
Solo Arc

Jaune Arc has always been a weakling. But he did his best to support his friends and his dreams. However one day they find a temple. An ancient temple. Where a mysterious power awaits him.

Silverfang · Cómic
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16 Chs

Chapter 12 - Guild's First Mission

Jaune and his friends had a somewhat normal week all things considered. Except that their training had more than doubled. And with Iron out and about to give them pointers the group was enjoying the training despite how exhausting it was becoming to even Pyrrha, Yang, Nora, and Yatsu who were their heavy hitters. Iron really pushed them to their limits. Jaune even managed to grab a new training quest level to help him improve even faster and with his friends helping him train every day he was feeling the exhaustion and the growth faster.

~Training Quest! Master your self!

300 Push ups

300 Sit ups

300 Squats

30km Run

300 Sword swings

300 Punching bag hits

Win 3 spars

Rewards: Full recovery, +5 stat points, Gift box level 3, Shop points 5,000~

His friends and new girlfriends were more than happy to help him push himself to his limits in training everyday. And it did show as he tried his best to help not only himself grow, but his friends as well. He also made sure he felt every bit of the training by saving up both stats and the shop points. He also had a surprise for his friends and a separate surprise for his girlfriends later in the week to reward them for their efforts.

– Tuesday –

Jaune was mulling over the new training requirements and noticed the 3 spars. It was after class and he fought a powerful student. The student had a unique weapon where he was able to form weapons out of dust from a special silver colored jacket. He was a tricky opponent, but with his stats he managed to overwhelm him and scrape out a win. The guy was a good sport too, but still wanted a rematch with Jaune.

Jaune agreed and noticed his spar counter read 1/3 completed. So to get clarification from the system what a spar is he decided to ask while in the training gym, his friends were all training their bodies right now and doing what they needed to do to try and catch up to Jaunes growth. Glancing to make sure no one else was around to ask why he was talking to himself he asks, "Hey system, I got done with everything from combat class and my morning warm ups, but what exactly counts as a spar?"

~Well player Jaune, a spar in this condition means one event of two options. First option is to do a training spar, it must result in at least 15% of your fatigue gauge, last more than 10 minutes, and make you actually sweat. The second option is an actual spar that makes you drain your fatigue gauge by at least 25% and last at least 5 minutes. There is a third option, but you technically figured that one out, and official sanctioned match in the arena that has rules, audience, and so on.~

Jaune opens his mouth to reply before he closes it and thinks a bit, then he answers, "So essentially actual fights are counted under spars? At least when they are sanctioned matches like today's class?"

~Correct, as they are called training matches or practice fights, they all fall under sparring matches. If it is an actual street fight then it won't be counted as it would fall under life and death situations and a different quest would be issued similar to the dungeon survival quests.~

Jaune nods to himself and then asks one more question, "What if I sparred against two or more people in one sparring match? Would that count as 2 or more spars? Or would that still be 1?"

~That would still be only one match but it would have a chance of rewarding you with items, stats, or shop points.~

Jaune grins to himself and nods once more, he sees the counter is still at 1/3 and then heads to the sparring mats, while thinking about who would help him train effectively for the quests requirements.

He grins as he thinks it over and comes to one conclusion, "Hey Yang! Want that rematch beautiful?"

Yang stops mid punch on the boxing bag she was hitting around and then blushed at what Jaune said to her. She points to herself and has a look just screaming, "You mean me?"

Jaune nods and gets onto a sparring match with an honestly evil teasing plan in his mind to gain an upper hand against Yang, and calls Pyrrha over to referee. Yang gets on her side with the sparring gloves still on and Jaune gets out of his sweat pants and sweat shirt he had on for the sprinting training and shows off his very well defined physique. Yang blushes while licking her lips at his skin tight muscle shirt, his well toned 6 pack abs, his thighs so toned you could break rocks off of them, and his well muscled calves. His arms flex and show the nearly marble like quality of his muscles as he punches his hands into each other as he has his own set of mma gloves ready. Smiling at Yang in a purposefully confident way he tilts his head and gives her an honest smile of affection and a glint in his eyes that has her blushing crimson at his handsomeness. "Yang? You okay?"

Yang shuffles on her feet that have sport ankle stirrups to give her better support for her pivots in a fight and her toes flex nervously as she repositions her feet for a wider and more firm stance. As she tries to bury her wondering eyes Jaune is practically devouring her with his eyes as he glances all over her body with her large but firm breasts, her well sculpted and toned abs, and her lovely tones arms. Her sexy legs and feet both flex as he sees her reposition herself and he goes back to her face and sees she is starting to get used to his look.

He decides to mess with her more and get an early lead in the match by saying, "Wow looking beautiful and radiant! Like a sun goddess in the flesh! And..." He makes a blatant display of roaming his eyes all over her frame and making Yang gulp nervously, Jaune puts the final nail in her coffin and goes into a husky voice as he says, "You only seem to grow more beautiful the longer I gaze upon your shining eyes and golden hair."

That does it and Yang practically has steam coming out of her ears from joy and happiness from Jaune noticing her looks and body so much. She also begins to get a bit 'excited' from between her legs at the sound of his voice at the end of his words there.

Pyrrha isn't doing much better, she is blatantly eye humping Jaune while squirming and grinding her thighs together at seeing his current physique and progress. Velvet is currently imagining how much stamina he must have from all that toned muscle on his body, and what positions he can go to with his growing flexibility as well for when they get to that point in their relationship. And Weiss swoons from over heating and over load of how sexy her boyfriend is as his body fits her tastes of the lean and well built model body type. Weiss swoons so hard she lands in Ruby's waiting arms who simply rolls her eyes at her partners antics while Nora is currently ignoring everything else and is doing the same thing as Pyrrha. Only key difference being that her eyes were gazing at Ren while he was shirtless in a meditation on a balance pole that he is gripping with his toes to stay squatting above it.

The rest of their friends eyes were on the fight that was about to ensue as Jaune asks Pyrrha to referee the match and declare it official. Pyrrha snaps out of her inner fantasies, (Which may or may not have included chocolate and a full body ribbon for valentines day) and manages to refocus on the battle. She sets out the normal rules for the spar and syncs their scrolls for their gauges to be seen. Soon Yang is almost in position fully while Jaune is in his usual brawler ready stance and the bell goes off.

Yang takes one step forward only to see Jaune had used his new speed to suddenly appear before her and be right in her face. She blushes and also flinches at the sudden change in positions before he surprises everyone there and kisses Yang on her cheek. She gasps and breaks her stance to instinctively place a hand on her cheek from the feeling and Jaune uses that to suddenly grab Yang and grapple her. She yelps as Jaune brings her to the mats and pins her down with his legs viced over her hips and her hands bound above her head as he shows he can hold her there for a minute. Yang blushes at the position she is trapped in and tries to wiggle her way free. She even uses her well developed legs to do a butt lift bridge to throw him off. But he simply clinches her with his thighs and calves causing her to gasp out as the breath is driven from her lungs at the move and she collapses back to the ground trying to regain her now missing breath from the failed movement.

She sees Jaune lean down to her and she struggles more right before she stalls as he leans into her ear, and whispers, "Don't worry I'll let you be on top next time."

Her focus breaks as she steam blushes again before she is suddenly thrown to the side and finds her arm suddenly in an arm bar that she can't break with Jaunes new strength helping him.

She struggles and squirms but he remains like a piece of earth came up and grabbed her arm into its very foundation. She gives up after being held in the perfect arm bar position for a good 10 second count. She gives in when Pyrrha calls it and sits up with a pout directed towards Jaune. He sees his spar counter go up to 2/3, reluctantly as the system calls him out on how he won that spar.

