
Solo Leveling: Group Chat

So, long story short, the mc got reincarnated into another world 'solo leveling' and he got invited into a group chat along with some other people.

AllBullshit · Cómic
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5 Chs

Group Chat/Dream

[Alpha has signed in]

[Alpha: Someone here yet?]

He texted, but unsurprisingly it seemed that he was the only one in the Group for now, there was no one else.

'Well, not like I can do anything about it.' Making up his mind he closed the Group chat for now and opened the point store.

There were different categories further divided into different sections.

In the category of Equipment, there was the armor section, the sword one, the dagger one, the spear one, the wipe one, and so on.

Wait was that Fan? Some people use Fans to fight.

"Weird, only saw that in those cultivation novels." He shook his head before going to another category.

Abilities. There were many of them, with a multitude of ranges and potential, the same power could have different uses or restrictions to them.

He recognized many abilities he knew of, even though most were pretty generic. But he quickly discovered a search bar, with which he could practically find anything he could think of even with just a vague description.

"Nope, nope, not for me." After seeing the astronomical price of the Saiyan physiology he quickly closed the search tab.

After that, he kept going around in order to familiarise himself with the group chat and its different options. Not like he had anything more important to do today.

At the end of the day, though he was quite familiar with the group chat already, Dokja was sad to see that no one else signed in yet.

So quickly night fell and his sister came back after getting rid of her equipment she took a shower and they had a meal together.

It was within the said meal that she was surprised when Dokja asked her a strange question.


"What?" She glared, going on the defensive not even knowing whatever he was going to say.

"What would you think if I were to become a hunter?" He didn't mind her reaction at all.

"Absolutely not." Thought surprised she quickly answered. No way she wanted her brother to go risk his life for money if she could do it herself.

"And why that?" Dokja wasn't surprised, he knew her by the back of his hand.

"Listen Dockja." She became serious. "People may envy hunters because of their power and money, but it's in no way an easy job. Every time you go into a dungeon you have to keep in mind that you may not go back. Every time you have to tell yourself that you may forsake your loved ones. You may get used to it eventually, but it's still disheartening. So no, brother, you aren't becoming a hunter any time soon. Not on my watch."

"And you think, I didn't realize that? I don't know if you are just too worried about this thought or if you are doing it on purpose, but remember I am the one with the higher IQ of the two. Of course, I thought about the consequences." He calmly answered.

"You-" No, Heeja you are the older one, keep your cool. But he is so infuriating. Worse is, he is doing it on purpose.

"Anyway... considering how you are not even awakened, that conversation is meaningless."

"It sure is not, although I presented it to you that way, you should know that I was just preparing you mentally for that idea." Dokja ate as he continued.

"I do not doubt that sooner or later I would become an awakened, and end up hunter."

"If just convincing yourself could work, most would be an awakened already. Keep dreaming." She was not even joking.

"Even if you became one, you would have to be stronger than me or I would tie you up in the basement if I should." And she WOULD do it.

"Fine by me, If I am stronger than you, bear in me that I won't fail to subdue you." And he WOULD do it as well.

"Subdue me?" Her expression turned weird at the phrasing as her mind went to strange places. Indeed, they were not blood-related but did he think about her like that?

She carefully studied his expression but nothing gave it away, so she concluded that he didn't mean it that way.

Wait, was she the strange one since she was the one who thought about it as such?

Realizing that she widened for a moment before she shook her head. No, it just means that she still needed some time to bury those feelings completely. Just a bit more time.

"You alright?" Dokja asked as he saw her emote by herself in quick succession.

"Yeah, and I was saying..." She came back to her sense.

"Subdue me? Fine by me, bring it on." The mood became intense for a moment but Dokja sighed as he said.

"Too late, you missed your timing. No glaring contest and showdown anymore."

"Fuck... I messed up!" She sighed.

Yeah, their attitude toward each other was calculated, to be honest, otherwise, this house would be too damn quiet and boring.

They were actually of the same mind most of the time but turned out they resembled too much of a couple that way so they switched up for some reason...


That night, Dokja was quick to fall asleep, and when he did something strange happened.

"Where am I?" He wondered as he looked around himself but there was nothing but darkness and he was floating in this vast expense of nothingness.

He remained there for a moment but soon enough his vision abruptly shifted, and now before his eyes were two beings, one seemed like a floating blob and the other looked like a white humanoid figure bar of any feature except a mouth. it looked like the truth from Full Metal Alchemist.

