
Sole Experience: The Great Disillusion

A boy’s life changes when his father sends him away to investigate a town within their kingdom, what the boy experiences next is a once in a lifetime experience that will forever change his and everyone’s life.

Insominac · Fantasía
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6 Chs

The Nomadic Group

I heard small explosions go off, resulting in beams of mana shooting at us. They started to crack away at the wall.

Leaving dents and small holes throughout it, luckily for us the blasts that penetrated through delt no damage, Instantly fizzing out of existence.

What was I to do in this situation, the guards were closing in on us and providing too much fire to run out of this.

Then I remembered, I grabbed my sword out of my bag. 

"Follow me!" I yelled to Martha over the sounds of guns.

She followed me as I cut down the wall in front of us, away from the guards.

I jumped through, noticing guards were starting to come this way from all angles.

I grabbed Martha's arm as I ran forward toward two guards, I saw as they prepared their guns. I pushed her out of the way as I blocked the attack with my sword.

I cut down the door beside me and entered the house, I signaled to Martha to follow me. She jumped through the air dodging the blasts as she entered the house.

I ran up the stairs followed by her, when I got to the top I found the window closest to the door and jumped through landing on and stabbing the guard who was unfortunate enough to be below. I looked up to see the other guard pointing his gun at me with a horrified look on his face.

I jumped back away from the guard's lifeless body as I stared at the blood pouring out from his neck. 

This instinct I have to kill, why do I have it?

No, It's human. This happens, and I must keep pushing forward. 

I blocked the guard's initial attack with my sword, then I dodged to the left, running inside the building. 

"Martha, do something!" I yelled.

At that moment, Martha lept out of the building stabbing the guy as she landed on him, breaking her fall. 

She got off the ground taking his gun, as she looked at me. 

Smart, why didn't I think of that? I grabbed the guard's gun that I had killed. Then a small militia of guards quickly followed.

I ran into the alleyway with her as I realized it was a dead end. I could hear the guards approaching so I cut down the wooden fence in our way. 

I ran down the alley in front of us and continued till I found a mine.

"Stop, I need to do something here," I informed Martha in an exhausted voice.

"Well, how long? Cause these guards keep multiplying." Martha asks.

"Shouldn't be too long, I'm just picking something up," I say.

I walked into the mine with little light, luckily I was able to find a torch on a wall, so I picked it up. I kept walking when I found one of the rifles Paul mentioned. I put it in my bag and continued onward looking for one of those rockets he mentioned. Eventually, I did find one and put it in my bag. I also found a mana core which I took with me.

I began to walk out of the mine but I realized Martha was no longer here. I couldn't have been too long, could it? I looked around, but I didn't see any sign of her or any guards.

I guess she got into trouble, oh well. So I made my way to the gate when I saw a lot of guards, and what seemed to be a group of nomads. The man who seemed to be the leader had black hair and looked middle-aged. He was dressed in a bulky suit of armor with his helmet at his side, the armor featured spikey shoulder pads and gauntlets with everything else being covered by iron plating. His armor also features a cape from his back and waist. 

Another man to his right wore a blue armor with a sleek design besides the bulky gauntlets, shoulder pads, and shins. His helmet was designed with a line down the middle which gave of a blue hue.

The other man on his left wore nothing but an armored gauntlet and a helmet, as it appeared the rest of his body was replaced by metal functioning limbs! I didn't even know something like this was real. I've heard legends of a man like this. The Invincible Man, but I didn't think he was real. Maybe everything I was told was real but I doubt that. All I know is I need to introduce myself and learn about him.

I approached the men ignoring the guard.

"Are you The Invincible Man? I never knew it was true you existed." I said looking surprised.

"Who's this runt?" The Invincible Man asks. Well, that hurt, I guess that wasn't the best strategy for getting their attention but I have another idea. 

"Wait, you're the kid we've been looking for!" The guard shouts as he pulls his pistol out.

"Hey now let's calm down Jim, he's just a kid." The Leader said.

"He's a Murderer, He killed the Lord, and two of our men! He will pay!" The man said as he let out a blood-curdling scream.

The guard shot at me using a pistol. I put my arms out in front of me, but then I saw The Invincible Man jump out in front in an instance blocking the attack, and then he picked up the guard.

"Apologize." He said.

"N-Never, die s-scum," The guard said before his throat was crushed.

"Shit, why did you kill him?" The one in blue asks. 

"He wanted to kill a kid, that's fucked up." The Invincible Man responds. 

"Yeah, but you could've just taken an arm." He responds.

"Unacceptable." He says.

"Oh, uh thank you," I say nervously.

He blocked the attack like it was nothing and crushed his throat with ease. That was the max power attack too. 

Is he really Invincible?

"Kid, come with us." The Leader says.