Yang looks at him with a pouting face before he chuckles and gives her his hand. He pulls her up into a hug and whispsers into her ear again, this time after brushing her hair out of the way. She finds that sensation is nice and hopes to feel it more in the future. Then she hears his voice, deep and slightly out of breath, making it even more sensual to her, "Next up a real spar, and play your cards right, I'll make sure you will enjoy a nice massage after the training today. Sound good to you my Golden Dragon?"

Yang can't help but blush before turning her face to look at him with an open smile and wide happy eyes, she giggles and pokes his nose, "I'm holding you to that buster. But not today, we got too much to do. This weekend sound good?"

Jaune nods and gets back into position for a second round with Yang, this time with actual fighting and not trickery to get her off guard. Needless to say they actually lost at least 25% of the aura from being too into it that time.

The gift boxes upgrade was something Jaune wasn't expecting. He opened it in his dorm room while his friends were all relaxing or showering after their training as everyone was settling in for studying. He got a jewelry case with a golden bangle inside that housed a lilac colored garnet. It apparently was an accessory he earned from the shop, it was even rank E with the boost +1 to strength. Jaune nodded to himself as he got the stat points and the shop points, then he had a thought about the accessory. He brought up the shop and looked for upgrade methods for accessories. He found that there is an upgrade option for each accessory he puts into the shop to be appraised and then improved. He looked at the cost and saw that each upgrade doubled the cost every rank up. The first upgrade cost 1,000 points. But by the 4th upgrade he would be using more than 5,000 points per upgrade.

His mind flashed to a smiling Yang who was wearing it in its upgraded form and how it was helping protect her from danger. He nods to himself and figured it would be worth it. He would upgrade it this weekend after he earns more points to make sure he has enough. Besides tomorrow he had something new to help them train faster and with more efficiency. Especially since they had a great teacher at their finger tips.

– Wednesday –

Everyone was in the sparring arena after warming up in the gym, and Jaunes counter was once again at 1/3 after combat class. This time he fought a wolf faunus who used powerful martial arts and deadly claw gauntlets as his weapons. The claws could even detach to become daggers for ranged or close combat variation. He even riled the guy up enough to use his semblance which reminded him of a tougher more durable version of Blakes shadow clone Semblance. Fighting him and seeing that he was on team SLVR with the other guy he fought yesterday made him promise to face him again some time soon.

But in the combat arena all of his friends and girlfriends were ready with their gear to see what this new training was supposed to be. And they soon saw Jaune summon Iron and tell them all, "I hope you are ready guys. Iron here served with my grandfather and he has years of experience. So this should be helpful, we will have my team against you all to push you guys against new opponents and to help you get used to fighting other human like foes for when we fight evil hunters or those who were tempted by the dark. Understood?"

Everyone nodded before Ruby raises her hand, Jaune nods to her as she excitedly pipes up with a very interesting question, "But won't that be unfair to you and Iron? After all you guys are two, while we have 11 on our side. How will you-?!"

Suddenly Jaune smirks as his shadow swells and 4 new lights shine out of it as three knights emerge, 2 sword users and 2 bow users. All are faceless with just blank light metal colored face plates that keep them protected and armored. They stand at attention and are each 7ft tall as well. The knights are covered in full plate armor with a shield and long sword in their hands, while the archersare covered in Brigadine with a hunting bow on their backsand a pair of daggers at their hips.

The others all gape then look to Jaune as he explains, "I might have had enough stats recently to splurge and grow my forces a bit. What do you think?"

Everyone begin to nod and smile at him as he glances at his status page and looks carefully at his army skill.

Level 81

Exp: 90%

HP: 62,700/62,700

AP: 28,350/28,350

Fatigue: 6/100%

Class: Master of Knights


STR: 115 (+35) (+5 ally boost)

AGI: 110 (+3) (+5 ally boost)

VIT:110 (+25) (+5 ally boost)

INT: 120 (+5 ally boost)

SENSE: 110 (+5) (+5 ally boost)

Points available:

Physical dmg reduction: +27%


-???- : ?????

Inheritor: Access to system, over level 20 access to shop

Knight Master: +1 to all stats per ally under users command

Standing army: Gain ability to summon an army of knights under the users command, points available 0/120, basic unit: 4 (2 sword, 2 bow) (5 pts per), commander units: 0 (30 pts per), heroic unit: 1 (Iron) (100 pts per)

Heroic Unit Iron title holder: Iron the Shield of the Light

Arc Bloodline: +250 to AP per level

Expert sword arts lvl 1: 9 times dmg with swords

Unarmed Combat Expert lvl 1: times 9 dmg with unarmed blows

True Warriors Aura lvl 1: +30 to Str, Agi, and Vit for however long this aura is active, heals 700 HP per minute, cost: 500 for activation, additional 50 per minute used.

Knights Rallying call lvl 1: +10 to all stats of every person you recognize as an ally within 100ft of user, Lower the physical abilities of foes by 10 points within the area of effect. Costs 500 AP, lasts 5 minutes.

White Knight Body Armor:

+10 str

+10 vit

+7% physical dmg reduction

White Knight Gauntlets:

+5 str

+5% physical dmg reduction

White Knight Sabatons:

+5 vit

+5% physical dmg reduction

White Knight Basic Helm:

+5 sense

+3 agi

Rank A Crocea Mors (Seal level 5)

Bonuses: +160 to dmg

+20 str when equipped

+10 vit when equipped

+10% reduction to physical dmg when equipped

Current shop points: 21,943 points

Jaune grins at his slowly growing army and his growing stats as a result of that. He wonders why his friends are included in the boost but figures its because he is fighting them right now instead of commanding them or fighting alongside them right now. He sets the stage and stands at the front with Iron and the two sword knights in a wall of unmovable shields. The archers are behind them by 40ft and are ready with their bows.

His friends all set up with Yang, Yatsu, Nora, and Pyrrha in front. Fox, Velvet, Weiss, and Ren on mid line behind them. And finally Blake as the back line defender while Ruby and Coco are both ready with their guns loaded with the rubber training bullets.

The stage was set for the first inter team battle spar and only time would tell how well the summoned knights perform.

The front lines charge into each other and Yatsu brings his sword down onto Iron shield and clangs against it with a small shock wave, making a ripple of force that buffets their friends while the two titans crash against each other.

Jaune comes up and meets Pyrrha head on with his own charge, their swords meeting each others shields and locking into a battle of skill, leverage, and who can stop admiring the others face first. (Wait what?) Yes Jaune and Pyrrha were so face to face you would swear that if there wasn't a battle around them right now that they were taking this chance to kiss each other again.

Yang and Nora both charge towards the other knights and when they swing the knights raise their shields. The girls fully expecting the knights to endure the attack go in with all their strength. Only for one knights shield to creak, crack, and shear in half from Yangs punch resulting in it suddenly having a hole at least a foot wide in its torso. While Noras target suddenly exploded into pieces from her blow.

The archers take aim and are sniped through their heads by Ruby's sniper mode weapon.

The humans and Faunus all pause and look at Jaune wondering if he had thought this fight through right before he grins and pushes Pyrrha back and over himself in a nice shield levered flip. Flying mid air Pyrrha goes to right herself and gasps as she is suddenly hit in her armored stomach by a pair of arrows. She looks over quickly as she brings her shield to stop another pair of arrows from the quickly regenerating archers who are revealed to still be alive and functioning despite the holes in their heads.

Yang and Nora gasp and suddenly manage to raise their weapons in defense as they turned to their previously downed foes who have risen up and attacked them with their quickly reformed weapons.

Both girls slide back a few inches and prepare themselves again while Jaune heads to the mid lines to attack the still shocked allies. They hastily prepare a defense only to be blown away when Jaune charges his sword with aura and swings it into a giant energy arc at them blowing them back and giving him a clear path to the back line members.

