
Solo farming in tower(system)

One day, a mysterious tower suddenly appeared in the city. The people decided to call it a dungeon, and while it was full of rugged terrain and dangerous monsters, it was also a land of opportunity, where countless treasures awaited. When Sejun, a young man living an ordinary life, is invited to the dungeon by chance, he is thrilled at the prospect of becoming rich, but he is stranded in a hidden area of the mysterious tower. All he has is a few seeds and his body. Now Sejun must farm, collect resources, and figure out his own survival strategy .Farming in the tower alone 0000 XXXX Translation work: I read whole story and it's master piece Link of original : 나혼자 탑에서 농사/ (show some love to them ) Author :sdknight ( thanks .....3000 times for writing it love youuu )

Gnome_Bob · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
15 Chs

Chapter. 10

"A seed shop?"

A store is a place where goods are sold. It is a very familiar place to Sejun, who has lived in a capitalist society. An excitement arose in my heart.

Sejun hurriedly looked at his skills.

[Job Skill – Seed Shop Lv. 1]

– When used, the skill is activated and a product can be purchased at the Seed Shop once every 30 days.

buy something

It was once every 30 days, but Sejun was happy that he could just go shopping. On the 95th day of distress, I can finally go shopping.

"The Seed Shop."

Sejun used the Seed Shop skill.

[Seed Shop Lv. 1 is activated.]

[Search the transaction history of customer Sejun Park's Seed Shop.]

"Transaction history?"

[There is no transaction history at Sejun Park's seed shop.]

"Of course there is none."

I've never traded

[We provide new level service to Sejun Park customer.]

[Congratulations for being the first new level, and we support 1 Top Coin in the Seed Shop.]

"Oh! Top Coin?!"

Top Coin is the currency used inside the Tower. The outside market price per top coin is about 1 million won.

Just give me that top coin! Sejun's heart thumped.

[The 1st coin will be deposited into Sejun Park's account at the seed bank.]

There seemed to be a seed bank as well.

[The Seed Shop opens.]

[Three types of seeds are displayed randomly in the new level.]


Something different from a normal store.

[Three seeds to be sold today are randomly displayed.]

[You can only purchase one seed at the current level.]

And the seeds that appeared.

[1000 cabbage seeds – 0.1 top coin]

[1000 pepper seeds – 0.1 top coin]

[1000 carrot seeds – 0.1 top coin]

In terms of outside market price, 1000 seeds cost about 100,000 won. The price was completely outrageous.

But there is no way to get it because it is not here.

"If it's unfair, I'll leave."

Sejun muttered, looking at which seeds to buy. Sejun's eyes were prudent because he couldn't make purchases for 30 days if he purchased this time.

"Pass the cabbage."

There was nothing one cabbage could do.

"Hmm… Peppers are ambiguous too."

I wanted to eat something spicy. However, it seemed that the taste would not come out with just one chili.

"Is it a carrot then?"

Carrots are sweet and can be eaten raw or grilled. Beep




Did you miss it?!


At the word carrot, the rabbits' eyes focused on Sejun.

"Huh? Why? Do you want to eat carrots?"





The rabbits reacted violently to Sejun's words.

'It is interesting.'

It was cute to look at her with her eyes wide open.


The rabbits' eyes widened and they began to watch Sejun's mouth.






Bunnies excited again.

'what? What is this magic word?'

The rabbits might die of excitement if they had heard the carrot alarm go off outside.




Sejun tried a few more times, but in the end, he was hit with a double sidekick by his furious husband, Rabbit, and quit. And in order to quickly relieve the rabbits' anger, he hurriedly purchased carrot seeds.

[Purchased 1000 carrot seeds.]

[0.1 Topcoin will be withdrawn from Seed Bank Sejun Park's account.]

[1 point of seed shop mileage will be accumulated.]

[Sejun Park mileage will be used to raise the customer's rating. You can.]

[The mileage required to raise the next level is 100 points.]

[Thank you for using the Seed Shop.]

[Restart the Seed Shop Lv. 1 can be used.]

[The manager of the tower is satisfied with your purchase.]

"Why are you satisfied?!"

After all, there was a reason he gave me a good skill.

A small pouch made of leather with carrot seeds appeared in front of Sejun. The pockets are very classy.


It seemed that the pockets were more expensive than the seeds.

Even though it was late in the evening, the rabbits, who were always punctual, planted carrots while working through the night. The rabbits' desire for carrots was great.

In addition, Sejun had to stay up all night. It's Sejun's job to plant carrots. Still, thanks to planting 1000 carrot seeds, the level of the seeding skill increased, making it a worthwhile day.


102nd day of distress. The day passed peacefully today.

Did you miss it?


The rabbits went to the wide carrot field after their work was done, watched from time to time to see if carrots sprouted, looked forward to it, and was disappointed to see that they hadn't sprouted yet.

"Cute guys."

Sejun sat in his designated seat and smiled at these bastards.

Then I heard a buzzing sound overhead.

"Huh? A bee?!"

A bee the size of a fist was hovering around a hole in the ceiling of the cave. The

chubby bee looked cute.

But it was a

[Poison Bee]

monster. Its name also looked quite dangerous.


Beep !

found it, he hurriedly sent the pups into the burrow and blocked



. Unlike Sejun, who has no place to hide.

Sneaking and sneaking.

Sejun carefully steps back to avoid provoking the bee and holds up a torch by the pond.

Moments later ,

the bee buzzes.

