
Sole Experience: The Great Disillusion

A boy’s life changes when his father sends him away to investigate a town within their kingdom, what the boy experiences next is a once in a lifetime experience that will forever change his and everyone’s life.

Insominac · Fantasía
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6 Chs


"Hmm, I guess… I will follow you guys." I say. 

Honestly, I don't really know these guys, so I don't trust them. I don't have a choice though. 

"Alright kid, follow Ryuto out of here, we still have some tasks to take care of." The Leader informed me.

"Who's that?" I ask.

"Oh right, the tall one with missing limbs." The leader says.

"Keep talking old man." Ryuto Replies.

The other two start to laugh, so I can't help but join. 

"Kid what's so funny" He says as he stares down at me.

"Haha, you look like an augmented," I say while laughing.


They all three stared at me, and then Ryuto looked around.

"You're never going to mention the word augmented again, do you understand?" Ryuto said.

"Uh- Yes sir," I said scared.

I don't know why but that ticked them off, I guess that really offends him.

"He's just a kid, he doesn't know any better," The Leader says to Ryuto.

"That's why I told him." He responded.

"Move out of the way, this is taking too long. I'll do it myself." Ryuto says as he pushes through them.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know-" I say before The Leader cuts me off.

"It's okay, just don't bring it up around him. It's a sensitive subject." He informs me.

"Why?" I ask.

"It's complicated, someone who's augmented is someone with an augmentation." He tells me.

"What's an augmentation?" I ask.

"You sure you should tell him? We barely know the kid, this could be dangerous." The one in the blue armor says.

"Come on, he's just a kid." The Leader replies with a sad face.


The sound of a building collapsing in the near distance made.

"Shit, I bet it's his dumbass doing all that." They said as they started to run towards the smoke.

So I followed.

When we got to the destroyed building we saw Ryuto holding a man off the side of the building.

"Give me the goddamn arm Specter, I'm not playing." Ryuto demands.

"Hey hey, calm down. Put me down and we can discuss this, okay?" Specter says nervously.

"I like where you are right now." He responds.

"Ryuto, what happened?" The Leader asks.

"He doesn't have it." Ryuto answers.

In that moment I saw The Leader get sullen for a moment before looking back up.

"Why don't you have it?" He asked.

"I sold it to someone else, for a higher price," Specter informs us.

"Who?" Ryuto asks while moving him further away from the ledge.

"Ah, I-I can't tell you that." He responds.

"But I can," a familiar voice says while giggling. 

It was Martha, with an arm.

She was on top of a building near the broken one.

"I'm the one who bought it." She said.

"What do you want?" The Leader asks.

"Oh, nothing but that boy behind you." She said with a smile.

Me? Why me, I guess we slightly became friends when we were escaping but did she really need to do this?

"No." The Leader said disgusted.

"Then kiss your arm goodbye." 

After she said that, the man in blue armor appeared behind her.

Slashing down at her, she reacted quickly and blocked it with her sword.

"Don't think I didn't know you were there honey." She said with excitement.

Then they started to duel, they were moving at high speeds, I can't tell what was happening,

"Kid stay near me." The Leader said while looking at me.

All I could do was nod my head as I took this fight in awe. I had never seen anything like this, not even when I fought the guards, this was true power. The power I needed to protect myself and others. 

While waiting, they paused. In this slight pause I could tell the blue armor was dented up and worn while Martha's clothes were tattered but she herself was fine. 

They continued to clash until Martha was kicked off the building, but as she was falling she pulled out her pistol and shot a max power blast at the blue armor's feet. He was able to dodge it but still fell down because the building under them crumbled. 

It was at this point that Ryuto threw Specter to the side and leaped from the broken building to slash at Martha.

I didn't know how to feel, I didn't know either of these people that well. The Leader is staying by my side though. So I decided to put my trust in him.

Martha dodged the attack jumping backwards, she returned the attack back by slashing at his neck which he blocked with his arm. He grabbed her knife throwing it away and punching her into a nearby wall. The one in blue armor sliced at her neck which she dodged. 

I'm starting to be able to see the fight, but why? I don't have my eyes activated do I? 

"Lead-" VWOOSH! 

I was interrupted by the sound of The Leaders dash.

I was unable to utter his name before he was in the fight. I couldn't see what he was doing, all I saw was a flash of red appear and disappear. 

I was able to see though that Martha had a snake growing from her arm as she dodged their attacks, and then that snake grew into an arm.

While trying to block all their attacks she threw the metal arm at them and ran away, Ryuto followed her while the rest of them came back to catch their breath. 

While they were walking back I noticed the arm had strange writing on it, I wasn't quite able to read it, but it seemed to read Armory. Armory? I've never heard of anything like that.

"Hope that fool doesn't die" The Leader uttered under his breath.