Blake appeared in front of him with her shadow clone but suddenly she is blow away by a hammer hitting her side as Iron blinked to her blind side and whacked her off the path of Jaunes trajectory. Iron suddenly blinked again to be right between Ruby and Coco as Jaune turned and raced back to hold off the recovering mid line and began to keep, Fox, Ren, and Velvet. Weiss gets up trying to react to everything and barely has time to get up an ice barrier as two arrows fly right at her. They are blunt but still crack her barrier with the force of their blows. Soon Fox has been kicked away and Velvet has been relying on Yangs moves to avoid being thrown away by Jaune too as she is doing her best to back up Ren.

Ruby and Coco panic as they realize the hulking mass of metal and death is right between them and turn to fire their weapons. Only to suddenly see their weapons are pointed at each other when Iron blinks again back to the front lines while in a defensive stance in front of the archers taking a blow from the combined forces of Yang, Nora, and Yatsu. Pyrrha is currently handing both basic knight units their butts but their constant regeneration and the fact that they are made of light and not metal is slowing her ability to rejoin their forces.

Ruby and Coco turn their attacks at the last moment and avoid firing on each other and shoot off randomly in the air. They look to the front to try and see if they can help in any way only for the form of Ren to come careening through and into Coco taking her and Ren off the arena platform and a buzzer to ring and signal they are out.

Ruby quickly ditches the long range strategy and uses her speed to rush the enemies back lines to weaken them next. She manages to rush past Jaune as he manages to arm whip Velvet off of him as he blocks a stab from Weiss. Past Iron and the knights who are fighting hard to hold off the remaining heavy hitters of her team. And she rushes right up to the archers with her blade fully prepared. She swings and beheads both archers in one gust of wind as she lands on the other side of them then pivots and fires her rifle. The recoil sends her back to slash through their torsos next, the next shot their legs, another shot their arms. And she keeps this pattern up to keep them form firing any more arrows.

With the archers currently regenerating and unable to provide assistance. The knights falter and begin to be damaged too fast for their regeneration to keep up. And Jaune notices as his Aura is being drained faster than he expected in keeping his troops alive. He still has plenty left but the fact is that this won't end well for them if he doesn't think of something fast.

He suddenly thinks back to how they were confused when the knights first fell and knew what he needed to do. He kicked off of Weiss's next stab making her rush past him and into Velvet making both girls yelp and fall into a heap together. While Jaune rushed in and charged right into Nora who is matching Iron hammer blow to hammer blow while Yatsu is keeping his shield busy with his great edge sword. Jaune activates his True Warrior Aura and shocks Yatsuhashi as he comes right into the gentle giant and clobbers him right in the body with a shoulder charge. The blow knocks his breath away and makes him gasp in pain and kneel. He looks to Iron who notices the lack of blows coming from his shield side and grins widely at Nora who notices and grins herself. Both fighters swing their hammers and Iron loses his hammer and arm temporarily but Nora is sent flying away. While in the air she tries to right her self and activate her hammer gun mode to fling herself back to the arena. But sees Jaune suddenly in her face with a hammer kick coming down, she has no time to block and gets hit hard in her ribs knocking her down at an angle. She crashes outside the arena and lands near Ren and Coco who are both shocked at Jaunes plan working so well.

Ruby stops her attack both from becoming tired and noticing that the archers had finally faded and grinned to herself. She looks at the front lines before her face falls at noticing they were down to 8 fighters now. Blake, Velvet, and Weiss had all caught up and were trying to keep Jaune from interfering further while Yang, Pyrrha, and a now recovered Yatsu had come to aid them in taking out Iron and the knights. The knights seemed to have had enough punishment as they join the archers and no longer regenerate from their wounds. The whole group grins and all concentrate their fire and attacks on Jaune and Iron from there.

Ruby preps her scythe and notices Fox having been skirting around the edge of the arena not being noticed before he aims for Irons blind spot to land a devastating blow to his back. Once Iron stumbles from the attack the rest of the hunters all gang up on the giant and start to deal too much damage for his regeneration to keep up.

Jaune manages to blow away Blake and Weiss with their auras both hitting 20% and knocking them out of the match. He refocuses his attention to Velvet and returns Iron to the spirit storage. Iron grins as he disappears knowing what Jaune is thinking.

Jaune breaks away from Velvet and her summoned version of Jaunes weapons and armor, then notices how everyone remaining has surrounded him. Jaune was down to 62%. Everyone else was wavering between 45% to 68%. They were all panting hard and thinking of how they could take Jaune down.

Even Ruby goes for a certain move that some hunters call naive, while others call compassionate, "Surrender yet Jaune? You're all alone now!"

Ruby cocks her weapon, Yang brings up her arms, Yatsu rests his sword across his shoulders, Fox gets into his battle stance, Velvet brings up her copied sword and shield from Jaune once more, Pyrrha readies her spear and shield. Jaune chuckles as he looks at them all unnerving them, "Nah I think I'll let you have that chance."

Pyrrha cocks and eyebrow at him and asks, "Why?"

The shadows behind them swell as Jaune answers, "Because I have you surrounded too." He charges Yang as his forces swell up and explode from behind the hunters. They all turn at the sound shocked before Pyrrha feels twin daggers slash into her torso causing her to gasp in shock and pain. Yatsu feels a heavy hammer slam into his side and fling him off the arena. Yang gets a dropkick from Jaune and a shield bash in her ribs to follow it up. Fox barely gets his arms up for his arm blades to take the surprise blow from the knight that arose behind him. Ruby gets a shield bash from one side and a sword cut from the other side into her knocking her aura to 16%, eliminating her. Velvet barely raises her shield to block the twin daggers from behind her as well.

When all is said and done the only ones left who are now back to back surrounded by Jaune and his squad are Yang with barely 33%, Pyrrha with 54%, Fox with 52% and Velvet who is down to 42%. Yatsu is out of bounds and Ruby is below the allowed aura for continuing.

Jaune smirks as he looks at them all and asks, "Surrender yet?"

The others look at the remaining forces and then the screen before sighing and agreeing that they had lost this one. It would take too much time to take out the fresh knights he just summoned if the same pattern of regeneration has reset and they are all below or nearly below 50%. It wouldn't end well for them.

Jaune keeps up his facade before his friends all surrender then he sighs and slumps down. Shocking all his friends. He sits on his butt as he admits, "Dang, you guys have all gotten pretty good! I was being pushed so hard to keep up with you all! I barely had any plans since it was my first time with these troops! Now I know what they can do, but now you all know their tricks too! That means in the future we can plan out great combinations for them with your attacks. I might not be able to use them until they gain strength."

Everyone were gathering back to be near Jaune and discuss the match before they caught that word, Weiss is the one who asks the question, "They can get stronger? How strong are they now? And how do they get stronger?"

Jaune checks his skill and tells them about how he is seeing something after pressing for details on each unit type he owns.

Standing army: Gain ability to summon an army of knights under the users command, points available 0/120, basic unit lvl 1: 4 (2 sword, 2 bow) (5 pts per), commander units lvl 1: 0 (30 pts per), heroic unit lvl 5: 1 (Iron) (100 pts per)

Heroic Unit Iron title holder: Iron the Shield of the Light

Basic Unit stats: 50% of leaders base stats +# of lvl of unit

Commander unit stats: 75% of leaders base stats +# of lvl of unit

Heroic unit stats: 90% of leaders base stats +# of lvl of unit and any equipment given to them

Jaune then explains, "Well based on what we found out from these details it makes sense that they will get experience from more fights and more hunting. SO tomorrow after we train a bit more together today, lets go for some hunting together."

They all nod before Ren asks something, "Now when you say hunting, do you mean grabbing a bullhead and hunting around the forests nearby? Or do you mean something else?"

Jaune smiles at them and simply says, "Well, I suppose I'll show you all tomorrow. But for now. Iron!"

Iron suddenly comes out and smiles evilly at them all, "Show them what the knights of the previous generation did to train."

