
Solo Gamer (Dropped)

Ever wonder what it feel like to be forced to go to another world to kill transmigrator? Probably not.

BlurryHamster · Cómic
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6 Chs



The giant gate was opened, a figure walked in and looked at the demon king in front of him.

"Congratulations human! I didn't think you could make it this far."

The demon king stood up from his throne and took out his level 100 sword with legendary rarity.

He then looked at the player confusedly.

"Human, where is your party?"

The figure glanced around him and shrugged.

"Do you not see my name tag? It said {LonelyArthur} so obviously I don't have one. I don't think I need one either…"

A tick mark appeared on the demon forehead.

"Arrogant Human! Die!"

The demon leaped toward the figure with its giant wings.

"Uhm? You think you can kill me? Let me show the power of my lvl 1000 sword with holy attribute!"

A white lightsaber appeared on the figure hand.

The demon king immediately stopped his advance.


He could feel the power contained in that sword, just one hit was enough to kill him.

Suddenly the light faded away to reveal a broken wooden sword, it looked worse than a beginner sword.

"Ah! I forgot to recharge it!"

This time, two tick marks appeared on the demon forehead with embarrassment on his face.

"Human I praise you for being able to trick me! Now die!"

The demon raised his sword.

A big grin appeared on the figure.

"Huh? When did I ever trick you?

I seriously forgot to charge it…"

The figure raised his wooden sword and cut through the lvl 100 sword and the demon king.

"Well that was easier than opening the gate..."

The figure said as he put back his sword inside the inventory.


The demon king glared at the human in hatred and said his last word before turning into shards of glass.

--Congratulations To Player: {LonelyArthur} For Being The 1st To Complete The Game!--

--Congratulations To Player: {LonelyArthur} For Being The 1st To Complete The Game!--

--Congratulations To Player: {LonelyArthur} For Being The 1st To Complete The Game!--

Arthur looked at the sword in his inventory.

{Why do you have this sword?}

{Rarity: ???}

{Level: 1,000}

{Requirement To Equip: None}

{Description: It is broken yet still strong…?}

{Ability: +100000 DMG, Holy Attribute, Fire Attribute, Wind Attribute, Water Attribute, Earth Attribute, Lightning Attribute, Shadow Attribute, Rechargeable Light Saber}

How did you get this sword? You might ask

When he first got into this game, a player came up to him and helped him learn the basics.

As a pro gamer, Arthur thought it was suspicious that someone would help a new player for no reason.

'It must be a player killer, he probably wanted me to get stronger then kill me. That won't work though! I, mighty Arthur, will kill you first!'

Turns out the player was a developer for the game, that made sense why he tried to help Arthur.

After the developer died, he dropped the weapon, technically it was the developer's fault for having it in his inventory so they let Arthur keep the sword.

While Arthur was thinking about how he got the {Why do you have this sword?}, everyone else was shocked by the new announcement

"Someone completed the game already!?"

"How did this {LonelyArthur} complete the game by himself? I never heard of him before"

"I know this dude! He also made the same achievement in the game Heavenly Earth!"

"Same! But it was in Battle Online!"

"I also saw it in Darkness Force!"

They would probably have a heart attack if they knew that Arthur only started playing yesterday. Some played this game for a year already yet they weren't even close to finishing the game.

Arthur looked at the world one last time before taking off his VR helmet.

"Another game finished...I guess this should be the 57th time. Umm...I heard a new game just released, it's called...Atlantic Battlefield! I think…"

He had finished many different games with many different game types, like, RPG, FPS, MMO, etc.

You think it was easy to kill a developer with 4 levels higher than you? Without his experience in other games, he might have died miserably instead.

He started playing games when he was 14, it was also when the first virtual reality game with 90% realisticness got published.

Sadly, when it got published he couldn't afford it.

Arthur could barely make a living for himself. Both of his parents died when he was 7, luckily his parents left him some money and a small house.

Of course, the money wasn't going to last forever so he had to find a job. Not many places accept him due to his age but eventually he found one.

One day while walking to his job, he found a poster that changed his life forever…

Flashback time...

Arthur looked at the poster with shiny eyes.




Ah...can you believe it!? 50% OFF! If only it lasted forever then I can die happy.

Ahem…back to the story.

Arthur headed to the store that was selling the cookie.

"Oh, Arthur! You came to buy cookies again?" The receptionist greeted Arthur.

Arthur nodded.

He grabbed three packages of cookies on the shelf.

"Sigh...Arthur, the only thing you ever buy is cookies. Whatever, you can have it for free today"


Arthur suspiciously looked at the man


"Uncle...are you sure you're not possessed?"

An invisible arrow hit his chest *Critical Damage*

"Is it that weird for me to give free stuff?"

Arthur nodded.

"Are you done now? Sigh, kids these days don't appreciate kindness"

Blood came out of the receptionist's mouth as he said that

"Get out of my store already if your done"

"But what about those other three cookies"

"When did you get this!?"

"When you said they were free…"

"What!? I mean those three are free, not all. Uhh..., whatever you can have these too, talking to you give me headache"

"What are you doing!?"

Arthur was about to go to the shelf to grab three more but was stopped.


And that was the story of how he got 6 packages of chocolate cookies for free!

Oh wait...that has nothing to do with him changing his life.

Arthur left the shop, suddenly he found a VR helmet inside a trash can then took it home. He played his first game and found it very interesting so then he kept playing and playing and sold his item for money then played then the cycle repeated until he got to where he is today. The end.

Yea...the story is not as interesting as getting free cookie.

Out of nowhere, a screen appeared in front of him.

'What the heck...I'm pretty sure I took my VR helmet off'

He looked at the VR helmet on his left hand then looked at the screen.

{Would you like to transmigrate into another world?}


'This is the exact situation of what happens in fanfiction!'

Arthur wasn't dumb so obviously he chose 'No'

He was a millionaire here, he had a great life so why would he move?

Nothing happened...so he clicked the 'No' button again and again and again.


Suddenly the 'No' button disappeared.


{We'll take silence as yes}

What the fuck!

{Congratulations! You have been chosen}

{Countdown, 3...2...1…}

"Wait! I said no! Fu--"

Light covered Arthur before he could curse at the system.

Arthur disappeared.