
solo life of a college student

Surya_Teja_6717 · Fantasía
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21 Chs

chapter 1 I am back to school

hello friends my name surya Teja a Norma college student i just completed my inter and joining a BTech college the i am average student from India

from year 2023 September 2

my college is about to start in few days

but my life change on the day

after I received different shock I woke up on the top of the my house

my ears ringing I have a headache

but my body feals like it lightly

hay has the wall was always the tall

what is the time ho no its 10 o'clock

what was that noise aaaa my head

lets get in the house

what should i tell mom surya went in to house

mom I am home mom ! Mom!

looks like mom and dad are not home yet

looks like mom went to temple still not home?

where is my phone?

i was looking for my phone to call dad.

headache is killing what should I do I think I should sleep now I will call that later all he will come in any minute now it's already 10:00 p.m. what should I do what the heck what has happened let's think about it later after having a good night sleep I will lock the door and sleep my mom and dad has a extra pair after dad come home i will look for my phone

I was looking my door and close the door and went to sleep for my unknown there were flying car and ships moving above my house

when I open my eyes i was expecting.my mom was cooking in the kitchen ,my dad was on phone but for my suprise no one was at home

I started to panic I look good every room at last time to the washroom and looked when was looking at the washroom my suddenly sword the mirror was someone standing there after seeing someone in my bathroom suddenly step to backup fall down and hitting my head against the wall when I stand up and looked in the mirror I look caption it was my image when we could at the image I was shocked because it was the anger version of me I started to panic if my have gone crazy or something I am started remember what has happened last night when I suddenly had a voice and started and started counting from 3. 2. 1! did mum and dad say something about not coming home think think no we have not anything where the hell is my phone who is the person number what has happened I am still dreaming what should I do what should I do suddenly had a voice look like mom is here that's mom where are you suddenly a small box blowing blue sudden came in front of me again I swell of what has happening where the hack I am this is the dream what is happening

what the heck is this box one I stand up on started to look at the box it was a box floating in the air faster was scared but I slowly slowly went near tenant started looking at it carefully when I touch it the box started from a hologramic image to us mom the message was that sir how are you I did not come home because of his small work I have send this message in night but you did not replied I am telling you that I have any important work to do with your father so I am leaving you in the house you. stop stop,mom what is happening why I am looking like this what is the time why did you not came last night what what do you have you are a housewife? what are work doing hay it me are you looking young

surya what has happened are you playing dramas go to school silently I have someone to pick you up they will take you to school

what is happening god ?

that happened I went back time on settled in school again I have seen many fantasy stories about people going in fast it's super powers but why me I have no super powers I am not important or anything what has happened I don't want to go school again anyway also will pass 10th class without writing an exam

surya what are you doing alone a boy with short hair and a boy with spectacular asked

Notting this two are one of my 4 best friend in my school the boy with short hair is Rohit my best friend and the boy with spectacular she is my second best friend Ujjwal I have other two friends who are currently sitting in another bench a boy who is chubby his name is Vijay and the one beside him is Shanmukha

lohith asked what has happened to you you are being comes in the time you came to school what has happened to you bro well lohit nothing I have a bad headaches since night I did not sleep well also my parents are outside so I did not have anything for dinner and breakfast why don't we go have our breakfast in the canteen since teacher has not came yet what when do we have a canteen in our school I did not remember that we have having a canteen what has happened to you bro was something wrong with your family or something we have having a canteen in our school

I need a middle of the conversation lohit and me Ujjwal status bro I think you should go on visit a mental hospital for psychological treatment

ha ha that's funny now tell me where is the canteen lohit and Ujwal said are you serious bro

what is happening Shanmukha joint with Vijay and middle of conversation and lohit and set that Surya is acting weird he is asking when do we have a canteen in our school and asking where is the canteen

then Surya started to himself what is happening remember that during this time my mother used to bring me lunch box to school

bro Ujjwal I think I am not feeling well I will go to the medic officer and call my parents to pick me up if I think they have arrived at home bye I will call you later when I reach home okay Surya take care !

Surya vent downstairs to the principal's office near the principal office and address if I remember correctly the incharges rooms should be around here yes I went to the incharge madam room and ask that I am feeling not well I want to call my parents to pick me up the madam asked what has happened I am feeling a bad headache since last night Ma'am I think cannot concentrate in the class so can you please call my parents to pick me up ok surya's is there I will call you at parents let's think what has happened today I suddenly wake up in the past my mothers is doing a job my body as changed to my younger self I am starting my school life work then which is boring in the middle of the thinking Surya saw something intersting madam full days small box outside and typhoid something a hologramic image of started to appear the person has appeared on the image that was my mom I did not told her my number how did she did she have a number if I remember correctly I have many complaints on me during my school time I need information Surya think you have seen so many stories fantasy and anime what will the protagonist will do if you this is a fantasy what will the correct choice first I should gather information I am find out what is happening which here it is which class I am studying yes it's been more than 4 hours and came to school and I did not even see the calendar and date and time first of all I did not is my phone also but I did she look like box which was like similar to the box which was the incharge madam using then this not the past i know once I reach home i will find the box which may be my phone use search to find what's happening

that was my first day experience of going to school again and for the first time I have experience of myself being not myself what will happen in the future what has happened to Surya how he has ended