Iron grins and nods at Jaune before he gains a glint in his eyes as he says out loud, "Understood my young master! I shall train them until just before they break!"

His friends all shudder and begin to scream out loud in pain and panic from the training they are now enduring. Thanks to the hellish level training they all endure they forget about the question Ren asked until the next day when Jaune revealed it to them.

While they are enduring their training though, Jaune sparred against his knights to satisfy the final sparring condition and got the stats, points, and gift box.

He opened it and revealed a beautiful bronze choker with an emerald gem in its center. It was another rank E but this one gave out +1 to agility instead. He grinned imagining the upgrade results as he looks at Pyrrha imagining the way she will look with this around her neck, and he glances at Yang as she blocks a hammer strike from Iron and he imagines the bangle around her forearm.

He grins as he imagines their reactions to the hunting tomorrow.

– Thursday –

They all stood downtown in the park with their weapons in backpacks or in passive day to day mode. Jaune was smiling at their confusion, they had used their new guilds standing and official rules that Ozpin unearthed from the old records to convince the council to not send the cops on them for having a huge group of hunters in training downtown with weapons on hand. That would normally be cause for alarm but the official cover story is that they are getting their groups gear prepped for a future mission.

Jaune looks around then shoots out his senses to allow him to find the nearby Grimm gates and then asks the system a question, Hey system, if my friends help me, will they level up too? Or at least grow a bit faster than normal as long as they are under my influence in the gates? And will it also satisfy my sparring conditions to do gate hunts? Or should I do what I already did today and spar before I go gate hunting?

And it was true before they headed out Jaune decided to send his friends to train and spar against Iron again while he took today to spar one on one against Blake, then Coco afterwards to get used to their styles and combat abilities.

He gets an interesting answer to this line of questions, ~First no they don't have systems so they won't level up as you say. Instead, to your second question, yes they will develop 20% faster than if they trained against normal Grimm thanks to our influence. Third only the bosses of each gate would satisfy your conditions for a spar as they would be the only ones challenging enough to qualify. Fourth thanks to the third answer, your choice, but we need to find gates first.~

Jaune hums at that information and smiles at his friends, as one of them pipes up after everyone has checked ammo, gear maintenance, and their dust stores. Fox decides to ask the million dollar question, "So Jaune what is the plan? I doubt we came here simply for gear maintenance and upgrades. So what is really going on. Plus why the hum of thought you gave just now? Was it something you thought of? Or was it your system?"

Jaune nearly stumbles in surprise at how perceptive Fox is but smiles at him instead and answers the blind boy. "Yes you are correct, what we have going on today is actually a hunt for Grimm. But not the normal kind, thanks to the influence of the Monarchs war on my body I can sense out small pools of Grimm essence and go into them without harm thanks to the Monarchs energy. I can spread that out to you all as well. So how about it? Want to do an unofficial first mission for our new guild as The Hunters?"

Everyone begins to murmur and then all begin to nod as they all look to Jaune with eager grins on their faces. Jaune nods to them all with his smile still present and spreads his senses out again. He suddenly flinches causing his friends to grow a bit concerned as he opens his eyes and gives them a serious stare. "We got a problem."

He brings out their shared map function and highlights the areas on the map he senses out the gates. There are a total of 17 gates. Most of them will be easy as he ranks them out for his friends, but some will be hard. And half of the gates are in a time crunch as they will manifest the Grimm inside them by the end of the day.

His friends all worry at that point and ask if they can manage to do that within the time left, but Jaune assures them that it will be possible if they manage to run at top speed across the roofs. They all agree and look at the completed list of gates and their ranks and time left.

There are 7 E rank Gates left all of them have 2-3 days left on their counter. Another 5 that are D rank gates they have more than a day to 2 days left. Yet another 4 are C rank gates all of them are left with just under a day. And the final one is his second B rank gate with barely 12 hours left.

His friends all begin to murmur and try to plan out a way to knock out these gates in a fast and efficient way. They all try to draw paths through the gates in a line or a continued path but it doesn't work out well. Soon Ruby pipes up with an idea while they are panicking and using up the last 20 minutes of time.

"Guys!" Everyone stops their discussions and turn to the red reaper, her eyes glitter as she points out, "We still have time on a lot of them! So why don't we go in a path leading to the B rank gate, by going through one E, one D and one C to get us used to the gates in ascending order so we can be fully prepped and know how to experience the B rank gate?"

Weiss opens her mouth to refute that idea before she stops, thinks then stammers out, "Sh-shes right! Th-that would work the best!"

Jaune decides to tease her, "You okay there Weiss? I don't think you ever admitted to Ruby being right before."

Weiss rounds on Jaune with a Schnee patented glare and simply says, "Shut it."

Everyone chuckles and they all look on the map to figure out the best path that Ruby mentioned.

Soon the path is set and they all rush to the first E rank gate.

Jaune quickly explains what to expect as they all link arms and hands and dive in. The trip is something Jaune is used to but the energy of darkness going over his friends is very unsettling. It feels like their deepest fears are trying to claw to the surface of their very beings to torment them and make them want to give their minds and souls to the darkness. Once they are on the other side they all blink their eyes as Jaune is suddenly in front of them all trying to grab their attention.

Finally they all refocus asking what happened, Jaune explains that the trip through the gate was only 3 seconds, but they all came out looking rather pale and shaking with unfocused eyes. They explain that they went through and Jaune hums, then he smacks his head and uses his rally skill on them all. The darkness that had latched onto them suddenly melts away and leaves them feeling better than ever. Jaune then goes, "Okay next gate we go through I am giving you all that boost before we enter, sound good?"

No one argues as they all hears the snarling of Grimm coming from the ring of trees around them. They all whip out their gear and ready themselves for the… 20 Beowulves and one Alpha? They all look towards Jaune and he shrugs and gives them a simple answer, "Why do you think this is the weakest of the gates? It isn't that tough. Heck a D rank usually has Ursas or Bone crawlers."

Everyone shudders at the creepy spider humanoid hybrids that they saw in their Grimm studies class. (Look up Team Dark trailers to see what I am talking about.)

They all refocus and then break into their original groups of four to deal with the… Threat? Of the Grimm around them. The Grimm charge and the slaughter begins. Within 1 minute the Beowulves have been eradicated and even Jaune was disappointed when he challenged the Alpha head on and cut it into fourths with one cross slash. He sees his counter go up by one for spars and sighs, then realizes something. Hold on… System can I over train the conditions?

~Indeed you can Jaune~

Why haven't you told me this before?

~In my defense… You never asked~

Jaune slumps and decides, Okay going to see what I get as an award for doubling my training next month.

Jaune checks on everyone and sees they all are stretching and noticing how they actually feel a little stronger despite only taking out the basic Grimm.

Jaune smiles at their notice and explains to them how thanks to being in the gates under his powers influence they are all experiencing the growth boost that comes from his system in an indirect way. They all smile at this and thank him for the help in growing themselves faster than before.

The guild of young Hunters all gather at the next gate and dive in once more, this time boosted by Jaune to avoid the darkness leeching off of them. And it works they pass through with their mental barriers up as well as their auric barriers up. On the other end, instead of a clearing they see a deep cave with a clearing outside it. Ursas start to pour out and number just past 40.

The teams all smirk still feeling the boost and use the formation they used in the arena, only with Jaune in the front lines to help in the attack. The Ursas barely last 2 minutes this time showing their improved strength over the wolves.

The team, hyped up on their feelings slight growth and their last two back to back victories charge to the C ranked Gate. This time Jaune warns them that they will be battling some heavier duty Grimm like Deathstalkers or Nevermores. So they need to be ready.

They all nod, double check their gear and ammo, then head on in. The gate was a bit rougher than previous gates but they got through fine thanks to their previous strategy. However when they came out they weren't in a clearing or a cave, instead they seemed to be inside a rock quarry.