The bee, looking around, sees nothing to threaten it and goes inside the hole. He came in. Then he stuck his snout into a cherry tomato flower and started sucking on the honey


Sejun was relieved that the bee didn't attack him.

'Please eat only honey and go!'

Sejun prayed earnestly for the bee to return.

A bee that sucked nectar from hundreds of flowers suddenly flew towards Sejun.


"Why are you coming?!"

Seeing the approaching punishment, Sejun stepped back. But this is a cave blocked on all sides.


My back soon hit the wall.


Punishment came to Sejun, who had nowhere else to retreat. The distance between Sejun and the bee grew closer. Now a distance of almost 2m. Sejun couldn't even breathe properly due to the tension.

"I can't die like this!"

Sejun measured the timing to swing the torch.


, weeing, weeing, weeing.

The bee moved up and down three times in front of Sejun and flew quickly through a hole in the ceiling.

"Huh?! Phew." Sejun


and sat down.

How many minutes had passed.


Husband rabbit quietly opened the hole and looked around.



Closed his eyes and found Sejun collapsed. hurriedly ran in.


Sejun opened his eyes and screamed, startling the husband rabbit.



The husband rabbit screamed in surprise.

"Hehehe. It's the punishment for abandoning me."


At Sejun's words, the husband rabbit put on an apologetic expression.

"I know. men and horses. If you're the head of household, you should protect your family."

Sejun stroked the husband rabbit's head.


, Puck!

Lightly slapped the husband rabbit on the back of the head.


The husband rabbit was confused as he touched the back of the head.

Didn't you just forgive him

? It's a shame."

Sejun was too

narrow-minded to forgive. The poison


incident ended like that


I usually go hunting with my colleagues to hunt monsters with poisonous needles and eat their flesh.

Other poisonous bees ate the flesh very deliciously, but to the poisonous bees, this meal was really hard.

'It's not tasty.'

I had no appetite, but I really ate to not die.

Then one day, as I was hunting with my colleagues and eating the flesh of a tasteless monster, a sweet scent flew in from somewhere.

'What is this smell?'

'I want to eat.'

When I smelled the smell, my taste buds turned around for the first time in my life.


The place where the poisonous bee flew along the scent was a hole in the floor. There was a yellow flower under the hole, and a sweet smell emanated from it. But there were beings guarding the place. Poisonous

bees The owner of the cave stepped out of his way when he was heartbroken that there was an owner and was about to return.

'Thank you.'

The poisonous bee ate a delicious meal for the first time thanks to the consideration of the owner of the cave,

and returned home after expressing gratitude to the owner for the delicious meal.

And the next day


'I'm back again!' The

poisonous bee came back to

eat honey.

On the 102nd day of distress, the family increased




They were so excited that they kept looking at the carrot sprouts, so Sejun worked alone.

It was around noon and


Poison bee arrived in the cave.


"Come here.


It was the poison bee's stamp for going to work.

At first, even Sejun was afraid of the poison bee, but the more he saw the poison bee, the more he looked at it, the more cute and charming it


. It flew to the tomato flower and started sucking nectar. As the poisonous bee came in and out of the cave, a good thing happened.

That is, it was no


necessary to pollinate the cherry tomato flower

separately .

He said that only the baby rabbits were excited. These days, the baby rabbits ran around the cave and played. Sejun looked at them with envy. "Is there anyone who can do my job

? "

It was getting more and more. Because Sejun had to do the harvesting and sowing in order to raise his skill proficiency.

Yesterday, he picked out the seeds from 50 magical cherry tomatoes and planted them again. About 1200 cherry tomato seeds were planted that way. He said it as if he was complaining, but in fact, Sejun was proud. The field was getting wider and there was more and more food to eat.

Then one more food item was added.


The poisonous bee, which sucked nectar from the flower for a long time, sat down on Sejun's shoulder again .



Sejun put the bottle of water in front of the poison bee, and he


out honey, albeit a little bit.

The poison bee started spitting out honey two days ago. Poisonous bees spit out a thick liquid on top of the fried green onions Sejun was eating, and at that time Sejun was frightened, thinking it was poison.



Seeing the rabbits stick their noses into the liquid that fell from Sejun's green onions and sniff it eagerly, Sejun sniffed it out of curiosity.

and ate it


The unique rich flavor of honey and the sweetness that fills the mouth. Sejun realized that it was honey. A new menu was born that day. honey wave.

The manager of the tower, who was watching, told me to offer honey, but of course the quest was put on hold.

But this time it wasn't intentional. There was really no honey. Even if a poisonous bee sucks nectar hard for a day, the amount it eats and spit out is about 10ml.

Flowers were too scarce. That's why I hurriedly planted 1,200 cherry tomatoes yesterday. to get honey.

"Hehehe. In a few months, you'll be able to eat honey like Winnie the Pooh." Buzzing

while Sejun imagines the flower garden that will grow in the future


After spitting out the honey, the poisonous bee went back to sucking the honey.

Diligent guy. Very commendable.

The 113th day of distress It is a sweet day filled with tea honey.

One day, a mysterious tower suddenly appeared in the city. The people decided to call it a dungeon, and while it was full of rugged terrain and dangerous monsters, it was also a land of opportunity, where countless treasures awaited. When Sejun, a young man living an ordinary life, is invited to the dungeon by chance, he is thrilled at the prospect of becoming rich, but he is stranded in a hidden area of the mysterious tower. All he has is a few seeds and his body. Now Sejun must farm, collect resources, and figure out his own survival strategy!


I will translate this novel anyway but to motivate me you can buy subscription of my patron account, which is only $1 for full novel 