When Dokja got there, they were already having a conversation and it just seemed that this was the interesting part.

"And so, I grant you three wishes, given that they are within the given limit. The ninja world." The truth spoke to the floating blob, which was a soul.

"Can I have some time to think about it?" The soul asked.

"Time is meaningless to me, you may take as much as you want." Was the answer he got.

Looking at this scene, DOkja realized what was going on. This was the first chapter of his fanfic. The Truth was supposed to be ROB, while the soul was the one who will become Raiden Hyuga.

After an unknowable amount of time, The soul seemed ready to voice his wishes. Wishes that Dokja already knew about it as he was the one who imagined and wrote it.

"As my first wish, I want to have a unique kekkei Genkai, The abilities of both the Rinnegan and Tenseigan 'combined' in a single ocular power that would have the appearance of the all-seeing eye of god from Kekkai Sensen." The soul spoke.

"Granted." The RoB of course also did his part.

"For the second, I wish to have the limiter on my growth potential removed."

"Granted, but do not expect to attain Godhood in a single step, What I will give you is unlimited growth potential, nothing more. It will take time, and more than anything it will require effort, but as long as you put your mind to it, you won't ever experience a bottleneck in anything, you may grow unimpeded."

"I understand, that's good enough." The soul spoke and no feeling could be deduced from the tone of his voice.

Seeing that Dokja felt like laughing, as he knew full well that wasn't what the soul wanted. The guy wanted to be like Saitama...

"For my last wish, I want the infinity trait as a concept integrated into my very conceptual source." He stretched a bit too far this time.

"I might be nigh omnipotent but I won't be granting you what you have in mind. So here is what we are going to do."

"Rather than the concept of Infinity, it will be the concept of Limitlessness and even then, there would be some restriction."

"Wait, aren't those two the same?" The soul was confused.

"They are different. Infinity refers to something which contains an endless supply. Items that are unlimited or limitless may contain any amount but do not necessarily contain any specific number. In other words, going by the strictest definition, it is necessary for an infinite thing to actually be infinite. If you count all of something, you know it can't be infinite.

limitless can refer to things like unlimited free refills. You only have one cupful right now, but there is no limit on how many times you can refill it.

An infinite cup, on the other hand, would be a bottomless object, like the Sampo of Finnish myth, which can never be emptied."

"Hmm, I see. So If I understand, If we are talking chakra, an infinite amount of chakra would mean I would have an infinite amount of energy at my disposition at anytime, enough to even destroy the universe and even have an infinite amount left.

While With limitless, it would be more along the line of I have a limited amount of chakra and It regenerates limitlessly, so I don't need to worry about running out of it?"

"There is some flaw in that description, but you can indeed take it that way."

"Then that's good enough, I will take it." The soul was happy that he already got that much since he was expecting him to refuse.

"You may formulate another wish in the place of the second one." The being unexpectedly said.

"Huh?" The soul was surprised for a moment but he quickly understood why, his third wish completely eradicated the need for the second one, thus keeping it as such would just be a waste.

"Then for the replacement, I would like to obtain, knowledge, All useful/practical knowledge of Tobirama Senju, whether it's taijutsu related, ninjutsu related, Genjutsu related, Shuriken Jutsu, Medical Jutsu, leadership, etc... as long as I would find them useful I want them."


After that, the scene once again shifted before Dikja's eyes, and he find himself in a room where a woman was giving birth, it was successful, the child was a boy.

"His name will be, Raiden, Hyuga Raiden." The woman said as she took the baby in her hand.

Then it shifted again.

The baby grew up and now was 4 years boy, he had started training in his clan's taijutsu specialty while also learning other stuff on the side on his own.

The boy already awakened his family dojutsu known as the Byakugan at the age of three and was hailed as a Genius.

Scene change, The boy entered the academy and met with Kakashi, Obito, Guy, and the rest.


"It was a dream after all." Dokja spoke as he opened his eyes and sat down, it was already morning.

"I-" His eyes opened in surprise as he felt a strange energy flow in his body, not only that he felt that his body became stronger and his mind sharper.

Clenching his fist before unclenching them he spoke.

"I see, so the template integration happens when I am sleeping." Not only that in his mind he could make out new pieces of knowledge and memories he never experienced personally.

It was not hard to put 2 + 2 together.

And his surprise didn't end, as he received a new notification.

[Epsilon has signed in]