They glance around while remaining in defensive formation and keep an ear out as well an eye out. Velvet, Blake, and Jaune all perk up at the clattering of some pebbles that move suddenly from the groups right.

The group all look up at the creature and Weiss scans it immediately as they don't recognize the Grimm. It looks like a large bat but with a curved armor all over it. It has wings that are folded up along its long front arms with bowed back legs. The creature also has red craggy lines covering its body giving them all the image of magma across its body. It has a large mouth that gives the mind of a beak like structure with a pair of fangs in front, and there are long bone blades along the back of the creatures arms as well giving the notion that it knows how to use them. It has large red bone plates covering its chest, legs, and back.

The group ready themselves not knowing what to expect while Weiss is checking her Grimm studies codex for a matching image. Then Velvet and Blake both yell out in pain as the creature screeches with a loud and high pitched screech that hurts even the normal ears of the humans of the group. Jaune goes over and uses his healing skill on both girls while Yang checks on Blake and Coco checks on Velvet. Besides sudden headaches both girls are fine but then the group startles as the sky is suddenly covered in the moving bodies of dozens of the same creature.

Weiss gasps out loud and yells out while readying her weapon, "They're called Gargoyles! Dangerous in groups! A lone one is a C- rank danger but a group of 10 or more ups them to C! At this size of a group their danger Rank is at least B-! Get ready!"

They all follow her advice while Jaune summons his troops to aid them and give them more weapons against the swarm. He checks with the system to see the number they are facing and his eyes nearly bug out at the information.

~Emergency Quest! Guilds first survival!

Defeat all the remaining Grimm in the C+ ranked gate to escape!

Grimm remaining 90/90

Rewards: +3 stat points, +3,000 shop points, up to 50% recovery for all members who participated.~

Jaune grins at the rewards ad that they now have a quota to work towards. He yells out, "Guys! Only 90 of them! Work together! Stay in the turtle shell formation! And fire at them like no tomorrow! Are! You! Ready!?"

They all yell out their own battle cries as the Gargoyles descend at their prey.

Ruby, Coco, the two archers, and Velvet with a bow she copied are shooting out over the cover Weiss summoned for them. She summoned a scattered formation of icicle spears all around and between them to limit the movement of the Gargoyles and so that the monsters had to fly to the ground around them in order to attack their ranged members. But this forced the creatures into the blades of their ground forces.

Yatsu, Fox, Iron, and Jaune only needed a single slash or blow to kill one Grimm creature. Yang, Nora, Pyrrha, Blake, and Ren all needed two or more to kill one thanks to the difference in the weapons they were using. But they were cutting or smashing through the Grimm with an efficient speed.

After a solid 5 minutes of combat and another 2 minutes of hunting down the faster and more cautious creatures. The gate was cleared. Jaune gained the reward and activated the recovery reward shocking his friends. They all looked at him and Velvet asked, "What was that Jaune?"

Jaune smiles at them as he recalls his troops, "That was a quest reward, it was my first time fighting these things as well so I gained some exp and some stats. But what made it fun is that I got a group recovery reward that I used on us to keep us fresh and ready for that B gate. But I need to ask, how are you all doing? Think we can fight off the B rank gate at this rate?"

Everyone checks with each other and soon they are all nodding and looking to Jaune for the way to the B rank gate.

Jaune grins at them all and guides the way to the B rank gate by the down town district. It was going to be tough since the gate was hiding in the shadow of a statue in the town square. Jaune and the others were wracking their brains to try and lower the possible witnesses since they only had about another 10 and a half hours before the gate spilled out some powerful Grimm into the city.

Suddenly Pyrrha got an idea and spread a rumor on Dustagram (Yes really) and made it to where everyone got excited and headed off to the uptown area. The group all follow the people with their eyes suddenly leaving the town square then they look at Pyrrha wondering what the heck she did. She walks over to them after having taken her picture in front of a popular ice cream chain, then told her followers that, if they could find her, she would spend one hour with the first fan who located her at the correct ice cream shop somewhere in uptown Vale. The group all stare at her and Jaune chuckled a bit and said, "This is the first time I am happy to remember you are so famous. But I am glad that at school we have you all to ourselves for hangouts and date times."

Pyrrha nods with a happy smile at the mention of when they can hangout but then blushes at the mention of a possible date with Jaune.

Turning to the statue and using his senses to check the area he goes, "Alright we are clear, move it! Fox keep a sense out for anyone who is lingering around here okay? We don't need anyone seeing us actually dive into a Grimm portal and trying it themselves."

Fox nods as they rush to the gate and see that it is looking very dark and concentrated showing its energy is indeed that of a higher grade darkness despite it being th esame size as a D rank.

They all walk through and prepare themselves for the fight ahead. They find themselves in the middle of a snowy field somewhere and it is a good mile wide area they can see. What they can also see are a bunch of large spider Grimm all around them. Jaune sees them as Weiss scans and finds them.

"Guys these Grimm are all Terrortulas, they are twin sided Grimm that can operate freely on either the top of bottom of their bodies. They literally have two heads in the same body. And they are powerful enough to tear an Ursa major in half so be prepared for their strength, also be ready for their powerful bites and their tough armored bodies. This makes them rank B danger threat! They excel in frontal assaults and also are unaffected by slippery conditions like snow and slime! Be ready!" (For reference look up RWBY team dark crimson trailer to see which Grimm I am talking about)

Jaune sees a notice for a quest appear while he summons his troops as the spiders all converge on them.

~Emergency survival Quest! Guilds second survival!

Defeat all the remaining Grimm in the B ranked gate to escape!

Grimm remaining 120/120

Rewards: +7 stat points, +7,000 shop points, up to 50% recovery for all members who participated.~

Jaune grinned at the increased rewards and told his friends, "Be ready! There are 120 of these guys! Prepare for siege combat! Hold shields!"

Iron, the twin Knights, Velvet with a copy of Irons shield and Jaune all line up and make a phalanx formation together. The spiders all clang against their wall of metal as Ruby, Coco, the Archers, Ren, Nora, and Weiss all go long ranged to pick off the spiders. Yang, Pyrrha, Yatsu, and Fox all attack the spiders who are trying to get around the flanks of the wall.

However after the first 30 spiders go down from their combo. Problems begin to pop up. Coco had to reload and Velvets shield shatters as it takes too much punishment. Jaunes Knight summons are regenerating after being swarmed by 5 spiders each. And Nora and Ren had to join the front line to keep the Spiders from reaching the back lines. Weiss summoned a rock and ice wall using both dust types that drained her aura fast as she pants hard from the effort.

Pyrrha activated her Semblance and spun her sword like a buzz saw and flung it out at the spiders managing to kill 4 of them before her sword got stuck in the fifth she killed as it got outside her range of influence. She started to punch and kick a Terrortula as it lunged at her with her shield keeping its fangs from piercing her.

Yang was punching the spiders left and right in their eyes, mouths, and joints taking them out quickly. But after the 8th one she took out she was panting hard as another spider leaped at her from her side and bit down hard causing her to cry out as not only did she get a critical blow that took 15% aura, she also started to bleed. She punched it away and her aura healed the wound but she was still stumbling a bit as the poison in the fangs began to weaken her.

Nora was smashing the spiders to bits with her hammer while Ren was taking them out with his aura bursts, Fox was covering their blind spot and they had managed to take out 15 of these spiders. However both Ren and Fox were running low on enough Aura to keep their passive defense up and their attacks at a high enough damage to beat the spiders. They were being surrounded and cornered into a triangle defense.

Yatsu was literally using one spider and smashing it into another one as his sword was lodged in the tough head carapace of the 4th one he killed. With the fifth and sixth killed he turns to hold off a 7th that tried to smash him with its front legs. He struggled against it as another one is coming up behind him trying to bite him. Coco comes in with her gun in purse mode and shatters the spiders head before it can bite Yatsu. Now with his back covered he refocuses on the one he is holding off.

