care of the problem but desided to Stop because surya came to home not to long time ago and she want to give him a chance and helped him but she told to her self if surya not do good in his test tomorrow he will face the consequences .

After every one complete the breakfast went to their daily work surya's parents went to work and teju wanted to fallow surya and bet him up when she has a chance but Stopped her self and went to her room and pickup a new bag went to school she left the pink bag because she still feel like lizard are still in the bag although it is all clear of lizard .

surya left the dinning room and fallowed behind tutor Roy and went to start him training after reaching the training ground tutor Roy looked at Surya and said did you complete reading the book I gave you surya nodded tutor Roy raised an eye and asked so can you tell me what is MP cells and how can we open the gold roots.

Surya smiled and said mp cells are a type of radio activitie cells which are produced from golden root of the human body who absorbed ability stones and we can create golden root in human body by meditation and then by concentrate on the heart beat or we can you use blood of Ichor or commonly known as blood beast and only the beast with the quality similar near to the person ability can be used .

Example fire type ability user need blood of a beast with fire type quality .

Tutor Roy was supprised a little bit but he smiled and said today we will learn a meditation art for you to create your mp cells

Surya felt little happy because he was about to get to main matter after what he felt like years and fallowed the instructions of the tutor Roy and sat down in cross legged and closed his eyes and started concentration on his heart beat after 2 minutes he felt his heart beat and started constructed on his breathing .

Tutor Roy looked at Surya and said in low voice look's like he only studied the book I gave him if so he didn't studied for the test today . But surya didn't hear the word's and consentated on his heart beat . 

Surya suddenly opened his eyes and tutor roy noticed it and asked what has happened surya replied that he felt some thing it feels familiar but tutor Roy just smiled and said it must be your imagination it will normally take 4 hours just to feel you ability and golden root but surya started to think about it he was sure that he felt some thing he started to think Heard suddenly his eyes widened tutor Roy didn't notice it surya closed his eyes and started to concentrate first the thing he noticed was that he felt like his body was cold to be presise his blood , nerves his heart was cold including his bones he has felt this feeling before when he first absorbed the ice ability stone he felt the same sensation but it was only for a second .

Surya close his eyes for second time and started concentration on his breathing and later on his body started to swet out side but inside surya felt like he was swimming in a cold lake with blue sun in the middle of the Lake surya don't know where he was but something telling him to got grab the blue sun surya started to walk the lake was not so deep water only came up to his upper leg surya started to move towards the blue sun but suddenly surya stopped he looked at blue sun but to correct it was not a sun it looks like a blue pearl surya noticed that the blue pearl was giving of cold energy surya placed his right hand on top of it suddenly surya was pulled back to reality his body was hot but Surya was exhaled cold air from his mother suddenly surya got a notification .

[ Sudden quest supprise tutor Roy Khan with your talent ]

[ 3/5 days complete]

[ Reward one levels up , 40 coins and +5 stats ]

Surya was a shock and looked at tutor Roy