
Sole Experience: The Great Disillusion

A boy’s life changes when his father sends him away to investigate a town within their kingdom, what the boy experiences next is a once in a lifetime experience that will forever change his and everyone’s life.

Insominac · Fantasía
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6 Chs


"Fuckkk, that hurt like shit." I groaned in pain as I squirmed on the ground.

"What are you doing here kid, this is no place for little boys." The assassin stated with amusement.

Fuck she found me, this is not good. I don't want to waste too much time here.

"What's it matter to you, I'm doing something. It would be kind if you left me alone." I say as I get off the ground. 

I approach the office desk put towards the far end of the room, looking at the walls for any details that would help me.

As I approached the desk I noticed a open letter, It was regarding me and how he was going to dispose of me. This was not good, but I kept reading and I realized he is being forced to do this by another clan. Mazoku clan, specifically the Dourean branch of family. Signed Tobias Dourean, he's my cousin, he always seemed and was always standoffish. I didn't think he would do something like this though. I must inform my father though.

I grabbed the letter and put it in my bag, I looked over to see that lady stealing paintings and jewelry from the Lord. I thought she wanted it fair and square but I guess she changed her mind, I chuckled to myself. 

"What's so funny kid?" Martha asked.

"You told me to not steal the money but look at you." I laughed.

Martha scoffs before saying. "Listen kid, what're you doing here. You don't fit in, your stealing others letters. You're real fucked up you know."

"I'm fucked up? You're just stealing shit broke bitch." I say surprised.

"Oh? You want to go? Right here right now." Martha asked.

"Let's do it then!" I exclaimed.

I'm not confident I could beat her, she's faster, stronger and more experienced. Although, she might not have realized what she gave me. That's what i'm relying on.

I stood up straight with my hand on my gun waiting for her first move, we kept waiting and waiting for the other to make a move. Time began to slow down, I could see every slight movement she made, and I could feel every passing moment.

As I was about to make the first move, I heard the doorknob shift.

I froze, I didn't know what to do, there was no where to hide. I looked to see what Martha was doing, she also froze with a horrified expression.

The door fully opened, a dark haired man dressed in a royal blue dress coat that went along with his royal blue pants. He wore a black vest with gold pendants on it. He looked no older than 35. Young for this type of job, but whats it matter.

"HUH?! What are you doing in my office, how were you let in?!" He demands.

"Well you see-" I start to explain. 

"No, I've heard enough. GUARDS!" He yelled.

Shit what do I do, how much time do I have until his guards show up. I didn't check for their locations. What if I give myself 30 seconds.

Then I heard the footsteps of guards approaching, shit more like 10 seconds. I don't have time, fuck.



The room filled with mana as a massive beam of mana appeared for a second before disappearing, destroying the building from here to the outside. 

When the smoke cleared, there was no longer any Lord.

I stood taking in what I had just done, I killed someone. But this wasn't like last time, this wasn't self defense. I murdered him, it was my fault.

"Hurry up, we need to get out of here!" Martha exclaimed.

I nodded and began running out the section I blew off. I threw the pistol aside at a random guard who started to shoot at us.

This is not good, any one of them has the same power I did. I need to escape now.

I ran out of the building following Martha, we ran 2 blocks away before resting in an alleyway. 

"Thanks for saving me and all, but what the fuck was that? Was that the gun I gave you?" Martha asked.

I would take a second to catch my breath before responding. "Your welcome, and yes that was the gun you gave me."

"Shit…" She said shocked.

To be honest, I didn't even mean to save her. I'm glad that's how she sees it, but I totally fucked that up.

I looked around the corner and noticed a guard patrolling. 

"Do you still have my stuff?" I ask Martha.

"Yeah, what do you have planned?" She responds.

"I plan to get my shit and get out of here." I say.

"Let's do it" Martha responds.

I dart towards the office, hiding behind a wall. I look for any guards which I find a lot of. I wait for the perfect moment and signal to Martha to follow me. We both run inside without being detected. We continue doing this till we make it to her room. She collects her supplies and I collect mine and Connors. Poor soul.

We open a window and realize the side of the building were on is missing a bunch of the roof making it dangerous to escape from here. 

"We should go to the opposite side and escape from one of those windows." I suggest to Martha.

"Good idea" She responds.

I open the door slowly looking for guards when I realize one is right next to it. I panic and slam the door shut. 

"Shit!" I exclaim.

"What?!" She worries.

"A guard was right there." I say as the guard starts to open the door.

"Looks like we're taking the dangerous way" I yell.

"Yeah because you couldn't keep your nerves in check, again." She grilled me.


I began to jump off landing on a slanted roof, causing me to fall down. I hit the ground and groaned as I began to get up.

Then Martha picks me up and dives behind cover, saving me from being shot.

The only problem now was we were under heavy fire. Shit, what if they use the beam. No, they would use it by now. 

I would look back to see the guards weapons. All pistols, they all look the same. So why wouldn't they- 

"They won't use the beam Martha, we don't have to worry about our cover being demolished." I informed her.

Kenji's POV:

"How can you be so certain?" She asks.

"How would they keep their weapons a secret if they used them everywhere? They can't risk losing valuable information. We're more than murderers, we're their number 1 priority." I say.