Jaune is covering Velvet with his shield as she is trying to summon his weapons as her new gear while his knights are helping to cover Ruby and the archers after they regenerated. Ruby was slashing and cutting as the archers were giving her openings by firing into the joints of the spiders. Blake had joined them by covering Weiss's rear as she controlled pieces of the rock/ice wall she summoned to become projectiles to be fired at the remaining spiders.

Jaune grunted as he held off 4 spiders at once before Iron comes in smashing them apart one by one. He checked the counter seeing they had made great progress, 28/120, Velvet picks herself up with a copy of his sword and shield in hand, he gives her a quick kiss and a thankful nod as they split up to help their friends. He yells out, "Less than 30 left! Focus on helping each other and take them out one two three!"

He powers up his rallying ability giving them all a boost and he uses his warrior aura ability to power up more and begins to cleave the spiders left and right with all the force he can muster through the gaps in their armor.

With the boosts refreshed and helping them the Hunters all come together and begin to systematically wipe out the remaining spiders. Jaune smiles as his friends all begin to tear the remaining Grimm apart.

After the counter goes down to 1/120 remaining. A rumble is felt as the spider corpses fade away into particles.

Everyone turns to one side of the field and see a spider that is double the previous ones. While the previous spiders were the size of Heavy duty camper trucks, this one was around the size of a bull head with thicker armor, twice the amount of fangs, and the claws on its legs being longer and even sharper. It screeches loudly and charges at the Hunters. Everyone gets into their phalanx formation quickly only for them all to pause once the spider actually fades from view.

They all look around carefully as they still hear the skittering of its legs all around them. Velvet summons Iron shield and using her hearing leaps to the side of Weiss as she blocks a nearly invisible strike from the Alpha Terrortula. Weiss backs off and tries shooting off a fireball that misses its target. The spider screeches in fear and skitters off once again.

The team all keep their ears out and focused before Blake suddenly focuses her cats eyes and sees the subtle movement of the snow compressing as the spider is coming for Ruby's side. She comes in and slashes at the air only a few feet from Ruby and even shoots off a whole clip of fire dust empowered bullets at the spot. The spider reappears from all the flames burning its carapace black and everyone swarms it as soon as they can clearly see it.

Blades and blunt weapons fly as the spider is beaten down senselessly as it gives a gurgle from a solid minute of all these blows and strikes hitting it before it flops onto its side dead. Everyone cheers as Jaune sees the completion award is given and sends it out to help everyone.

He also notices something interesting the army skill has been gaining experience as they hunt. More specifically the units in the skill gain the experience.

Standing army: Gain ability to summon an army of knights under the users command, points available 0/120, basic unit lvl 9: 4 (2 sword, 2 bow) (5 pts per), commander units lvl 1: 0 (30 pts per), heroic unit lvl 10: 1 (Iron) (100 pts per)

Jaune grins as he realizes that he won't need to be the one mopping up the E and D rank gates at this rate and will only need to focus on C and higher gates to help him continue to grow with his friends.

Everyone heads out from the gate and gather at a nearby shop to do maintenance on their gear. Jaune asks them the important question, "SO what do you guys think? Want to do one more? Or are you ready for a break?"

Everyone looks to each other before they all answer, "Not today please!"

They all start to talk about how that last one pushed them farther then they thought possible. And that they would be more than happy to help him clear more later this week or month but maybe only 3 gates a day max. Jaune nods and tells them he will save the C and higher gates for them for training and clear up the D and lower rank gates.

Everyone agrees and while their gear is getting cleaned up Jane goes around and mops up gate after gate with his slowly growing stronger team. At the end of the day and with all 17 gates cleared Jaune is panting on a seat in the bullhead heading back to Beacon with his friends all worried for him. He explains that he needed to push himself to reach every gate before they had to return so they all understand and leave him to checking his notifications from the day.

~All gates cleared! +17 stat points gained! Grimm hunted today will be cashed as shop points! Level up x3! Cleared two quests! Combined rewards are +10 points, +10,000 shop points! All allies have improved their stats by 10% in one day!

Level 84

Exp: 41%

HP: 66,060/ 66,060

AP: 29,400/ 29,400

Fatigue: 54/100%

Class: Master of Knights


STR: 118 (+35) (+5 ally boost)

AGI: 113 (+3) (+5 ally boost)

VIT:113 (+25) (+5 ally boost)

INT: 123 (+5 ally boost)

SENSE: 113 (+5) (+5 ally boost)

Points available: 32

Physical dmg reduction: +27%


-???- : ?????

Inheritor: Access to system, over level 20 access to shop

Knight Master: +1 to all stats per ally under users command

Standing army: Gain ability to summon an army of knights under the users command, points available 3/123, basic unit lvl 6: 4 (2 sword, 2 bow) (5 pts per), commander units: 0 (30 pts per), heroic unit lvl 12: 1 (Iron) (100 pts per)

Heroic Unit Iron title holder: Iron the Shield of the Light

Arc Bloodline: +250 to AP per level

Expert sword arts lvl 2: 9.5 times dmg with swords

Unarmed Combat Expert lvl 2: times 9.5 dmg with unarmed blows

True Warriors Aura lvl 3: +40 to Str, Agi, and Vit for however long this aura is active, heals 900 HP per minute, cost: 500 for activation, additional 50 per minute used.

Knights Rallying call lvl 3: +18 to all stats of every person you recognize as an ally within 150ft of user, Lower the physical abilities of foes by 18 points within the area of effect. Costs 500 AP, lasts 5 minutes.

White Knight Body Armor:

+10 str

+10 vit

+7% physical dmg reduction

White Knight Gauntlets:

+5 str

+5% physical dmg reduction

White Knight Sabatons:

+5 vit

+5% physical dmg reduction

White Knight Basic Helm:

+5 sense

+3 agi

Rank A Crocea Mors (Seal level 5)

Bonuses: +160 to dmg

+20 str when equipped

+10 vit when equipped

+10% reduction to physical dmg when equipped

Current shop points: 103,943 points

After taking stock of what he has in the shop and how he can upgrade either the accessories he is gathering or what he has on he decides to spend his hard earned points on his friends and loved ones. He looks at today's gift and finds a beautiful anklet that is gold with a wonderful tigers eye in the center making him glance at Velvet and imagining her wearing this in both her huntress outfit, but also in a bikini around her ankle protecting her always. It even has an interesting effect, +1 to sense stat.

He hums and notices that each equipment would benefit his girlfriends in some way and grins to himself as he imagines them always having him supporting them even if it is indirectly. He then looks through the shop hoping to find more possible accessories for the rest of his friends if he doesn't get them all covered by the gift box by next week.

They all rest up at Beacon that night dead tired from all the fighting and the exhaustion from running around. Jaune reports to Ozpin what they discovered and he hums in thought and tells Jaune to keep up the good work and that he is slowly telling the faculty and the student body about the new guild in the school and if people want to join then they needed to talk to Jaune directly. Jaune thanks him and gazes up at the moon for a while, thinking of how much they have grown from just one day of training and is excited to see how his friends perform in class tomorrow.

– Friday –

The next day the team members all decided to rest for the day after training in the morning. In combat class Jaune fought the next member of the team SLVR a turquoise haired girl named Vella Moisia.

She fought with another version of Weiss's semblance using specifically repulsion and attraction glyphs. She also seemed to love using a blade bow/combat rifle weapon that had Ruby over the moon and fainted in Yang's arms while up in the stands. Jaune had to deal with her tricks and almost lost on out of bounds rules before he managed to use her own attraction tactics to fling himself at her and take out her aura to below 30%. She simply nodded to him respectfully and rushed back to her team mates while blushing at how handsome and nice Jaune was to her.

