
Exploring The Labyrinth And A Library?

After we suddenly fell into the labyrinth we landed safely on the ground, or well, underground since we're literally underground right now. A few minutes later we recovered from the shock of what just happened and started checking our conditions to check if everything was alright and in a good condition so that we could prepare incase something happenes and we run into a dangerous situation.

We then started thinking about what we could do, since, it wasn't like this was something that would just happen every day, this was something completely out of the norm, and thats coming from me.

A while passed and in that amount of time we checked what equipment that I brought with me was actually useable and what wasn't usable. It didn't really take that much time as I didn't bring a lot of equipment with me since I did not expect something like this to happen. But then again, we are literally in the middle of nowhere which means that I should have been more cautious when preparing for going into an area that I dont know much about.

It didn't take us a while to make a decision on what to do in this situation, since, in this type of situation there we're only two choices that we could choose from. One was to explore the labyrinth and try to find an exit from inside the labyrinth, and the second option was to try and find a way out immediately and not explore the labyrinth, which according to my gaming logic, might contain plenty of usefull treasures, items, equipment and more things in the category of things that could make you rich.

And of course just like any other game lover, I decided to explore the labyrinth. Since, even if there wasn't any treasure in the labyrinth it would still be a unique adventure and it would also be quite fun to experience a labrith in real life instead of just seeing them in games and things like that.

We then started walking around the labyrinth trying to find and exit or something that might be of value. While we we're doing that I was also trying to find out what type of labyrinth we we're in, since, if this was like the labyrinths shown in video games then there would have been multiple types of labyrinths for example, some labyrinths would be filled with all sorts of traps and puzzles, while other labyrniths might just be huge mazes that you would need to navigate in, but, some labyrinths we're a combination of those two types of labyrinths or maybe even have a few more types of labyriths combined into them, but this was only a theory for now since thats a game and this is reality which means that it might be different then the ones shown in games.

After a while of walking in the labyrinth we came across a suspicious area that looked like it could be filled with traps. Seeing that I took a rock that was on the ground next to me and threw it, when it landed on one of the tiles a cannon ball was fired from the right side of the room, absolutely obliterating the tile and making it fall even deeper, After seeing this happen I came to a conclusion and that conclusion is that it was a good thing that I played video games, since, if I didn't then it probably would have been my death bed.

I then took another rock and threw it, but this time it didn't get hit by a cannon ball, in fact nothing happened to it this time. I then noticed that the color of the tile that it landed on was different than the color of the tile that the previous rock landed on. Seeing that I picked up another rock and threw it at a tile of the same color, but this time it ended up burning, so the color of the tile didn't really mean anything in the end.

After realizing that, I picked up another rock and threw it at random to see where it would hit. This time when the rock landed nothing happened to it, seeing that I started trying to find a similarity between the two tiles and after a while I noticed that both tiles had the same symbol on them which meant that every tile with the same symbol was safe.

We then crossed the tiles with ease after figuring out the pattern and when we finally finished crossing all the tiles and safely got to the other side, the labyrinth once again became a maze type labyrinth, but this time it didn't even take us ten minutes untill we got to the end of the maze, which led to a huge door that was at least ten meters tall. I then opened the door, which was actually a lot easier than I expected it to be. When the door was opened it revealed a... Library?