And finally a lot of homework and study sessions together to round out the day the team members were all slumped in their beds in exhaustion from yesterday. Though they all were shocked that they felt slightly lighter and stronger than they did back on Wednesday. Jaune explained it was the 20% boost to their growth rates he mentioned before. They all agreed to joining him on hunting C and higher ranked gates twice a week from now on to keep their skills sharp and to keep the growth rate up.

Jaune chuckled at the groans and moans they still gave him despite their improved performances in the combat classes today. He let them rest and headed off for his own completion of his spar quota by hunting down more gates. He arrived in Vale with no issues thanks to telling Ozpin he was off on patrol to keep Salems stealth gates in check.

As he walked around and consulted his maps he noticed the day to day lives of the civilians. Children were at the parks, playing together, enjoying the sun with families, or running around enjoying the day. Adults were all over going through their own days seeing what they can do to pass the time now that they were either off work or heading off to see their families. And others still were taking advantage of the warm day and all the families being out to sell their wares or keep warm food ready for the people out and about this day.

Jaune smiled at it all. And grabbed a warm crepe from a nearby stand as he patrolled the city and updated his map to find any Grimm gates. So far there were only 3 E ranks and one D rank but he was only done sensing out half the city so far. As he walked he checked his stored stat points and his store points.


STR: 118 (+35) (+5 ally boost)

AGI: 113 (+3) (+5 ally boost)

VIT:113 (+25) (+5 ally boost)

INT: 123 (+5 ally boost)

SENSE: 113 (+5) (+5 ally boost)

Points available: 32

Current shop points: 103,943 points

Jaune thinks it over on how to use the points before finishing his sweep of the city and finds only another 2 D ranks. He noticed his knights were getting plenty of experience from their fights in the gates and figured this would be the perfect time to have them gain even more experience.

He goes through each gate and summons his knights over and over to fight in them with Iron leading the charge and gaining experience as well. Calling them off to fight the alpha of each one to get his spar count up and completed.

He eventually gained a level and his stats showed the appropriate growth as he also stocked up the daily stats with the cleared gate stats.

Level 85

Exp: 11%

HP: 67,200/ 67,200

AP: 29,750/ 29,750

Fatigue: 23/100%

Class: Master of Knights


STR: 119 (+35) (+5 ally boost)

AGI: 114 (+3) (+5 ally boost)

VIT:114 (+25) (+5 ally boost)

INT: 124 (+5 ally boost)

SENSE: 114 (+5) (+5 ally boost)

Points available: 43

Physical dmg reduction: +27%

Current shop points: 114,943 points

Jaune grinned as he unlocked more stats and opened up his gift box and got what he was hoping for. He found a lovely silver ring with a nice sapphire embedded in it. It said it gave the wearer +1 int while wearing it.

He took stock of the accessories he earned over the week.

Silver Sapphire Ring (Rank E)

+1 int

Tiger Eye Anklet (Rank E)

+1 Sense

Bronze Emerald Choker (Rank E)

+1 agi

Gold Topaz Bangle (Rank E)

+1 str

Jaune hums as he looks over each one and calculates that to raise them all up to Rank A would require 15k points each. He grins as he has enough and looks to the upgrades needed for his armor. His eyes bug out as he sees to bring his Rank B armor up to Rank A he would need 100k.

He thinks it over between himself or his girlfriends, but decides they were more important to him at this point. He goes to upgrade all the accessories. He spends the 60k points needed for all upgrades and looks them over.

Silver Sapphire Ring (Rank A) (User reserved: Weiss Schnee)

+15 Int

+10 Sense

+5 Vit

+5% dmg reduction (All)

Tiger Eye Anklet (Rank A) (User reserved: Velvet Scarlatina)

+15 Sense

+10 Agi

+5 Str

+5% dmg reduction (All)

Bronze Emerald Choker (Rank A) (User Reserved: Pyrrha Nikos)

+15 Agi

+10 Str

+5 Vit

+10% dmg reduction elemental

Gold Topaz Bangle (Rank A) (User Reserved: Yang Xiao Long)

+15 Str

+10 Vit

+5 Agi

+10% dmg reduction physical

Current shop points: 14,943 points

Jaune grins at the upgrades and knows that these will definitely help his girlfriends out when he wasn't there to aide them. It cost him an extra 10k to get the user registration upgrade but it was worth it. Now if someone stole the accessories they wouldn't gain the boosts, they would only have expensive jewelry. And then realizes he could do the same thing for his friends by finding more accessories for them during the upcoming weeks. He makes that his plan as he returns to Beacon and prepares himself for stocking up more points tomorrow and surprising his Girlfriends with their new gifts.

– Saturday –

Everyone decides to sleep in. Jaune even sleeps until noon. Much to the annoyance of Iron who tells him once he is up, "I don't mean to sound rude or annoyed master. But you should keep a tight schedule of sleep so that you don't feel too lethargic or over slept. If you do your body can slow down and relies too much on the rest you now get used to.

Jaune stretches and nods to himself as he sees Ren is already up and meditating on his bed, he looks past him and sees Nora snoring like a chainsaw cutting up a log while trying to eat her pillow in her sleep. He chuckles at that then sees Pyrrha lying on her side, her hair let loose around her face and giving her a beautiful glow to her already lovely features. He blushes slightly at thinking about how nice it would be to wake up to her face being only a foot from his when they eventually get a bed to sleep in together.

He shakes himself awake and goes to the shower, but not before going to their contacts and creating a group text name titled, "The Rainbow" and sends them a message to meet up at the pool together for a relaxing day swimming after he works out. After sending it he finishes his stretches and heads out to the gym.

After a solid effort, panting a lot, and a near bucket of sweat, from trying to double his exercise counts he drinks his water while thinking to himself what would be the best way to get the spar count up since his friends need a break, and robots only supply so much skill training at this point.

Then Jaune suddenly smacks his forehead as he forgot he had the best possible sparring partner ever right at his finger tips!

He summons Iron as he gets to the sparring mats and calls out a bot referee to watch the match and make it sanctioned.

Jaune looks to Iron as he calls out, "Ready for a rematch old man?"

Iron smirks as he lowers his helmet visor, "As long as you are ready yourself brat! Prepare yourself!"

They charge and go through 3 rounds with each other. Jaune gets used to blinking movements that some of his future opponents might use against him from Irons old Semblance. Meanwhile Iron learns how best to use new combinations with his Semblance to fight against quicker opponents like Jaune who would use his backlash of the slowed movement after three blinks against him.

It was very informative for both fighters. After getting through those three bouts Jaune then summoned his four foot soldiers and had them fight him next so that he doesn't lost his touch against teams of four for combat class or the Vytal festival. Grinning at himself he enjoys the three matchs he fights with his troops and finally achieves the double reward.

He gains 10 stat points, 10,000 shop points helping him recover from his splurge buying yesterday and then gets a cursed gift box giving him something that he needs. He opens it and was expecting to find a new piece of armor or something but instead finds a key that says.

~Cursed Tower Key, Rank S dungeon. 100 floors. Minimum level needed for entry. Level 100. At least 10 members for a party to enter the tower.~

Jaune has his eyes almost leave his head at seeing the requirements and thinks to himself, This is such a tall order but it makes sense, the system wants me to grow and I seem to grow faster and gain levels faster against more powerful foes. So this should work best for me once I reach the requirements. I won't take the others into this dungeon until I scout it out or clear it myself with my summons. Plus I'll need to grow and train my army more, after all it says standing army for the skill, but 4 troops and a hero/general does not an army make. I'll need to store this for now and grow better before even stepping foot in there. Maybe wait until level 150 and stats being over 300 each before I tackle this place.

His plan in place he stores the key into his inventory and heads to the showers to wash up and change into swim trunks so he can see his girlfriends. He double checks his inventory to make sure he has their accessories to gift them. He changes into his white with blue side stripes sports swim trunks and heads to the gyms pool. He finds his scroll as he changes and finds his girlfriends all practically yelled yes and said they would be there at around 3. He chuckles as he eats a simple breakfast of protein shake and a granola bar to avoid cramps from swimming on a full stomach.

He finally enters the pool area and finds a few other hunters there training their swimming skills. Team SLVR are all there, Simin in a pair of silver trunks, Lycan in his wolf themed swim trunks, Vella in her turquoise one piece with the sides cut out, and their final member who Jaune had yet to meet in a nice deep violet two piece bikini.

When Jaune came over the team greeted him warmly with an introduction for their last member who introduces herself as Ragora. She even told him she is looking forward to see who has the better summoning Semblance, her or him once she can get him alone in the arena. Jaune chuckles with a wide smile excited at the prospect.

He tells them he looks forward to seeing them in class this upcoming week and dives into the deep end of the pool. He manages a few laps before he senses the aura of Pyrrha, Weiss, Yang and Velvet all coming to the pool. He swims towards where they are entering and breaks free of the water to leap onto the pool edge. He hears a lot of camera shutter clicking as he breaks free of the water and lands perfectly fine on the pool edge. He wipes the water out of his face and then runs his hands through his hair, unknowingly giving his girlfriends a supermodel show for their eyes to drink in as he muscles unconsciously flex with the movements. He notices them all blushing furiously at him as he completes the removal of water from his head. He smirks and cocks his hip to the side while asking, "What's up girls? Something catch your eye?"

Velvet's response was to click her camera once more while being unable to peel her eyes away from the borderline Adonis that is her boyfriend in front of her.

Yang smirks back and shamelessly rakes her eyes over Jaune physique practically purring at seeing him like this in professional swimmers trunks that hug his muscles in just the right way.

Weiss is so red one would think she has caught the flu or turned into a tomato, but she was the only one so far to answer as she simply mumbles, "Yes..."

Pyrrha is stuck in her fantasies of Jaune being over them while shirtless… and missing the lower garments and imagines the pool being empty so they could all enjoy their boyfriend together. Needless to say Pyrrhas bi curious mind went into full bi mode as she imagines them in all sorts of positions pleasing each other. Making her legs wobble with need and her core throb in expectation from the images dancing through her mind.

Jaune enjoys their reactions while enjoying how they look. Pyrrha was in a two piece crimson red bikini with a hip wrap around her bottom half colored bronze this outfit shows off her athletic body and her softly showing six pack abs. He also notices Pyrrhas finger nail and toenail polish being a nice emerald green today. Yang is wearing a barely there two piece golden bikini herself and Jaune admires how her well toned muscles gleam in the outfit along with her six pack abs, and notices she simply put on some gloss for his toe and finger nails, making them shine in the sun flooding through the windows.Weiss is in a modest one piece with the hole cut out of the front to show her tones belly and her long sexy legs. Her nails are colored a nice deep cyan blue to goes with her pale complexion. Velvet is in a nice coffee colored tankini with a small dull bronze frill around the bottom half, her nails are also just glossed but still enhancing her beauty.

Jaune admires his girlfriends for a moment longer and then checks around to see everyone else who is at the pool is currently busy chatting or swimming. He beckons the girls over to a side area where people can come to shower and dry off form the pool water and begins to pull out the gifts. The girls eyes go wide as they see him use his inventory.

Weiss goes to ask about what he was doing but suddenly she sees a beautiful silver ring with a snowflake sapphire in it on her pinky finger. She blushes and looks at Jaune who takes her surprise and kisses her with a look of affection and care in his eyes. Weiss's question is answered and she begins to admire the gift while thanking Jaune, "It's beautiful Jaune! Thank you so much! And why do I feel… more level headed? And thinking slightly faster than before?"

The others all perk up at this and look to Jaune as he approaches Velvet next. He answers as he kneels down to place the gift for her around her ankle and takes the chance to brush against her lovely and soft foot in a slow and sensual way making Velvet blush at his care before noticing the boost in energy the accessory gives her. She suddenly can hear everything clearer and can also focus on what she wants to without hurting her ears, while also fleeing suddenly faster and slightly stronger than before.

Jaune answers after giving Velvet a kiss as well making the bunny nearly go atomic with her blush as she admires the slight clink sound her new anklet makes as she twirls on her right foot. "Well they are accessories I gained over the week from the system, and they were originally just trinkets with a small boost. So I upgraded them to be better than my current armor. I hope you like them."

He approaches Yang next and takes her hand in his before slipping the bangle over her wrist and halfway up her forearm before leaving it there. Yang admires it and feels the boost to her body making her feel even stronger and more energetic than before. Jaune goes for the kiss but Yang wraps her arms around him and kisses him deeply with their tongues suddenly in each others mouths. She pulls away after a good minute of trying to clean Jaunes mouth out thus leaving them both panting a bit harder than before and Jaune wipes off the left over saliva and tries to calm down the growing excitement that would be very noticeable in his trunks should he turn around right now.

He goes to Pyrrha next and places the choker around her neck in a slow and sensual way while brushing his fingers gently against her neck, chin, and collar bone making her quiver more than she was before. She is now heavily blushing as she also feels the boost to her body making her feel lighter and stronger than before. She kisses Jaune while holding his back as he holds her head close. They pull away after a good minute as well and Pyrrha smiles so brightly that the sun looks dull compared to it while her blush is so deep you would swear she had red paint on them.

After the girls are all equipped with their accessories Jaune brings them to the pook while explaining the function he enchanted them with, "You see those are Rank A gear. So not only to they enhance your beauty." Blushes all around, "But they also are more durable than most armors and are registered for you specifically."

Velvet perks up at that and asks, "Wait registered? You mean only we can wear these?"

Jaune waves his hand in a 'ehh' movement, "Technically anyone can wear them, but only you girls would get the bonuses they give you. So if someone tries to steal them for their boosts they give you then they would only get a trinket while you would get all the bonuses that you felt just now. Make sense?"

The girls all gape at him as they all sit down at one of the pool tables. They all look at their accessories with even more gratefulness on their faces and then back to their wonderful boyfriend for his thoughtfulness for their safety. Yang then looks at her bangle and asks, "Wait how many shop points did you use to make these guys as powerful as they are? I felt a very nice boost to my abilities once I put it on."

Jaune rubs the back of his head and admits he used over 100k points to upgrade and register these accessories for the girls. They all being to protest that he should have upgraded his gear first but he shushes them gently and admits, "I wanted you all safe first. What is the point of me upgrading my gear if I ignore those who hold special places in my heart? I like all of you and I care for you too much to not do something like this for you all. And once I have enough points I plan to upgrade these accessories once again for you all to be even more protected. Alright? I'll earn back the points so don't worry about me."

The girls all have slight tears in their eyes at his admittance. But to make sure he doesn't ignore himself they told him he better save up and get his B rank armor up to A rank first before he even thinks of upgrading their accessories/gifts into S rank items. He promises and they all enjoy their Saturday together at the pool before meeting up with their friends for lunch and then a day together to study and enjoy their time as a team.

The girls even took chances to tease Jaune at the pool by asking for foot rubs when they were tired, or asking for sun lotion so they don't get burnt from the bright sun. Jaune did all of this happily with a smile, and with of course a blush. He had to hide his excitement more than once that day but he was glad for the memories. He also gained a healthy appreciation for his girlfriends soft feet as she rubbed them one by one and helped them recover.

After such a good day Jaune knew he was ready for whatever Sunday could throw at him. But he forgot to never tempt fate.

For, unknown to them all, something was looming on the horizon that none of them would be ready for. And it would test Jaunes growth to this point. And how ready he was for the next challenge against Salem and her forces of the dark.